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Corporations & Mega Rich Blamed by UN Expert for Messing Up the Environment

В своем докладе Совету ООН по правам человека в среду Специальный докладчик Дэвид Бойд подчеркнул, что методы, которые сейчас применяет частный сектор, особенно крупнейшие корпорации, представляют серьезную угрозу для природы.

Воздействие богатых стран

Бойд подчеркнул, что природные ресурсы потребляются в шесть раз быстрее, чем может выдержать планета.

«Человечество – в первую очередь сверхбогатые люди с их частными самолетами, яхтами, огромными особняками, космическими путешествиями и гиперпотребительским образом жизни – выходит за пределы возможностей Земли», — говорится в его докладе. 

Спецдокладчик обратил особое внимание на негативное воздействие самых развитых стран мира на экологию.

По словам эксперта, если бы все население мира потребляло в таком же объеме, как среднестатистический американец, то «нам понадобилось бы еще четыре Земли» для добычи ресурсов и утилизации отходов.

Разрушительные последствия

«Мы подрываем систему жизнеобеспечения Земли, а это имеет серьезные последствия для прав человека», — предупредил Бойд.

Он добавил, что у государств не получается должным образом регулировать, контролировать и наказывать бизнес, когда тот вредит климату, окружающей среде и нарушает права человека. Мало того, правительства иногда поощряют разрушительную деятельность частного сектора, отметил независимый эксперт.

Специальный докладчик, назначенный Советом ООН по правам человека, обратил внимание на некоторые из наиболее разрушительных практик индустрии и их последствий. Среди них – так называемый «зеленый камуфляж» («гринвошинг»), отказ от научных доказательств и манипулирование ими, коррупция и использование судебных исков в целях запугивания. 

«Все предприятия несут ответственность за соблюдение прав человека, в том числе права на здоровую окружающую среду», – сказал Бойд. Он подчеркнул, что государства обязаны защищать права человека и привлекать бизнес к ответственности за их нарушения.

Справедливый баланс

Эксперт ООН также обратил внимание на парадокс, с которым сталкивается международное сообщество.

© ЮНИСЕФ/Шехзад Нурани

Для борьбы с изменением климата необходимо сокращать экологический след человечества, но при этом в странах Глобального Юга населению нужно больше ресурсов, материалов и источников энергии. Бойд призвал богатые государства взять на себя ведущую роль в сокращении своего воздействия на экологию и при этом финансировать устойчивый рост в развивающихся странах.

Люди и планета важнее прибыли

В числе рекомендаций независимого эксперта – отказ от использования валового внутреннего продукта (ВВП), при котором успех экономики оценивается лишь в денежном выражении.

Он призвал к принятию законов о климате и окружающей среде, основанных на принципах прав человека. Также, по его мнению, необходимо привлекать к ответственности тех, кто загрязняет окружающую среду, и поощрять новые парадигмы для бизнеса, в которых приоритет отдается благополучию общества, а не прибыли акционеров.

«Как это ни парадоксально, бизнес играет важнейшую роль в поддержке стремления общества к справедливому и устойчивому будущему», – сказал Бойд.

Специальные докладчики не являются сотрудниками ООН и независимы от какого-либо правительства или организации. Они служат в индивидуальном качестве и не получают зарплату за свою работу.



  1. Do corporations and the super-rich really bear responsibility for environmental pollution? How can their impact be effectively regulated?

    1. Corporations and the super-rich indeed play a significant role in environmental degradation. Their actions have a profound impact on the planet, consuming resources at an alarming rate. Effective regulation is crucial to hold them accountable and mitigate their destructive influence.

  2. Isn’t it concerning how the private sector, especially the mega corporations, are causing such serious threats to the environment? What actions can be taken to hold them accountable?

    1. It is indeed alarming to see the detrimental impact that mega corporations and the ultra-rich individuals are having on the environment. Holding them accountable is crucial for the sustainability of our planet. Implementing stricter regulations, promoting sustainable practices, and advocating for corporate responsibility are essential steps in addressing this urgent issue.

