
The Essential Role of Women in Keeping Peace for a Stable World – Why Females Are Key in Conflict Prevention

С такими словами на заседании Совета Безопасности ООН выступила заместитель главы ООН по политическим вопросам Розмари Дикарло. Сегодняшние дебаты в Совбезе были посвящены роли женщин и молодежи в предотвращении конфликтов и расширению их возможностей в этой сфере.

«Женщины должны иметь возможность осуществлять свои права в полной мере: они должны иметь возможность зарабатывать себе на жизнь и участвовать в экономике, иметь доступ к образованию, здравоохранению и правовой защите и чувствовать себя в безопасности как онлайн, так и оффлайн», – сказала Дикарло. 

Она добавила, что полная реализация прав женщин возможна только благодаря действиям на уровне государств. Более ста стран из всех регионов мира, по словам Дикарло, разработали национальные планы по выполнению резолюции 1325 Совета Безопасности. Замгенсека призвала и другие страны присоединиться к ним.

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Глава ООН считает, что с патриархатом пора покончить

«Крайне важно, чтобы эти усилия получили международную поддержку. Со своей стороны, мы поддерживали женские консультативные группы в Ираке, Сирии и Йемене, чтобы голоса женщин были услышаны в политических и мирных процессах», – сказала Дикарло. 

«Мы также должны уделять приоритетное внимание включению и расширению прав и возможностей молодежи», – добавила она. 

Заместитель Генерального секретаря рассказала, что ООН, со своей стороны, все чаще использует новые технологии для организации цифровых консультаций с молодежью. В Ираке, Ливии и Йемене такие консультации помогли ООН лучше понять взгляды молодежи и отразить их в своей работе.

Дикарло подчеркнула, что сегодня, когда наблюдается рост числа конфликтов по всему миру, усилия по их предотвращение играют важнейшую роль.



  1. Without the involvement of women in conflict prevention, there will be no stable peace. Women should have the opportunity to fully exercise their rights: to earn a living, participate in the economy, have access to education, healthcare, legal protection, and feel safe both online and offline. The full realization of women’s rights is only possible through actions at the state level. It is crucial that these efforts receive international support. We have supported female advisory groups in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen to ensure women’s voices are heard in political and peace processes. We must also prioritize the inclusion and expansion of rights and opportunities for youth.

  2. How can we ensure that women and youth are actively included in conflict prevention efforts on an international scale?

    1. To ensure that women and youth are actively included in conflict prevention efforts on an international scale, it is crucial to prioritize their participation in decision-making processes and provide resources and support for their involvement. This can be achieved through initiatives that promote gender equality, youth empowerment, and education, as well as creating platforms for their voices to be heard in peacebuilding efforts.

  3. “Women must have the opportunity to exercise their rights to the fullest: they must be able to earn a living and participate in the economy, have access to education, healthcare, and legal protection, and feel safe both online and offline,” stated Dikarlo. She emphasized that the full realization of women’s rights is only possible through actions at the state level. More than a hundred countries from all regions of the world, as reported by Dikarlo, have developed national action plans to implement Security Council Resolution 1325. The deputy secretary-general urged other countries to join them. “It is crucial that these efforts receive international support. We have also supported women’s advisory groups in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen to ensure that women’s voices are heard in political and peace processes,” Dikarlo added. “We must also prioritize the inclusion and expansion of rights and opportunities for youth,” she further stated. The Deputy Secretary-General shared that the UN is increasingly using new technologies to organize digital consultations with young people. In Iraq, Libya, and Yemen, such consultations…”

  4. Why are women and youth considered key in conflict prevention according to the article?

    1. Women and youth are considered key in conflict prevention because they bring diverse perspectives, empathy, and innovative solutions to the table. Their inclusion in decision-making processes ensures a more holistic approach to addressing conflicts and creating sustainable peace.

  5. Women should have the opportunity to fully exercise their rights: they should be able to earn a living and participate in the economy, have access to education, healthcare, and legal protection, and feel safe both online and offline. The full implementation of women’s rights is only possible through actions at the state level. Over a hundred countries from all regions of the world have developed national plans to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325, according to Dikarlo. The Deputy Secretary-General called on other countries to join them. It is crucial that these efforts receive international support. On our part, we have supported women’s advisory groups in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, so that women’s voices are heard in political and peace processes. We must also prioritize the inclusion and expansion of rights and opportunities for young people.

  6. Women should have the opportunity to fully exercise their rights: they should be able to earn a living and participate in the economy, have access to education, healthcare, and legal protection, and feel safe both online and offline. The full realization of women’s rights is only possible through actions at the state level. More than a hundred countries from all regions of the world have developed national plans to implement Security Council Resolution 1325, according to Dikarlo. The Deputy Secretary-General called on other countries to join them. It is crucial that these efforts receive international support. On our part, we have supported women’s advisory groups in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen to ensure that women’s voices are heard in political and peace processes. We must also prioritize the inclusion and expansion of youth rights and opportunities.

  7. Do you think international support for women’s advisory groups in conflict zones is sufficient to truly make a difference in peacekeeping efforts?

    1. Yes, I believe that international support for women’s advisory groups in conflict zones is crucial for making a real impact in peacekeeping efforts. By ensuring that women’s voices are heard and their needs are addressed, we can create more inclusive and effective strategies for conflict prevention and resolution.

  8. Women should have the opportunity to fully exercise their rights: they should be able to earn a living and participate in the economy, have access to education, healthcare, and legal protection, and feel safe both online and offline. The complete realization of women’s rights is only possible through actions at the state level. Over a hundred countries from all regions of the world have developed national plans to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325. We need international support for these efforts. We have supported women’s advisory groups in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen to ensure that women’s voices are heard in political and peace processes. We must also prioritize the inclusion and expansion of rights and opportunities for young people. The UN is increasingly using new technologies to organize digital consultations with young people in Iraq, Libya, and Yemen.

  9. Women should have the opportunity to fully exercise their rights: they should be able to earn a living and participate in the economy, have access to education, healthcare, and legal protection, and feel safe both online and offline. The full realization of women’s rights is only possible through actions at the state level. It is crucial that these efforts receive international support. In addition, we must prioritize the inclusion and expansion of the rights and opportunities for youth.

  10. It’s inspiring to see influential leaders like Rosemary DiCarlo emphasizing the crucial role of women and youth in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Women should have the opportunity to fully exercise their rights, to participate in the economy, access education, healthcare, and legal protection, and feel safe both online and offline. Empowering women at the national level is essential for the complete realization of women’s rights. International support for these efforts is vital, and initiatives like female advisory groups in conflict-affected regions are necessary to ensure women’s voices are heard in political and peace processes. Prioritizing the inclusion and advancement of youth is also imperative for building a stable and peaceful world. Utilizing new technologies for digital consultations with youth is a promising approach to engage with the younger generation on important issues. Overall, collaborative efforts at all levels are key to creating a more peaceful and equitable global society.

  11. In my opinion, it is crucial that the international community supports the efforts to empower women and enhance their participation in conflict prevention and resolution. Rosemary DiCarlo’s emphasis on providing women with full rights and opportunities, including economic empowerment, access to education, healthcare, and legal protection, is commendable. It is only through collective actions at the state level that the full realization of women’s rights can be achieved. I agree with the call for international support for these endeavors, as well as the focus on promoting the inclusion and expanding the rights and opportunities for youth.

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