Мир и безопасность

UN Chief Tells Israel to Switch Up Military Tactics to Avoid “Catastrophic” Casualties

Вновь осудив «отвратительное» террористическое нападение ХАМАС на Израиль, совершенное полгода назад, Антониу Гутерриш подчеркнул, что ничто не может оправдать насилие, развязанное палестинскими боевиками 7 октября прошлого года.

«Я вновь решительно осуждаю применение сексуального насилия, пытки, нанесение увечий и похищение гражданских лиц, ракетные обстрелы гражданских объектов и использование людей в качестве “живого щита”», – сказал глава ООН, вновь призвав к безоговорочному освобождению заложников, которые все еще удерживаются в секторе Газа.

«После встреч с членами семей тех, кто находится в плену, я каждый день ношу с собой их страдания, неуверенность в будущем и глубокую боль», – добавил Антониу Гутерриш.

Последние шесть месяцев израильской военной кампании, продолжил глава ООН, принесли палестинцам смерть и разрушения: погибли более 32 тысяч человек, в подавляющем большинстве – женщины и дети.

«Жизни разбиты, уважение к международному праву подорвано», – сказал Антониу Гутерриш. Возникшая гуманитарная катастрофа, по его словам, беспрецедентна: более миллиона человек столкнулись с катастрофическим голодом, дети умирают из-за нехватки еды и воды. 

«Это непостижимо, и это можно было полностью предотвратить», – заявил глава ООН, вновь подчеркнув, что ничто не может оправдать столь жестокое коллективное наказание палестинского народа.

Антониу Гутерриш отметил, что его глубоко беспокоят сообщения о том, что израильские военные используют искусственный интеллект для идентификации целей во время бомбардировок густонаселенных районов Газы.

«Ни одна часть решений, касающихся вопросов жизни и смерти, не должна быть передана холодному расчету алгоритмов», – сказал глава ООН, добавив, что искусственный интеллект должен использоваться только во благо людей.

Антониу Гутерриш напомнил, что в нынешнем конфликте погибли 196 гуманитарных работников, в том числе 175 сотрудников ООН.

«Информационная война еще более усугубила травму – происходит “затуманивание” фактов и перекладывание вины», – сказал Антониу Гутерриш, подчеркнув, что Израиль еще более усугубляет ситуацию тем, что отказывает журналистам во въезде в Газу.



  1. Do you think changing the military tactics as suggested by the UN Secretary-General could help prevent further catastrophic casualties?

    1. In my opinion, altering military tactics, as recommended by the UN Secretary-General, could potentially minimize the risk of additional catastrophic casualties. It is crucial for both parties to prioritize civilian safety and adhere to international humanitarian laws.

  2. As much as I condemn the terrorist attacks by HAMAS on Israel, I strongly believe that violence unleashed by the Palestinian militants cannot be justified. The use of sexual violence, torture, maiming, and kidnapping of civilians, rocket attacks on civilian targets, and the inhumane tactic of using people as “human shields” is appalling. The suffering of the hostages held in Gaza is heartbreaking, and the devastating impact of the Israeli military campaign on Palestinian lives, especially women and children, is undeniable. The humanitarian crisis unfolding with millions facing starvation and children dying due to lack of basic necessities is unimaginable and entirely preventable. Collective punishment of the Palestinian people is cruel and needs to end immediately. The reports of Israeli military using artificial intelligence for identification purposes are deeply concerning.

  3. UN Chief Tells Israel to Switch Up Military Tactics to Avoid “Catastrophic” Casualties. This situation is truly heartbreaking and unacceptable. Innocent lives are being shattered, and the international law is being undermined. It’s imperative that all parties involved prioritize the well-being and safety of civilians above all else. The humanitarian crisis unfolding is devastating and should have been prevented. My thoughts are with all those suffering in this conflict.

  4. Do you think Israel will heed the UN Chief’s call to change their military tactics? How can this situation be resolved to prevent further catastrophic casualties?

    1. Israel should seriously consider adjusting their military strategies in response to the UN Chief’s plea. It is crucial to find a peaceful resolution to prevent more devastating casualties in the future.

  5. Antonio Guterres is absolutely right in condemning the violence perpetrated by Hamas on Israel. The loss of innocent lives, especially women and children, is devastating. The humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza is unacceptable and can and should have been prevented. It’s time for Israel to reconsider its military tactics and prioritize civilian safety.

  6. UN Chief Tells Israel to Switch Up Military Tactics to Avoid “Catastrophic” Casualties. It’s crucial for all parties involved to prioritize the protection of civilian lives and adhere to international humanitarian laws. The devastating impact of the conflict on innocent civilians, especially women and children, cannot be overstated. The humanitarian crisis and loss of lives are unacceptable and preventable. Both sides must work towards a peaceful resolution to avoid further tragedies.

  7. As a journalist, I believe it’s crucial to report on the devastating consequences of military actions in conflict zones. It’s heart-wrenching to read about the civilian casualties and the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza. We must continue to hold all parties accountable for their actions and work towards a peaceful resolution.

  8. UN Chief Tells Israel to Switch Up Military Tactics to Avoid “Catastrophic” Casualties. Anyone who condones violence as a means to an end is simply perpetuating a cycle of suffering and devastation. It’s heartbreaking to see the toll this conflict has taken on innocent civilians, especially women and children. There needs to be a renewed focus on diplomacy and finding peaceful solutions to avoid further loss of life and human suffering.

  9. As an avid follower of global affairs, I believe that it is crucial for Israel to reconsider its military tactics to prevent further catastrophic casualties. The UN Chief’s condemnation of the heinous terrorist attacks by HAMAS is a reminder that violence must never be justified. The alarming statistics of civilian deaths and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza should serve as a wake-up call for immediate action towards peace and justice.

  10. As an avid follower of UN affairs, I believe it is crucial for Israel to rethink its military strategies to prevent further catastrophic casualties. The words of Secretary-General António Guterres highlight the urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. It is disheartening to hear about the suffering of innocent civilians, especially women and children. Let’s hope for a swift end to the violence and a path towards long-lasting peace.

  11. UN Chief Urges Israel to Alter Military Tactics to Prevent “Catastrophic” Casualties. It’s crucial to address the ongoing violence, including the appalling terrorist attack by HAMAS on Israel. No justification for the violence unleashed by Palestinian militants. The humanitarian crisis is unprecedented, with over a million people facing catastrophic hunger. Children are dying due to lack of food and water. This could have been entirely prevented. Collective punishment of the Palestinian people cannot be justified. Israeli military actions must be reevaluated to prevent further loss of life and devastation.

  12. UN Chief Tells Israel to Switch Up Military Tactics to Avoid “Catastrophic” Casualties. I strongly believe that violence, no matter the circumstances, is never justified. It is heartbreaking to hear about the suffering of hostages and the devastation caused by the military campaign in Gaza. The humanitarian crisis unfolding is inexcusable and should have been prevented. It is essential for all parties involved to prioritize the protection of civilians and adhere to international law.

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