Мир и безопасность

The UN Just Went and Passed a Resolution About How Diamonds Cause Conflicts

Система сертификации алмазов

Алмазы сертифицируют в рамках Кимберлийского процесса, который назван по имени города в ЮАР, где прошла первая международная конференция по пресечению незаконной торговли алмазами. В соответствии с этим механизмом, с 2003 года добывать, продавать и покупать алмазы можно лишь при наличии «кимберлийского сертификата», подтверждающего их законное происхождение. 

Кимберлийский процесс является уникальной инициативой, которая объединяет заинтересованные стороны в государственных структурах, промышленности и гражданском обществе. Основной его целью является «предотвращение конфликтов и исключение “конфликтных” алмазов из законной торговли».

Резолюцию, принятую в среду, предложило Зимбабве, председательствовавшее в Кимберлийском процессе в 2023 году. В 2024 году эстафету председательства приняли Объединенные Арабские Эмираты. 

Добыча в Африке 

На сегодняшний день около 65 процентов всех алмазов в мире поступают на мировые рынки с африканского континента. На глобальном уровне занятость примерно десяти миллионов человек прямо или косвенно связана с алмазной промышленностью. Для многих африканских стран алмазы являются чуть ли не единственным источником дохода.

Две трети войн на африканском континенте за последние 30 лет финансировались за счет продажи алмазов и других полезных ископаемых

Государства вновь призвали добиваться раскрытия информации об источнике происхождения алмазов на каждом этапе смены собственника, чтобы не допустить проникновения на международный рынок незаконной продукции.

Термин «алмазы из зон конфликтов»

Несмотря на наличие международного механизма контроля, торговля алмазами остается серьезной проблемой, которая может быть непосредственно связана с разжиганием вооруженных конфликтов, деятельностью повстанческих движений, нацеленной на подрыв или свержение законных правительств, и незаконным оборотом и распространением вооружений, особенно стрелкового оружия и легких вооружений. 

В своем выступлении на Генеральной Ассамблее заместитель директора Департамента экономического сотрудничества МИД России Александр Репкин заявил, что принятая в среду резолюция «носит технический характер». Он обвинил в этом «группу западных стран», которые, по его словам, «решили саботировать весь спектр многостороннего сотрудничества в мировой алмазной отрасли в угоду собственным геополитическим интересам». 

«Это привело к тому, что в ходе пленарной сессии Кимберлийского процесса в Викториа-Фоллс в ноябре 2023 года так и не было согласовано итоговое коммюнике», – добавил представитель России, заявив, что западные страны намеренно сорвали принятие этого документа. 

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В Совете Безопасности обсудили пути пресечения незаконного оборота природных ресурсов в Африке

Представитель Евросоюза, выступивший также от имени нескольких стран, включая Украину и Молдову, напомнил, что ЕС выделил почти десять миллионов евро на проекты по укреплению мер управления в алмазном секторе, поддержав тем самым жителей Кот-д’Ивуара, Гвинеи, Либерии, Сьерра-Леоне и Центральноафриканской Республики, занятых в этой отрасли. «Однако Кимберлийский процесс сегодня сталкивается с беспрецедентными трудностями, – отметил он. – Впервые в истории на пленарной встрече не было принято на основе консенсуса коммюнике». 

Суть разногласий заключается, в том числе в самом определении «алмазов из зон конфликтов», которое отражало бы меняющуюся природу конфликтов и современные реалии. Евросоюз, как отметил докладчик, призывает не опускать руки и продолжать работу в этом направлении.



  1. Is the Kimberley Process effective in preventing conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate trade? How do countries ensure the authenticity of Kimberley certificates?

    1. Yes, the Kimberley Process has been effective in preventing conflict diamonds from entering legitimate trade. The certification system requires diamonds to have a Kimberley certificate, confirming their lawful origin since 2003. Countries ensure the authenticity of these certificates through strict verification procedures and monitoring mechanisms.

  2. The Kimberley Process is a crucial initiative in preventing conflicts related to diamond trade. It’s essential that all diamonds are certified to ensure their legitimate origin and to exclude conflict diamonds from the legal market. The recent resolution proposed by Zimbabwe, the current chair of the Kimberley Process, highlights the ongoing efforts to maintain transparency and integrity in the diamond industry. It’s imperative that the source of diamonds is fully disclosed at every ownership transfer to prevent illicit activities on an international scale.

  3. The Kimberley Process is a crucial initiative in preventing conflicts and ensuring that only ethically sourced diamonds are traded. It’s commendable that the UN has passed a resolution to further support these efforts and promote transparency in the diamond industry. This will not only benefit economies heavily reliant on diamond revenue but also help in curbing the funding of wars through the trade of precious minerals.

