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March Brought Higher Food Prices, But Wheat Got a Bargain!

Рост мировых котировок на растительные масла, молочные продукты и мясо привел к повышению базового индекса мировых цен на продовольственные товары – этот показатель в марте вырос на 1,1 процента. Однако по сравнению с мартом прошлого года он ниже на 7,7 процента.

Растительные масла подорожали на восемь процентов по сравнению с февралем, достигнув годового максимума на фоне роста котировок пальмового, соевого, подсолнечного и рапсового масел. Мировые цены на пальмовое масло выросли из-за сезонного снижения производства в ведущих странах-производителях и устойчивого внутреннего спроса в Юго-Восточной Азии, в то время как цены на соевое масло восстановились после многолетних минимумов, чему способствовал устойчивый спрос со стороны сектора биотоплива, особенно в Бразилии и Соединенных Штатах Америки.

Индекс цен на молочную продукцию ФАО растет шестой месяц подряд, увеличившись на 2,9 процента по сравнению с февралем, чему способствовал рост мировых цен на сыр и масло.

Индекс цен на мясо увеличился на 1,7 процента по сравнению с предыдущим месяцем.

Цены на зерновые снизились на 2,6 процента, что в среднем на 20 процентов ниже значения марта 2023 года. Пшеница подешевела из-за продолжающейся сильной экспортной конкуренции между Европейским союзом, Российской Федерацией и Соединенными Штатами Америки. Экспортные цены на кукурузу в марте резко выросли, отчасти из-за логистических трудностей в Украине, в то время как индекс цен на рис снизился на 1,7 процента на фоне снижения мирового спроса.

Индекс цен на сахар снизился на 5,4 процента – эксперты связывают это с ростом производства сахара в Индии и улучшением темпов сбора урожая в Таиланде.



  1. The increase in global prices for vegetable oils, dairy products, and meat has led to a rise in the basic index of global food prices by 1.1 percent in March. However, compared to the same month last year, it is lower by 7.7 percent. Vegetable oils have increased by eight percent compared to February, reaching an annual maximum due to the rise in palm, soybean, sunflower, and rapeseed oil prices. Global prices of palm oil have risen due to a seasonal decrease in production in leading producing countries and steady domestic demand in Southeast Asia, while soybean oil prices have recovered from multi-year lows, supported by stable demand from the biofuel sector, especially in Brazil and the United States. The FAO dairy price index has been rising for the sixth consecutive month, increasing by 2.9 percent compared to February, driven by the rise in global prices for cheese and butter. The meat price index increased by 1.7 percent compared to the previous month. Grain prices have decreased by 2.6 percent, which is on average 20 percent lower than the value of March 2023. Wheat has become cheaper due to the ongoing strong export competition between the European Union, the Russian Federation, and the United States. Export prices for corn sharply increased in March, partly due to logistical difficulties in Ukraine, while the rice price index decreased by 1.7 percent amid a decrease in global demand.

  2. Did the decrease in wheat prices have a significant impact on overall food prices in March according to the article?

    1. Yes, the decrease in wheat prices did have a significant impact on overall food prices in March as mentioned in the article. Wheat got a bargain due to continued strong export competition between the European Union, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America.

  3. Did the decrease in grain prices have a significant impact on overall food costs globally?

    1. Yes, the decrease in grain prices did have a significant impact on overall food costs globally. Wheat, in particular, experienced a drop in prices due to intense export competition between the European Union, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America. This reduction in grain prices helped balance out the higher costs of other food commodities like vegetable oils, dairy products, and meat. It’s interesting to see the dynamics of the global food market and how different factors can influence prices across various categories.

  4. I believe that despite the overall increase in global food prices, it’s interesting to note how wheat has actually become more affordable due to strong export competition. It’s a reminder of the complex dynamics at play in the agricultural market.

  5. As a food enthusiast, I find the fluctuating prices quite interesting. It’s surprising to see the rise in prices for oils, dairy, and meat, while wheat seems to have taken a dip. The dynamics of global food markets never cease to amaze me!

  6. Prices of essential food items continue to fluctuate globally, affecting consumers’ purchasing power. It’s concerning to see the rise in prices for oils, dairy, and meat products, although the decrease in wheat prices provides some relief. Let’s hope for more stability in the coming months!

  7. In my opinion, the fluctuation in global food prices is concerning, but it’s interesting to see how wheat prices have dropped due to fierce export competition. It seems like the dynamics of the market are constantly changing!

  8. As a foodie, I’m quite pleased with the dip in wheat prices despite the overall increase in food costs. It’s fascinating to see the interplay of global factors affecting these fluctuations!

  9. The price hike in food items globally might cause concern for some, but it’s reassuring to see wheat prices dropping. This fluctuation reflects the intricate dynamics of the international market and highlights the importance of monitoring and addressing supply chain challenges to ensure stability.

  10. Increased global prices for vegetable oils, dairy products, and meat have led to a rise in the basic index of world food prices, which increased by 1.1 percent in March. However, compared to March of last year, it is 7.7 percent lower. Vegetable oils have gone up by eight percent compared to February, reaching an annual high due to the rise in palm, soybean, sunflower, and rapeseed oil prices. The world prices for palm oil increased due to a seasonal decrease in production in leading producing countries and steady domestic demand in Southeast Asia, while soybean oil prices recovered from multi-year lows due to stable demand from the biofuel sector, especially in Brazil and the United States. The FAO dairy price index has been rising for the sixth consecutive month, increasing by 2.9 percent compared to February, driven by the rise in world prices for cheese and butter. The meat price index increased by 1.7 percent compared to the previous month. Grain prices fell by 2.6 percent, which is on average 20 percent lower than in March 2023. Wheat became cheaper due to continued strong export competition between the European Union, the Russian Federation, and the United States. Export prices for corn sharply rose in March, partly due to logistical difficulties in Ukraine, while the rice price index decreased by 1.7 percent amid a decline in global demand.

  11. Prices are definitely on the rise for most food items, but it’s interesting to see that wheat is actually getting cheaper due to fierce export competition. It’s a good deal for consumers in the midst of all these increasing costs.

  12. Higher food prices in March definitely impact household budgets, but it’s interesting to see that wheat prices have gone down. It seems like there’s a fluctuation in different food categories, which can be challenging for consumers to navigate.

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