  3. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Special Rapporteur David Boyd emphasized that the methods currently employed by the private sector, especially mega corporations, pose a serious threat to the environment. The impact of wealthy nations. Boyd highlighted the fact that natural resources are being consumed six times faster than the planet can sustain. “Humanity – primarily the super-rich individuals with their private jets, yachts, huge mansions, space travels, and hyper-consumerist lifestyles – is exceeding the Earth’s capacity,” as stated in his report. The Special Rapporteur particularly focused on the negative impact of the most developed countries on the environment. According to the expert, if the entire global population consumed at the same rate as the average American, “we would need another four Earths” to extract resources and dispose of waste. Destructive consequences. “We are undermining the Earth’s life support system, and this has serious implications for human rights,” warned Boyd. He added that governments are unable to properly regulate, monitor, and penalize businesses when they harm the climate, environment, and violate human rights. Moreover, governments sometimes incentivize the destructive activities of the private sector, noted the independent expert. The Special Rapporteur appointed by the UN Human Rights Council drew attention to some of the most destructive practices of the industry and their consequences. Among them

  4. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Special Rapporteur David Boyd emphasized that the methods currently employed by the private sector, particularly major corporations, pose a serious threat to the environment. The impact of wealthy nationsBoyd stressed that natural resources are being consumed six times faster than the planet can sustain. “Humanity – primarily the ultra-rich with their private planes, yachts, massive mansions, space travel, and hyper-consumptive lifestyles – is exceeding the Earth’s capacity,” his report states. The Special Rapporteur specifically highlighted the negative impact of the world’s most developed countries on the environment.According to the expert, if the entire world population consumed at the same rate as the average American, “we would need another four Earths” to extract resources and dispose of waste. Devastating consequences”We are undermining the Earth’s life support system, which has serious implications for human rights,” Boyd warned. He added that governments struggle to properly regulate, monitor, and hold businesses accountable when they harm the climate, environment, and human rights. Furthermore, governments sometimes encourage the destructive activities of the private sector, noted the independent expert.The Special Rapporteur, appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, drew attention to some of the industry’s most destructive practices and their consequences.

  5. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Special Rapporteur David Boyd emphasized that the methods currently employed by the private sector, especially major corporations, pose a serious threat to nature. The impact of wealthy nations, as highlighted by Boyd, is consuming natural resources at six times the planet’s capacity. “Humanity, predominantly the super-rich with their private jets, yachts, massive mansions, space travels, and hyper-consumerist lifestyles, is exceeding Earth’s limits,” the report states. The Special Rapporteur specifically focused on the negative impact of the world’s most developed countries on the environment. According to the expert, if the entire world population consumed at the same rate as the average American, “we would need another four Earths” to extract resources and manage waste. “We are undermining the Earth’s life-support system, which has serious consequences for human rights,” Boyd warned. He added that governments are struggling to adequately regulate, monitor, and penalize businesses when they harm the climate, environment, and violate human rights. Moreover, governments sometimes encourage the destructive activities of the private sector, noted the independent expert. The Special Rapporteur appointed by the UN Human Rights Council highlighted some of the most destructive practices of the industry and their consequences. Among them…

  6. The report highlights a crucial issue that the private sector, especially major corporations, pose a significant threat to our environment. It’s alarming to see how quickly natural resources are being depleted. The ultra-rich with their extravagant lifestyles are pushing Earth beyond its limits. This unsustainable behavior is not only damaging the planet but also jeopardizing human rights. Governments must step up and hold businesses accountable for their harmful actions.

  7. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Special Rapporteur David Boyd emphasized that the methods currently employed by the private sector, especially major corporations, pose a serious threat to the environment. The impact of wealthy countriesBoyd highlighted that natural resources are being consumed six times faster than the planet can sustain. “Humanity – primarily the super-rich with their private jets, yachts, massive mansions, space travels, and hyper-consumptive lifestyles – is exceeding the Earth’s limits,” his report states. The Special Rapporteur particularly addressed the negative impact of the world’s most developed countries on the environment. According to the expert, if everyone in the world consumed at the same rate as the average American, “we would need four more Earths” to extract resources and dispose of waste. Devastating consequences”We are undermining the Earth’s life support system, which has serious implications for human rights,” Boyd warned. He added that governments are failing to properly regulate, monitor, and sanction businesses when they harm the climate, environment, and violate human rights. Moreover, governments sometimes encourage the destructive activities of the private sector, noted the independent expert. The Special Rapporteur, appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, highlighted some of the most destructive industry practices and their consequences. Among them

  8. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Special Rapporteur David Boyd emphasized that the methods currently employed by the private sector, especially major corporations, pose a serious threat to the environment. The impact of wealthy nations is highlighted, as natural resources are being consumed six times faster than the planet can sustain. “Humanity – primarily the ultra-rich with their private jets, yachts, sprawling mansions, space travel, and hyper-consumerist lifestyles – is exceeding the Earth’s limits,” his report states. The Special Rapporteur drew attention to the negative impact of the world’s most developed countries on the environment. According to the expert, if the entire world’s population consumed at the same rate as the average American, “we would need another four Earths” to extract resources and manage waste. “We are undermining the Earth’s life support system, and this has serious consequences for human rights,” Boyd warned. He added that governments are failing to properly regulate, monitor, and penalize businesses when they harm the climate, environment, and violate human rights. Furthermore, governments sometimes encourage the destructive activities of the private sector, noted the independent expert. The Special Rapporteur appointed by the UN Human Rights Council highlighted some of the most destructive industry practices and their consequences.

