
Security Council Urged to Act as Conflict Worsens Hunger Crisis in Sudan

“As we approach the one-year anniversary of the conflict, we cannot make clearer the desperation that civilians are facing in Sudan,” said Edem Wosornu of the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA – one of three senior officials who briefed ambassadors.

The meeting was convened following OCHA’s submission of a white paper on food insecurity in Sudan last Friday. 

This was done in line with a 2018 Council resolution that requests the UN Secretary-General to promptly report when the risk of conflict-induced famine and widespread food insecurity occurs.

Agricultural production halted 

The war between the Sudanese army and the rival paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has left 18 million people – more than a third of the population – facing acute food insecurity.

The majority, or about 90 per cent, are in conflict hotspots in the Darfur and Kordofan region, and in Khartoum and Al Jazirah states.

Fighting has restricted agricultural production, damaged major infrastructure, caused prices to spiral and disrupted trade flows, among other devastating impacts.

Maurizio Martina, Deputy Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that hostilities are expanding across southeastern states, the country’s breadbasket, responsible for half of all wheat production.

An FAO report issued this week showed that cereal production last year dropped by nearly half, 46 per cent.

“Cereal import requirements in 2024, forecast at about 3.38 million tonnes, raise concerns about the financial and logistical capacity of the country to meet these import needs. And high production costs of cereals are likely to further inflate market prices, which are already at exceptionally high levels,” he said.

Malnutrition rates soaring 

Currently, around 730,000 people in Sudan are suffering from malnutrition, which is soaring to alarming rates and already claiming young lives.

Ms. Wosornu cited a recent report from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) which revealed that a child is dying every two hours at the Zamzam camp in El Fasher, North Darfur. 

“Our humanitarian partners estimate that in the coming weeks and months, somewhere in the region of around 222,000 children could die from malnutrition,” she said.

Obstacles to aid delivery 

Although aid should be “a lifeline” in Sudan, she said humanitarians continue to face obstacles in reaching people in need.

The Council adopted a resolution earlier this month calling for full and unhindered humanitarian access in Sudan, however “there has not been major progress on the ground.” 

Ms. Wosornu said humanitarians have welcomed Sudan’s recent announcement to again allow aid into the country through the Tine border crossing with Chad, although procedures have yet to be elaborated.

The authorities have also agreed to allow 60 trucks to enter through Adre in Chad into West Darfur, and she said a convoy carrying aid that includes food for more than 175,000 people is being prepared for deployment in the coming days. 

“These are positive steps, but they are far from enough in the face of looming famine,” she added, stressing the need for crossline aid delivery within Sudan, as well as greater protection for humanitarian staff and supplies.

Hunger stalking the region 

The Deputy Executive Director at the UN World Food Programme (WFP), Carl Skau, highlighted the wider regional context of the hunger crisis. 

Seven million people in South Sudan, and nearly three million in Chad, are also facing acute food insecurity, he said.

WFP teams have been working around the clock in Sudan to meet the massive needs, assisting some eight million people last year, but their operations are being hampered by the lack of both access and resources. 

“If we are going to prevent Sudan from becoming the world’s largest hunger crisis, coordinated efforts and joined-up diplomacy is urgent and critical. We need all parties to provide unrestricted access across borders and across conflict lines,” Mr. Skau said. 

Warning that rising hunger will only stoke instability across the region, he appealed for a rapid scale-up in financial and political support for emergency relief operations.  



  1. It’s heart-wrenching to read about the devastating impact of the conflict in Sudan on the civilian population. The halt in agricultural production and the widespread food insecurity paint a grim picture. Urgent action is needed to address this crisis and prevent further suffering.

  2. As we near the one-year mark of the conflict, the dire situation faced by civilians in Sudan couldn’t be more evident. Urgent action is needed to address the severe hunger crisis exacerbated by ongoing conflicts, as highlighted by the UN officials. It’s imperative for the Security Council to intervene promptly to prevent further escalation of this humanitarian catastrophe.

  3. How can the Security Council effectively address the worsening hunger crisis in Sudan amidst the ongoing conflict? Are there specific immediate actions being considered to provide aid to those in need?

    1. EmilyJones22, the Security Council is currently discussing various strategies to tackle the escalating hunger crisis in Sudan. Immediate actions being considered include increasing humanitarian aid deliveries, facilitating access for aid workers to affected areas, and urging for a ceasefire to allow for crucial food assistance to reach those in need.

  4. Are there any specific plans in place to help support the affected populations and increase food security in conflict-affected regions in Sudan?

    1. Yes, there are ongoing efforts by international organizations and aid agencies to provide food aid and support to the affected populations in Sudan. Various initiatives focus on increasing food security, such as distributing emergency food supplies, supporting agricultural development programs, and implementing nutrition projects to address malnutrition issues. The key challenge remains ensuring access to these resources in conflict-affected areas.

  5. How is the UN planning to address the agricultural challenges in Sudan and prevent the worsening hunger crisis?

    1. The UN is actively working to address the agricultural challenges in Sudan and mitigate the worsening hunger crisis through various initiatives such as providing seeds, tools, and agricultural training to farmers, supporting the rehabilitation of essential infrastructure, and facilitating access to markets for food distribution. The focus is on promoting sustainable farming practices to enhance food security and self-sufficiency in the region.

  6. As we approach the one-year anniversary of the conflict, the desperation faced by civilians in Sudan is becoming clearer. It’s crucial for the Security Council to take swift action to address the worsening hunger crisis. The halt in agricultural production due to the ongoing war is exacerbating the situation, impacting millions of people. Urgent measures are needed to address the food insecurity and prevent further devastation.

  7. As we approach the one-year anniversary of the conflict, it becomes even more evident the dire situation that civilians in Sudan are facing. The ongoing war between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces is not only causing widespread food insecurity but also impacting agricultural production and trade. Urgent action is needed to address this escalating hunger crisis.

  8. As we approach the one-year anniversary of the conflict, we cannot make clearer the desperation that civilians are facing in Sudan. It is crucial for the Security Council to take action immediately to address the worsening hunger crisis in the region.

  9. How can the Security Council ensure prompt action to address the worsening hunger crisis in Sudan? What specific measures are being considered?

    1. Ensuring prompt action by the Security Council to address the worsening hunger crisis in Sudan requires swift implementation of targeted aid programs and increased diplomatic efforts to negotiate peace agreements. Specific measures being considered include deploying international humanitarian missions to deliver food assistance, coordinating with local authorities to ensure distribution reaches those in need, and leveraging diplomatic channels to pressure conflicting parties to cease hostilities. It’s crucial for the Security Council to act decisively and collaboratively to prevent further escalation of the crisis and alleviate the suffering of civilians in Sudan.

  10. As we near the one-year mark of the conflict, the dire situation facing civilians in Sudan becomes increasingly apparent. It is imperative that the Security Council takes decisive action to address the worsening hunger crisis in the region. The ongoing war has not only halted agricultural production but also led to severe food insecurity for 18 million people, with devastating impacts on livelihoods and trade. Urgent intervention is needed to prevent further suffering and loss of life.

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