Migrants and Refugees

‘Sudan War Hits 11-Month Mark, Stirring Up ‘World’s Worst Hangry Situation’

The northeast African country is already in the grip of the world’s largest displacement crisis, the UN World Food Programme, WFP, noted. 

Fighting between the Sudanese Army and a rival group known as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has left thousands dead and eight million displaced.

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A staggering 14 million children are in desperate need of lifesaving assistance, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) also said in a recent alert amid repeated concerns that the conflict may spillover Sudan’s borders, threatening lives and peace in the region, unless the fighting stops. 

“Twenty years ago, Darfur was the world’s largest hunger crisis, and the world rallied to respond. But today, the people of Sudan have been forgotten. Millions of lives and the peace and stability of an entire region are at stake,” Cindy McCain, Executive Director of the WFP said.

The UN agency chief was speaking from South Sudan, where she met families fleeing violence and the worsening famine situation across the country’s northern neighbour.

Meals out of reach

Today, fewer than one in 20 people in Sudan can afford a full meal, according to WFP. 

Across the war-torn country, 18 million people are acutely food insecure and five million now face starvation. Restricted in their movements by ongoing violence and interference from warring parties and severely underfunded, humanitarian aid workers can barely help those in need, WFP warned.

The UN agency noted that the food crisis isn’t limited to Sudan and affects more than 25 million people in Sudan, South Sudan and Chad. 

The UN agency is unable to provide sufficient emergency food aid to Sudan’s desperate communities. Humanitarian assistance was further disrupted after the authorities revoked permits for cross-border truck convoys, WFP reported, forcing teams to halt operations from Chad to Darfur.

With nine in 10 people facing hunger in Sudan stranded in areas that are largely inaccessible to humanitarians, WFP issued a renewed and urgent appeal for the fighting to stop and for all aid agencies to be given access to those in need.

Inaction will affect region for years 

The war between General Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo’s RSF fighters and General Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan’s army has terrified and uprooted millions since 15 April last year.

In South Sudan, where 600,000 people have sought refuge, “one in five children in border transit centres suffers from malnutrition”, WFP reported.

© WFP/Hugh Rutherford

Families arrive in South Sudan after fleeing conflict in Sudan.

And although the displaced represent a tiny fraction of the population, recent arrivals in South Sudan account for more than three in 10 of those facing catastrophic levels of hunger.

Chronic underfunding

WFP has struggled to meet the scale of need. The UN agency announced earlier this year that it faces a funding gap of $74 million for the Sudan crisis response, while it plans to reach 4.2 million people in 2024.

“I met mothers and children who have fled for their lives not once, but multiple times, and now hunger is closing in on them. The consequences of inaction go far beyond a mother unable to feed her child and will shape the region for years to come,” said WFP’s Executive Director.



  1. As an experienced journalist, I find it deeply concerning how the world has turned a blind eye to the escalating hunger crisis in Sudan. The dire situation is a stark reminder that urgent action must be taken to prevent further suffering and loss of life. It’s crucial for the international community to come together and provide the necessary support to alleviate the immense human suffering in Sudan.

  2. 11 months into the Sudan war, it’s devastating to see that the world’s worst hunger crisis is looming. The situation is dire, with millions of lives at stake and the peace and stability of the entire region hanging in the balance. Urgent action is needed to prevent further escalation of this humanitarian catastrophe.

  3. It’s heartbreaking to see the world’s worst hunger crisis looming in Sudan. Millions of lives are at stake and urgent action is needed to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe. The international community must come together to address this urgent situation before it’s too late.

  4. It’s heartbreaking to see the situation in Sudan worsening day by day. The conflict has caused immense suffering and displacement, with millions of lives at stake. Urgent action is needed to address the hunger crisis and prevent further devastation.

  5. The situation in Sudan is truly heartbreaking. It’s devastating to see so many lives at risk and children in desperate need of help. The international community must come together to address this crisis and prevent further suffering.

  6. Why aren’t more countries providing support and aid to help alleviate the hunger crisis in Sudan? It’s heartbreaking to see so many lives at stake without adequate assistance.

    1. It is indeed disheartening to witness the lack of international aid reaching Sudan to combat the hunger crisis. More countries need to step up and provide the necessary support to save lives and restore stability in the region.

  7. It’s heartbreaking to see the situation in Sudan deteriorating day by day. The ongoing conflict is creating a devastating humanitarian crisis with millions of lives at stake. International intervention is crucial to prevent further suffering and loss of innocent lives.

  8. I am deeply saddened by the ongoing conflict in Sudan. It’s heartbreaking to see the suffering of millions of innocent lives. The international community needs to step up and take action to help those in urgent need of food and lifesaving assistance.

  9. It’s heartbreaking to see the situation in Sudan deteriorate to such a dire state. The international community must step up and provide urgent assistance to prevent further suffering and loss of lives.

  10. How can we ensure that humanitarian aid reaches those in need amidst the ongoing violence and interference from warring parties?

    1. To ensure that humanitarian aid reaches those in need amidst the ongoing violence and interference from warring parties, it is crucial to work with local communities and trusted organizations on the ground. By establishing secure channels, implementing strict monitoring mechanisms, and collaborating with international partners, we can maximize the impact of aid delivery and provide essential support to the most vulnerable populations.

  11. It’s heartbreaking to see the situation in Sudan worsening day by day. The conflict has caused immense suffering, especially for innocent children who are in desperate need of help. We must not forget the people of Sudan and take immediate action to prevent further devastation and loss of lives.

  12. It’s heartbreaking to see the situation in Sudan deteriorating day by day. The ongoing conflict has taken a heavy toll on the lives of innocent civilians, especially children. Action needs to be taken immediately to provide lifesaving assistance and ensure peace in the region.

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