  9. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Special Rapporteur David Boyd emphasized that the methods currently employed by the private sector, especially major corporations, pose a serious threat to the environment. The impact of wealthy nations is alarming as natural resources are being depleted six times faster than the planet can sustain. “Humanity – primarily the ultra-rich with their private jets, yachts, massive mansions, space travels, and hyper-consumptive lifestyles – is exceeding the Earth’s capacity,” his report states. The Special Rapporteur highlighted the negative impact of the most developed countries on ecology. According to the expert, if the entire world consumed at the level of an average American, “we would need another four Earths” to extract resources and handle waste. “We are undermining Earth’s life-support system, which has serious consequences for human rights,” Boyd warned. He added that governments are failing to properly regulate, monitor, and penalize businesses that harm the climate, environment, and human rights. Moreover, governments at times incentivize the destructive activities of the private sector, noted the independent expert. The UN-appointed Special Rapporteur drew attention to some of the most destructive practices of the industry and their consequences.

  10. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Special Rapporteur David Boyd emphasized that the methods currently employed by the private sector, especially major corporations, pose a serious threat to nature. The impact of the wealthiest countries, Boyd stressed that natural resources are being consumed six times faster than the planet can sustain. “Humanity – primarily the super-rich with their private planes, yachts, huge mansions, space travel, and hyper-consumerist lifestyles – is exceeding the Earth’s capacities,” his report states. The Special Rapporteur specifically pointed out the negative impact of the world’s most developed countries on the environment. According to the expert, if the entire world population consumed at the same rate as the average American, “we would need four more Earths” to extract resources and dispose of waste. Destructive Consequences “We are undermining the Earth’s life support system, which has serious consequences for human rights,” Boyd warned. He added that governments are failing to properly regulate, monitor, and punish businesses when they harm the climate, environment, and human rights. Furthermore, governments sometimes encourage the destructive activities of the private sector, noted the independent expert. The Special Rapporteur, appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, drew attention to some of the most destructive practices of the industry and their consequences.

  11. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Special Rapporteur David Boyd emphasized that the methods currently used by the private sector, especially mega corporations, pose a serious threat to nature. The impact of the super-rich countries is staggering. Boyd highlighted that natural resources are being consumed six times faster than the planet can sustain. “Humanity – primarily the ultra-rich individuals with their private jets, yachts, enormous mansions, space travels, and hyper-consumptive lifestyle – is exceeding the Earth’s capacity,” as stated in his report. The Special Rapporteur drew attention to the negative impact of the world’s most developed countries on the environment. According to the expert, if the entire world population consumed at the same rate as the average American, “we would need four more Earths” to extract resources and manage waste. “We are undermining the Earth’s life support system, which has serious consequences for human rights,” warned Boyd. He added that governments struggle to properly regulate, oversee, and penalize businesses when they harm the climate, environment, and violate human rights. Moreover, governments sometimes encourage the destructive activities of the private sector, noted the independent expert. The Special Rapporteur, appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, highlighted some of the most destructive industry practices and their consequences.

  12. In his report to the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday, Special Rapporteur David Boyd emphasized that the methods being employed by the private sector, especially by mega corporations, pose a serious threat to the environment. The impact of rich countries. Boyd underscored that natural resources are being consumed six times faster than the planet can sustain. “Humanity, primarily the super-rich individuals with their private jets, yachts, massive mansions, space travel, and hyper-consumptive lifestyles, is exceeding Earth’s capabilities,” his report states. The Special Rapporteur particularly highlighted the negative impact of the world’s most developed countries on the environment. According to the expert, if the entire world population consumed at the same rate as the average American, “we would need another four Earths” for resource extraction and waste disposal. Destructive consequences. “We are undermining Earth’s life support system, and this has serious implications for human rights,” cautioned Boyd. He added that governments are failing to properly regulate, monitor, and penalize businesses when they harm the climate, environment, and violate human rights. Moreover, governments sometimes incentivize the destructive activities of the private sector, noted the independent expert. The Special Rapporteur, appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, highlighted some of the most destructive practices of the industry and their consequences.

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