
Guterres: Hey, Let Those Detained Leaders Go! Sudan Coup Redux

UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Tuesday renewed his call for the immediate release of all those detained in the military coup in Sudan, as the Security Council meets behind closed doors in New York to discuss the crisis. 

Pro-democracy demonstrations continued in the country’s capital, Khartoum, one day after the army dissolved the transitional government and detained civilian Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, and his cabinet. 

Appeal for restraint 

“I once again strongly condemned the forceful military takeover of power in Sudan,” said Mr. Guterres, responding to a journalist’s question during a press conference at UN Headquarters on Tuesday morning.  

“I urge of course all stakeholders to exercise maximum restraint, but the Prime Minister and other officials that were unlawfully detained must be released immediately.” 

Military and civilian leaders had been sharing power in Sudan, which has been on the path to democratic transition in the wake of the April 2019 overthrow of former President Omar al-Bashir, who had ruled for 30 years. 

Preserve ‘important milestones’ 

The UN chief said it was true that Sudan had achieved “important milestones”, and these cannot be reversed. 

“And so, it is essential that all transitional arrangements and institutions as defined in the constitutional document be reinstated.  A civilian-military partnership is critical. It needs to be reestablished at the level at which it was established. I think the Sudanese people have shown very clearly their intense desire for reform and democracy,” he said. 

UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said ambassadors meeting behind closed doors in the Security Council on Tuesday afternoon were due to be briefed by Volker Perthes, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Sudan and head of UNITAMS, the UN mission in the country which is assisting the political transition.   

“The UN Mission in Sudan continues to encourage all of the parties to de-escalate tensions, maintain the constitutional partnership, and advance the political transition under the provisions of the Constitutional Document,” said Mr. Dujarric, speaking during his daily press briefing in New York. 

Aid operations ‘critical’ 

Meanwhile, the UN continues to work with partners to provide life-saving support to nine million vulnerable people across Sudan. 

“It is critical that these operations continue unimpeded to prevent a further deterioration of the humanitarian situation, and that people’s access to humanitarian assistance is ensured wherever they are, including access to medical facilities,” said Mr. Dujarric. 

This year, humanitarians have been seeking $1.9 billion for Sudan, but their appeal is only 30 per cent funded. 

Aid agencies reached 7.4 million people across the country with protection and humanitarian assistance, during the period from January to June.  



  1. Why hasn’t there been stronger international action taken in response to the coup in Sudan?

    1. Stronger international action has been delayed due to diplomatic complexities and coordination challenges among different countries. However, it is crucial that swift measures are implemented to address the crisis and support the restoration of democracy in Sudan.

  2. It’s crucial that the detained leaders in Sudan are released without any delay. The forceful military actions are undermining the democratic progress that Sudan has been striving for. All stakeholders must show restraint and prioritize the immediate release of the Prime Minister and other unlawfully detained officials.

    1. Detained leaders should have been released sooner to prevent escalation of this crisis. It is crucial that all stakeholders prioritize dialogue and peaceful solutions in Sudan.

  3. Pro-democracy demonstrations should be allowed to continue peacefully in Sudan, and the detained leaders must be released immediately to uphold democratic values and respect for human rights.

  4. Pro-democracy demonstrations must continue until all unlawfully detained leaders are released. It’s crucial that Sudan’s democratic progress is preserved and not reversed. The military must respect the will of the people. #FreeSudan

  5. It’s crucial that the detained leaders are released immediately. The pro-democracy demonstrations in Khartoum must be supported for a peaceful transition. Guterres made the right call for restraint in this crisis.

  6. It is crucial that the detained civilian leaders are released immediately to preserve the democratic progress achieved in Sudan. The UN Secretary-General’s call for their release should be heeded without delay.

  7. Do you think the Security Council will take decisive action to ensure the immediate release of the detained leaders in Sudan?

    1. I believe the Security Council needs to swiftly coordinate efforts to push for the prompt release of the detained leaders in Sudan. The situation demands urgent action to uphold democratic values and ensure the rights of the unlawfully detained officials.

  8. As an advocate for democracy, I fully support Guterres’ call to release the unlawfully detained leaders in Sudan. It is crucial for stability and progress in the country. Let’s hope for a peaceful resolution to this crisis.

  9. Alice123 strongly condemns the forceful military takeover of power in Sudan. She urges all stakeholders to exercise maximum restraint, emphasizing that the detained Prime Minister and other officials must be released immediately to preserve the country’s important milestones.

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