Цели устойчивого развития

Did We Actually Achieve Our Goals in a Decade of Sustainable Energy?

Подходит к концу Десятилетие устойчивой энергетики, стартовавшее в 2014 году. Его главная цель была обеспечить, чтобы каждый житель планеты мог воспользоваться инновациями в этой сфере и улучшил условия своей жизни. На этом пути есть определенные успехи, но в полной мере добиться поставленных целей не удалось, отметил глава Генассамблеи, открывая очередной заседание в рамках Недели устойчивого развития.

Председатель Генеральной Ассамблеи Деннис Фрэнсис считает, что за минувшие годы человечество осознало потенциал устойчивой энергетики. По его словам, доля энергетических мощностей на основе возобновляемых источников энергии в развивающихся странах значительно выросла за последнее десятилетие, достигнув 38 процентов в 2021 году.

В развивающихся странах, продолжил Фрэнсис, ежегодный рост числа установок возобновляемых источников энергии составляет в среднем 9,6 процента. С 2015 года доля населения мира, имеющего доступ к электричеству, увеличилась с 87 до 91 процента.

Кроме того, в 2021 году 71 процент населения мира имел доступ к экологически чистым видам топлива и технологиям для приготовления пищи – по сравнению с 64 процентами в 2015 году. «Эти цифры являются ярким свидетельством наших решительных усилий по расширению прав и возможностей людей во всем мире и защите окружающей среды», – подчеркнул глава Генассамблеи. 

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Участники саммита в Брюсселе обязались развивать атомную энергетику для достижения климатических целей

Тем не менее темпы, он отметил, что темпы энергетических преобразований по-прежнему слишком медленные, а выгоды распределяются несправедливо: только в наименее развитых странах без электричества живут 473 миллиона человек. Еще два миллиарда жителей планеты пользуются топливом, которое вредит их здоровью.

Кроме того, потребление энергии остается доминирующим фактором, способствующим изменению климата, на долю которого приходится около 60 процентов от общего объема глобальных выбросов парниковых газов.

Фрэнсис призвал к переменам, направленным на то, чтобы обеспечить всеобщий доступ к недорогим, надежным, устойчивым и современным источникам энергии, а к 2030 году увеличить долю возобновляемых источников энергии в мировом энергетическом балансе.

Для этого, по его словам, необходимы инвестиции, а также укрепление и расширение партнерства и международного сотрудничества.



  1. Chairman of the General Assembly Dennis Francis believes that over the past years, mankind has realized the potential of sustainable energy. According to him, the share of energy capacities based on renewable energy sources in developing countries has significantly increased over the last decade, reaching 38 percent in 2021. In developing countries, continued Francis, the annual growth rate of installations of renewable energy sources averages 9.6 percent. Since 2015, the share of the world’s population with access to electricity has increased from 87 to 91 percent. In addition, in 2021, 71 percent of the world’s population had access to environmentally friendly fuels and cooking technologies – compared to 64 percent in 2015. “These figures are a clear testament to our determined efforts to expand the rights and opportunities of people around the world.”

    1. Yes, the progress made in sustainable energy over the past decade is significant. Dennis Francis, the President of the General Assembly, notes that renewable energy capacities in developing countries have grown to 38% in 2021 and there has been a consistent annual increase of installations at an average of 9.6%. The global access to electricity has risen from 87% to 91% since 2015, and 71% of the world’s population had access to clean fuels and cooking technologies in 2021 compared to 64% in 2015. These numbers reflect our concerted efforts in expanding rights and opportunities for people worldwide.

  2. Chair of the General Assembly Denis Francis believes that over the past years, humanity has realized the potential of sustainable energy. According to him, the share of power capacities based on renewable energy sources in developing countries has significantly increased over the last decade, reaching 38 percent in 2021. In developing countries, the annual growth rate of renewable energy installations averages 9.6 percent. Since 2015, the share of the world’s population with access to electricity has increased from 87 to 91 percent. Additionally, in 2021, 71 percent of the world’s population had access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking – compared to 64 percent in 2015. “These figures are a clear testament to our determined efforts to expand the rights and opportunities of people worldwide.”

  3. Chairman of the General Assembly Dennis Francis believes that over the past years, humanity has realized the potential of sustainable energy. According to him, the share of energy capacity based on renewable energy sources in developing countries has significantly increased over the last decade, reaching 38 percent in 2021. In developing countries, Francis continued, the annual growth rate of renewable energy installations averages 9.6 percent. Since 2015, the percentage of the global population with access to electricity has increased from 87 to 91 percent. Additionally, in 2021, 71 percent of the world’s population had access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking – compared to 64 percent in 2015. “These figures are a vivid testimony to our determined efforts to expand the rights and opportunities of people worldwide.”

  4. Chairman of the General Assembly Dennis Francis believes that over the past years, humanity has realized the potential of sustainable energy. According to him, the share of power capacities based on renewable energy sources in developing countries has significantly increased over the past decade, reaching 38 percent in 2021. In developing countries, Francis continued, the annual growth rate of installations of renewable energy sources averages 9.6 percent. Since 2015, the share of the world’s population with access to electricity has increased from 87 to 91 percent. In addition, in 2021, 71 percent of the world’s population had access to environmentally friendly fuels and technologies for cooking – compared to 64 percent in 2015. “These figures are a vivid testament to our determined efforts to expand the rights and opportunities of people worldwide.

  5. Did we really make significant progress towards achieving sustainable energy goals in the past decade?

    1. Chairman of the General Assembly Dennis Francis believes that over the past years humanity has realized the potential of sustainable energy. According to him, the share of energy capacities based on renewable energy sources in developing countries has significantly increased over the past decade, reaching 38 percent in 2021. In developing countries, continued Francis, the annual growth rate of installations of renewable energy sources averages 9.6 percent. Since 2015, the share of the world’s population with access to electricity has increased from 87 to 91 percent. Additionally, in 2021, 71 percent of the world’s population had access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking – compared to 64 percent in 2015. “These figures are a clear testament to our determined efforts to expand the rights and opportunities of people worldwide.”

  6. Chair of the General Assembly Dennis Francis believes that over the past years, humanity has realized the potential of sustainable energy. According to him, the share of energy capacity based on renewable energy sources in developing countries has significantly increased over the past decade, reaching 38 percent in 2021. In developing countries, the annual growth rate of renewable energy installations averages 9.6 percent. Since 2015, the proportion of the world’s population with access to electricity has increased from 87 to 91 percent. Furthermore, in 2021, 71 percent of the world’s population had access to environmentally friendly fuels and cooking technologies – compared to 64 percent in 2015. “These figures are clear evidence of our resolute efforts to expand the rights and opportunities of people worldwide.”

  7. Chair of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis, believes that over the past years humanity has realized the potential of sustainable energy. According to him, the share of energy capacities based on renewable energy sources in developing countries has significantly increased over the last decade, reaching 38 percent in 2021. In developing countries, Francis continued, the annual growth rate of installations of renewable energy sources averages 9.6 percent. Since 2015, the proportion of the world’s population with access to electricity has increased from 87 to 91 percent. Additionally, in 2021, 71 percent of the world’s population had access to clean fuels and cooking technologies – compared to 64 percent in 2015. “These figures are clear evidence of our determined efforts to expand the rights and opportunities of people worldwide.”

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