  4. The UN Just Went and Passed a Resolution About How Diamonds Cause Conflicts. The certification system for diamonds certifies them within the framework of the Kimberley Process, named after the town in South Africa where the first international conference on combating illegal diamond trade took place. According to this mechanism, since 2003, it has been possible to mine, sell, and buy diamonds only with a “Kimberley certificate” confirming their lawful origin. The Kimberley Process is a unique initiative that brings together stakeholders in government structures, industry, and civil society. Its main goal is to “prevent conflicts and exclude ‘conflict diamonds’ from legal trade.” The resolution proposed on Wednesday was suggested by Zimbabwe, which chaired the Kimberley Process in 2023. The United Arab Emirates took over the chairmanship in 2024.

  5. The Kimberley Process is a crucial initiative in preventing conflicts and ensuring that only ethically sourced diamonds are traded. It’s commendable to see the UN resolution supporting these efforts. Transparency in the diamond supply chain is key to maintaining integrity and accountability in the industry.

  6. The UN Just Went and Passed a Resolution About How Diamonds Cause Conflicts. The Kimberley Process, named after the city in South Africa where the first international conference on preventing illegal diamond trade took place, certifies diamonds. According to this mechanism, since 2003, mining, selling, and buying diamonds can only be done with a “Kimberley certificate” confirming their legal origin. The Kimberley Process is a unique initiative that brings together stakeholders in government, industry, and civil society. Its main goal is to “prevent conflicts and exclude ‘conflict’ diamonds from legal trade.” The resolution proposed by Zimbabwe, which chaired the Kimberley Process in 2023, was adopted on Wednesday. In 2024, the United Arab Emirates took over the chairmanship. Today, about 65 percent of all diamonds in the world come to the global markets from the African continent. Globally, approximately ten million people are directly or indirectly employed in the diamond industry. For many African countries, diamonds are almost the sole source of income. Two-thirds of the wars in Africa over the last 30 years have been financed by the sale of diamonds and other valuable minerals. States have once again called for transparency about the origin of diamonds at each stage of changing ownership to prevent international infiltration.

  7. The UN Just Went and Passed a Resolution About How Diamonds Cause Conflicts

  8. The UN Just Went and Passed a Resolution About How Diamonds Cause Conflicts. The certification system for diamonds certifies them within the Kimberley Process, named after the city in South Africa where the first international conference on combating illegal diamond trade took place. According to this mechanism, since 2003, mining, selling, and buying diamonds can only be done with a “Kimberley Certificate” confirming their legal origin. The Kimberley Process is a unique initiative that brings together stakeholders in government, industry, and civil society. Its main goal is to “prevent conflicts and exclude ‘conflict’ diamonds from legal trade.” The resolution adopted on Wednesday was proposed by Zimbabwe, which chaired the Kimberley Process in 2023. In 2024, the United Arab Emirates took over the chairmanship. Mining in Africa: Currently, about 65 percent of all diamonds in the world come from the African continent. Globally, approximately ten million people are directly or indirectly employed in the diamond industry. For many African countries, diamonds are almost the sole source of income. Two-thirds of wars on the African continent over the past 30 years have been funded by the sale of diamonds and other valuable minerals. Countries have once again called for efforts to disclose information about the source of diamonds at each stage of changing ownership to prevent them from entering international

  9. The Kimberley Process is a crucial initiative that aims to prevent conflicts and eliminate “conflict diamonds” from legal trade. It’s commendable that the UN passed a resolution in support of this, highlighting the importance of ensuring the legitimacy of diamond origin to safeguard against illegal activities.

  10. The UN Just Went and Passed a Resolution About How Diamonds Cause Conflicts. The certification system for diamonds involves the Kimberley Process, named after the city in South Africa where the first international conference on curtailing illegal diamond trade took place. According to this mechanism, since 2003, mining, selling, and buying diamonds can only be done with a “Kimberley certificate” confirming their legal origin. The Kimberley Process is a unique initiative that brings together stakeholders in government structures, industry, and civil society. Its main goal is to “prevent conflicts and exclude ‘conflict’ diamonds from legal trade.” Zimbabwe, which chaired the Kimberley Process in 2023, proposed the resolution adopted on Wednesday. In 2024, the United Arab Emirates took over the chairmanship. With approximately 65% of all diamonds in the world coming from the African continent, about ten million people globally are directly or indirectly involved in the diamond industry. For many African countries, diamonds are virtually the sole source of income. Two-thirds of wars in Africa over the past 30 years have been financed through the sale of diamonds and other natural resources. Countries are once again urged to ensure the disclosure of information on the origin of diamonds at each stage of ownership change to prevent illicit international trade.

  11. Do you think the Kimberley Process is effective in preventing conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate diamond trade?

    1. As a journalist specializing in conflict resources, I believe that while the Kimberley Process has made significant strides in preventing conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate diamond trade, there are still challenges to overcome, especially regarding transparency and enforcement mechanisms. The recent UN resolution is a step in the right direction towards enhancing the effectiveness of the process.

  12. Do you think the Kimberley Process is effectively preventing conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate trade? What more can be done to ensure transparency in the diamond supply chain?

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