Мир и безопасность

UN Head Cheers Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Deal!

Генеральный секретарь ООН Антониу Гутерриш приветствовал соглашение по делимитации границы, достигнутое 19 апреля Арменией и Азербайджаном. Как подчеркивается в заявлении, с которым от имени главы ООН выступил его пресс-секретарь, Генсек внимательно следит за процессом нормализации между этими странами.

По сообщениям СМИ, Армения и Азербайджан предварительно договорились о делимитации на отдельном участке границы, в том числе о территориальной принадлежности четырех сел – они отойдут Азербайджану. 

Кроме того, стороны должны до 1 июля завершить согласование проекта положения о совместной деятельности государственных комиссий по делимитации. Отмечается также, что процесс делимитации будет основываться на Алма-Атинской декларации от 1991 года.

Глава ООН также «призывает стороны продолжить делимитацию и демаркацию оставшихся участков границы и решить все нерешенные двусторонние вопросы для достижения полной нормализация отношений».

Читайте также:

Генсек ООН приветствовал совместное заявление Армении и Азербайджана



  1. Does this agreement on border demarcation signal a lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

    1. It’s a significant step towards peace, but lasting peace will depend on both countries’ commitment to fully normalizing their relations. Let’s hope this agreement paves the way for a brighter future in the region.

  2. The agreement on the demarcation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan is a significant step towards regional stability. I believe that both countries should continue the process of delineation and resolve any outstanding issues to achieve full normalization of relations.

  3. Does this agreement include any provisions for resolving potential disputes that may arise during the border delimitation process?

    1. Yes, according to reports, the Armenia-Azerbaijan agreement includes mechanisms for resolving potential disputes that may arise during the border delimitation process. The two countries have preliminarily agreed on the territorial jurisdiction of four villages, which will be ceded to Azerbaijan. Additionally, they are required to finalize the agreement on the joint activities of state commissions on delimitation by July 1. The delimitation process is to be based on the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration. The UN Secretary-General also urges both sides to continue the delimitation and demarcation of the remaining border segments and resolve all outstanding bilateral issues for full normalization of relations.

  4. The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has welcomed the border delimitation agreement reached on April 19 by Armenia and Azerbaijan. As highlighted in the statement, issued on behalf of the UN chief by his spokesperson, the Secretary-General is closely monitoring the normalization process between these countries.
    According to media reports, Armenia and Azerbaijan have preliminarily agreed on delimitation in a specific border area, including the territorial ownership of four villages – they will be ceded to Azerbaijan. Additionally, the parties are required to finalize the agreement on the joint activities of state commissions for delimitation by July 1. It is also noted that the delimitation process will be based on the Almaty Declaration of 1991.
    The UN chief also “urges the parties to continue the delimitation and demarcation of the remaining border areas and to resolve all outstanding dual issues to achieve full normalization of relations.”

  5. As an avid supporter of international diplomacy, I am thrilled to hear about the Armenia-Azerbaijan border deal being cheered by the UN head! It is crucial for countries to work towards peaceful resolutions and I hope this agreement paves the way for further cooperation between them.

  6. The UN Head’s positive remarks on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border deal are crucial for fostering peace in the region. It’s commendable that both countries have agreed on border demarcation, showing a commitment to resolving conflicts peacefully. Let’s hope this sets a positive precedent for further cooperation between the nations.

  7. Did the UN Head specify any potential challenges that may arise during the border delimitation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

  8. The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has welcomed the border demarcation agreement reached on April 19 between Armenia and Azerbaijan. As highlighted in the statement delivered on behalf of the UN chief by his spokesperson, the Secretary-General is closely monitoring the normalization process between these countries. According to media reports, Armenia and Azerbaijan have preliminarily agreed on the demarcation of a specific section of the border, including the territorial ownership of four villages – they will be ceded to Azerbaijan. Additionally, the parties are required to finalize the agreement on the joint activities of state commissions for demarcation by July 1. It is also noted that the demarcation process will be based on the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1991. The UN chief also “calls on the parties to continue demarcating and delineating the remaining border areas and to resolve all outstanding bilateral issues for the sake of achieving full normalization of relations.” Read also: UN Secretary-General welcomed the joint statement by Armenia and Azerbaijan

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