A Peek into Kiev’s Photo Exhibit Sheds Light on Ukraine’s Landmine Pollution Issue
Выставка является совместным проектом ПРООН и Фонда «Наследие войны». Она приурочена к Международному дню просвещения о минной опасности, который отмечается 4 апреля. Ее цель – повысить осведомленность о противоминной деятельности и помощи пострадавшим от мин в Украине.
Открытие выставки состоялось в Музее истории Киева в формате закрытого просмотра для послов нескольких стран, поддерживающих противоминную деятельность в Украине. С 4 апреля по 18 апреля выставка будет развернута под открытым небом на Софийской площади в центре украинской столицы.
© ПРООН в Украине/A. Крепких
Джайлс Дьюли потерял обе ноги и левую руку в результате взрыва самодельного взрывного устройства в Афганистане в 2011 году.
Выступая на открытии выставки, фотограф Джайлс Дьюли сказал, что он хотел вдохновить людей и общественные организации на действия по улучшению ситуации с минным загрязнением в Украине.
«С помощью этой выставки я надеюсь донести до людей масштабы загрязнения минами и неразорвавшимися боеприпасами в Украине, – сказал Дьюли. – Все, о чем я прошу, это чтобы мы, правительства, неправительственные организации, бизнес и частные лица задали себе вопрос: делаем ли мы все возможное для того, чтобы будущие поколения жили в мирной и безопасной Украине, свободной от наземных мин?»
Фотограф Джайлс Дьюли уже более 20 лет документирует воздействие заминированных территорий на гражданское население по всему миру, в частности, в таких странах, как Ангола, Камбоджа, Лаос, Колумбия, Ливан, Ирак и Вьетнам. Сам фотограф потерял обе ноги и левую руку в результате взрыва самодельного взрывного устройства в Афганистане в 2011 году. За свои заслуги Дюли был удостоен звания члена Ордена Британской империи.
Lila Montgomery is a celebrated journalist who has a deep commitment to global affairs and humanitarian issues. Her extensive reporting on United Nations initiatives across the globe has brought critical stories to the forefront, stories that affect communities everywhere.
Fotographer Giles Dooley has been raising awareness about the scale of mine contamination in Ukraine for over 20 years. His dedication is truly inspiring. It’s crucial that governments, NGOs, businesses, and individuals ask themselves if they are doing everything possible to ensure future generations live in a peaceful and safe Ukraine, free from landmines.
Through this exhibition, I hope to convey to people the scale of landmine pollution and unexploded ordnance in Ukraine. All I ask is that we, governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and individuals, ask ourselves: are we doing everything possible to ensure that future generations live in a peaceful and secure Ukraine, free from landmines?
By speaking at the exhibition opening, photographer Giles Duely wanted to inspire people and organizations to take action to improve the situation with landmine pollution in Ukraine. “Through this exhibition, I hope to convey to people the scale of landmine pollution and unexploded ordnance in Ukraine,” said Duely. “All I ask is that we, governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and individuals, ask ourselves: are we doing everything possible to ensure that future generations live in a peaceful and secure Ukraine, free from landmines?” Photographer Giles Duely has been documenting the impact of mined areas on civilian populations worldwide for over 20 years.
Speaking at the exhibition opening, photographer Giles Duely wanted to inspire people and organizations to take action to improve the situation with landmine pollution in Ukraine. “Through this exhibition, I hope to convey to people the scale of landmine pollution and unexploded ordnance in Ukraine,” said Duely. “All I ask is that we, governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and individuals, ask ourselves: are we doing everything possible to ensure that future generations live in a peaceful and secure Ukraine, free from landmines?” Photographer Giles Duely has been documenting the impact of mined areas on civilian populations worldwide for over 20 years.
Are there any plans to bring this photo exhibit to other countries to raise awareness on the landmine pollution issue?
As reported, the exhibit is set to remain in Ukraine until April 18th. Let’s hope that after its display in Kiev, it will embark on a global tour to further illuminate the landmine crisis on an international scale. It would be a powerful means to educate and engage audiences worldwide.
Fotograf Dzhailes Dyuli podnyal vazhnyy vopros o neobkhodimosti povysheniya soznatel’nosti o problematike zagryazneniya Ukrainy minsami. Eta vystavka – otlichnyy sposob privlech’ vnimanie k etoi problem. Dyuli prizval vsekh, v tom chisle pravitel’stva, nepravitel’stvennye organizatsii, biznes i chastnyye litsa, zadumat’sya: delaiut li my vse vozmozhnoe dlya togo, chtoby budushchiye pokoleniya zhili v bezopasnoy i mirnoy strane, svobodnoy ot mins?
Fotographer Giles Duley raised an important question about the need to raise awareness about Ukraine’s landmine pollution issue. This exhibition is an excellent way to draw attention to this problem. Duley called on everyone, including governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and individuals, to think: are we doing everything possible for future generations to live in a safe and peaceful Ukraine, free of landmines?
Are enough efforts being made to address the landmine pollution issue in Ukraine? How can individuals contribute to making a safer environment for future generations?
As individuals, we can contribute to addressing the landmine pollution issue in Ukraine by raising awareness, supporting organizations working on demining efforts, and advocating for government action. It is crucial that we all take responsibility to ensure a safer environment for future generations. Together, we can make a difference.
As a photographer myself, I admire the efforts of Giles Duely to raise awareness about landmine pollution in Ukraine through his exhibition. His message is powerful and serves as a reminder for all of us to take action towards a peaceful and safe Ukraine free from landmines.
Are governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and individuals doing everything possible to ensure that future generations live in a peaceful and safe Ukraine, free from landmines? This is a crucial question raised by the photo exhibit in Kiev.
Do we have enough awareness about the landmine pollution issue in Ukraine? Are we taking sufficient actions to address it?
Are there any plans to take this photo exhibit to other cities in Ukraine to raise further awareness about the landmine pollution issue?