Культура и образование

Get Ready to Ring in World Poetry Day on March 21st! Let’s Celebrate!

Всемирный день поэзии отмечается ежегодно 21 марта. ЮНЕСКО впервые провозгласила этот день на своей 30-й Генеральной конференции в Париже в 1999 году с целью поддержки языкового разнообразия. Поэтическое самовыражение, как отмечают в ЮНЕСКО, способствует сохранению языков, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения. 

Всемирный день поэзии – это повод вспомнить о всемирном поэтическом наследии, возродить традиции поэтических концертов. Он призван вдохновить на чтение, написание и преподавание поэзии, способствовать сближению поэзии с другими видами искусства, такими как театр, танец, музыка и живопись. 

«Сила поэзии, оформленная в словах, раскрашенная образами, написанная подходящим стихотворным размером, не имеет себе равных. Как интимная форма выражения, открывающая двери другим, поэзия обогащает диалог, который катализирует весь человеческий прогресс, и в неспокойные времена она необходима больше, чем когда-либо», – сказала глава ЮНЕСКО Одрэ Азуле.

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ИНТЕРВЬЮ | писательница Людмила Улицкая: «Русский язык – гениальный организм»



  1. As an avid poetry lover, I truly believe that the power of poetry lies in its ability to transcend boundaries and connect us on a deeper level. Celebrating World Poetry Day is not just about honoring the rich poetic heritage but also about fostering creativity and unity through the beauty of words. Let’s continue to appreciate and promote the art of poetry in all its forms!

  2. “The power of poetry, crafted in words, painted with imagery, written in appropriate verse, has no equals. As an intimate form of expression that opens doors for others, poetry enriches the dialogue that catalyzes all human progress, and in troubled times, it is more necessary than ever,” said UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay.

  3. The power of poetry, shaped in words, painted in images, written in suitable verse forms, has no equals. As an intimate form of expression, opening doors to others, poetry enriches the dialogue that catalyzes all human progress, and in turbulent times, it is more necessary than ever. – said the head of UNESCO, Odre Azul.

  4. World Poetry Day on March 21st is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the beauty of poetic expression and promote linguistic diversity. Poetry not only preserves endangered languages but also enriches the dialogue among different forms of art. As UNESCO’s Director-General Audrey Azoulay beautifully stated, poetry is a powerful force that enhances human progress and is especially vital in turbulent times.

  5. As a poetry enthusiast, I believe World Poetry Day on March 21st is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the richness of poetic expression and the power it holds in preserving cultural diversity. Poetry, with its ability to transcend boundaries and connect with other art forms, truly enriches our lives and stimulates important dialogues in turbulent times. Let’s all embrace the beauty of poetry and continue to share its magic with the world.

  6. Isn’t it amazing how poetry can bring people together from different cultures and backgrounds? Do you think poetry has the power to bridge divides and promote understanding in today’s world?

    1. Emily_1978, absolutely, poetry transcends boundaries and unites hearts through the universal language of emotions. In a world filled with divisions, poetry serves as a bridge of empathy, fostering understanding and connection among individuals regardless of their backgrounds. Let’s continue to celebrate the power of poetry in promoting harmony and unity!

  7. As World Poetry Day approaches on March 21st, it’s inspiring to see how poetry plays a crucial role in preserving language diversity and cultural heritage. The power of poetry to connect people through words and images is truly unparalleled. Let’s take this day to celebrate the beauty of poetry and its ability to enrich our lives in ways we might never have imagined. Poetry is indeed a timeless form of expression that transcends boundaries and fosters meaningful dialogue in turbulent times. Let’s embrace the poetic spirit and revel in the magic of language on this special day!

  8. World Poetry Day is such an important celebration that brings people together through the beauty of words and art. Poetry has a unique way of connecting us all and preserving languages at risk. Let’s embrace this day with open hearts and minds!

  9. Isn’t it incredible how poetry has the power to connect people from different cultures and backgrounds? How do you plan to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21st?

    1. Indeed, poetry serves as a universal language that transcends borders and unites diverse voices. On World Poetry Day, I intend to host a virtual poetry reading event where poets from various regions can share their works and experiences. How about you, how will you celebrate this day?

      1. As a poet myself, I believe in the power of words to create connections and inspire change. World Poetry Day is a perfect opportunity to showcase the beauty of diverse voices and cultures through the art of poetry. I plan to join online poetry workshops and engage in conversations that celebrate the richness of poetic expression. What about you, how do you plan to mark this special day?

  10. As we prepare to commemorate World Poetry Day on March 21st, let’s embrace the power of poetic expression in not only preserving endangered languages but also fostering unity among different art forms. Poems, with their enchanting words and vivid imagery, serve as a gateway to connect souls and enrich human dialogue, especially in turbulent times. The words of UNESCO’s Director-General Audrey Azoulay truly resonate, highlighting the unique essence of poetry in our cultural tapestry.

  11. How can individuals participate in celebrating World Poetry Day on March 21st?

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