Migrants and Refugees

Armed Group Steps Up Attacks in DR Congo: Over 1 Million Displaced Since January

Escalating violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has displaced nearly one million people since January, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Thursday. 

An estimated 6.1 million are internally displaced, a 17 per cent increase from October, according to its Displacement Tracking Matrix.

IOM said civilians have been killed or forced to flee their homes due to a surge in violence and attacks by armed groups.

Deadly attack, intolerable dangers

At least 46 people were killed in the latest incident which occurred at a camp for displaced persons in eastern Ituri province on Sunday.

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IOM strongly condemned the attack, which was reportedly carried out by Coopérative pour le développement du Congo (CODECO), a coalition of militia groups.

“This recent gruesome attack is a testament to the intolerable dangers displaced people in DRC face daily,” said Federico Soda, Director for the Department of Emergencies.

“IOM strongly condemns this heinous violation of international humanitarian law and recalls that attacks against civilians may constitute war crimes. Concerted efforts are desperately needed to end the violence and help the Congolese people find peace.”

Humanitarian situation worsens

As conflict intensifies, the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate, with millions facing acute food insecurity as well as other critical needs.   Overall, more than 26 million people across the DRC need humanitarian aid.

Despite insecurity, and limited access to parts of the country, IOM and partners have been striving to provide emergency relief to displaced people and those affected by the violence.

The UN agency said it is scaling-up operations which will enable a more effective crisis response to the humanitarian emergency caused by the surge in violence. 



  1. As a humanitarian worker, I am deeply saddened by the escalating violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is devastating to see nearly one million people displaced since January. The attack by Coopérative pour le développement du Congo (CODECO) is a stark reminder of the horrific dangers faced by displaced individuals every day. It is crucial for international efforts to intensify and bring an end to this senseless violence to ensure that the Congolese people can finally experience peace and safety.

  2. How can the international community effectively support efforts to end the violence in the DRC and ensure the safety of the displaced population?

    1. To effectively support efforts to end violence in the DRC and ensure the safety of the displaced population, the international community must prioritize coordination, resource allocation, and diplomatic engagement. This includes enhancing peacekeeping missions, supporting local peacebuilding initiatives, and addressing underlying causes such as poverty and governance issues.

  3. As a journalist, it’s heartbreaking to see the escalating violence in the DRC leading to the displacement of so many innocent people. The international community must unite in condemning these acts of violence and work towards providing safety and aid for the affected population.

  4. As an avid follower of humanitarian crises around the world, it’s heartbreaking to see the escalating violence in DR Congo leading to the displacement of over one million people. It’s crucial for the international community to step up and take action to protect the civilians who are suffering due to these attacks.

  5. It’s heartbreaking to see the escalating violence in DR Congo displacing so many innocent people. Such heinous attacks by armed groups like CODECO must be condemned and stopped immediately. The Congolese people deserve peace and safety amid these intolerable dangers.

  6. As a humanitarian worker, it breaks my heart to see the escalation of violence in the DRC leading to the displacement of over a million people. The recent deadly attack by armed groups only adds to the unbearable suffering of the already vulnerable displaced population. Immediate action is crucial to prevent further tragedies and restore peace in the region.

  7. As a concerned citizen, I am appalled by the escalating violence in DR Congo that has led to the displacement of nearly one million people since January. The recent attack reported by IOM highlights the intolerable dangers faced by displaced individuals daily, and it’s crucial for international organizations to work together to end the violence and support the Congolese people in finding peace.

  8. As a human rights advocate, it’s heartbreaking to read about the escalating violence in DR Congo. The displacement of over a million people since January is a clear indication of the dire situation faced by civilians. The attack at the camp for displaced persons is truly tragic and highlights the urgent need for international intervention to protect innocent lives.

  9. Are there any specific areas in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo where the attacks by armed groups are more concentrated?

    1. Hi Emily84, from reports and data, it seems that the attacks by armed groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo are particularly concentrated in areas along the borders with Uganda and Rwanda. The volatile situation in these regions has resulted in a significant number of displacements and tragic incidents. Stay safe!

  10. Are there any humanitarian efforts in place to support the displaced population in DR Congo amidst the escalating violence?

  11. As SamanthaSmith, I believe the situation in DR Congo is truly heartbreaking. The escalating violence and attacks by armed groups have led to a devastating humanitarian crisis, displacing over a million people since January. It is imperative that immediate action is taken to protect civilians and end this senseless violence.

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