Генеральный секретарь ООН

Get the Latest Skinny: Gaza, Hepatitis, DR Congo, and Rwanda – What’s the Scoop?

Главные новости дня в ООН и в мире: трудности с доставкой помощи ООН в Газе, тысячи человек умирают ежедневно от гепатита, миротворцы из Китая покидают ДРК, годовщина геноцида тутси в Руанде.

Гуманитарные операции в Газе

Автоколонны с продовольствием под эгидой ООН в три раза чаще получают отказ в доступе на север Газы, чем другие гуманитарные грузы, сообщили во вторник из Управления ООН по координации гуманитарных вопросов (УКГВ). На этой неделе УКГВ опубликовало доклад, в котором говорится, что ограничения и отказы в запланированных перемещениях со стороны израильских властей по-прежнему препятствуют доставке жизненно важной помощи в разрушенный анклав. В течение марта более половины продовольственных миссий под координацией ООН в районы повышенного риска, требующих согласования с израильскими властями, либо не получили разрешения на проезд, либо столкнулись с препятствиями. 

Доклад по гепатиту

Согласно новому Глобальному докладу Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), вирусный гепатит уносит все большее число жизней. На десять стран, включая Россию, приходится почти две трети глобального бремени гепатита В и С. В докладе, представленном во вторник на Всемирном саммите по гепатиту, подчеркивается, что, несмотря на совершенствование средств диагностики и лечения, число случаев смерти от вирусного гепатита увеличилось с 1,1 миллиона в 2019 году до 1,3 миллиона в 2022 году. Таким образом, каждый день в мире от гепатитов В и С умирали 3500 человек. При этом диагноз был поставлен только у 13 процентов людей, живущих с хронической инфекцией гепатита В, и примерно 3 процента болеющих получали противовирусную терапию. 

Миротворцы из КНР

После более чем 20 лет службы миротворцы ООН из Китайской Народной Республики покидают Демократическую Республику Конго. Во вторник была организована церемония, чтобы отдать должное их вкладу в укрепление мира и безопасности в провинции Южное Киву, где был дислоцирован контингент из Китая.

Геноцид в Руанде

Специальный советник ООН по предупреждению геноцида Элис Вайриму Ндериту выступила с заявлением по случаю 30-й годовщины геноцида тутси в Руанде в 1994 году. Во время своего визита в страну она также рассказала об истории восстановления и примирения в Руанде в последние 30 лет, подчеркнув при этом опасность, связанную с ростом числа случаев отрицания факта геноцида. 7 апреля отмечался Международный день памяти о геноциде против тутси в Руанде.



  1. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: Convoy with food under the auspices of the UN three times more likely to be denied access to northern Gaza than other humanitarian cargoes, reported on Tuesday by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). This week, OCHA released a report stating that restrictions and denials on planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to hinder the delivery of life-saving aid to the devastated enclave. During March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas requiring coordination with Israeli authorities either did not receive permission to pass or encountered obstacles. Hepatitis report: According to the new Global Hepatitis Report from the World Health Organization (WHO), viral hepatitis is claiming an increasing number of lives. Ten countries, including Russia, account for almost two-thirds of the global burden of hepatitis B and C. The report, presented on Tuesday at the World Hepatitis Summit, emphasizes that despite improvements in diagnostic tools

  2. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: UN-coordinated food convoys are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern Gaza Strip than other humanitarian supplies, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported on Tuesday. This week, OCHA released a report stating that restrictions and denials of planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to hinder the delivery of vital aid to the devastated enclave. During March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas, requiring coordination with Israeli authorities, either did not receive permission to pass or faced obstacles. Hepatitis Report: According to the new Global Hepatitis Report by the World Health Organization (WHO), viral hepatitis is claiming an increasing number of lives. Ten countries, including Russia, account for almost two-thirds of the global burden of hepatitis B and C. The report, presented on Tuesday at the World Hepatitis Summit, emphasizes that despite advancements in diagnostic tools…

  3. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: UN food convoys are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern Gaza Strip than other humanitarian shipments, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported on Tuesday. This week, the OCHA released a report stating that restrictions and refusals of planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to impede the delivery of vital assistance to the devastated enclave. In March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas requiring coordination with Israeli authorities either did not receive permits for passage or faced obstacles.

  4. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: Convoy trucks with food under the auspices of the UN are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern Gaza Strip than other humanitarian shipments, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported on Tuesday. This week, OCHA released a report stating that restrictions and refusals in planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to impede the delivery of vital assistance to the devastated enclave. During March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas that require coordination with Israeli authorities either did not receive permission to pass or faced obstacles. Hepatitis Report: According to the new Global Hepatitis Report from the World Health Organization (WHO), viral hepatitis is claiming an increasing number of lives. Ten countries, including Russia, account for nearly two-thirds of the global burden of hepatitis B and C. The report, presented on Tuesday at the World Hepatitis Summit, emphasizes that despite improvements in diagnostic tools…

  5. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: Food convoys under the auspices of the UN are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern Gaza Strip than other humanitarian shipments, reported on Tuesday by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). This week, OCHA released a report stating that restrictions and refusals of planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to impede the delivery of life-saving assistance to the devastated enclave. In March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas, requiring coordination with Israeli authorities, either did not receive permission to pass or encountered obstacles.

  6. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: UN-coordinated food convoys are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern part of Gaza than other humanitarian cargoes, as reported on Tuesday by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). This week, OCHA released a report stating that restrictions and denials of planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to impede the delivery of life-saving assistance to the shattered enclave. During March, over half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas requiring coordination with Israeli authorities either did not receive permission to pass or faced obstacles.

  7. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: UN-coordinated food convoys are three times more likely to be denied access to the north of Gaza than other humanitarian cargoes, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported on Tuesday. This week OCHA published a report stating that restrictions and denials of planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to impede the delivery of vital assistance to the devastated enclave. During March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN in high-risk areas that require approval from Israeli authorities either did not receive permission to pass or encountered obstacles.

  8. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: UN food convoys are three times more likely to be denied access to northern Gaza than other humanitarian cargoes, stated on Tuesday by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). This week, OCHA released a report indicating that restrictions and denials in planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to hinder the delivery of vital aid to the battered enclave. Throughout March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas that require Israeli coordination either did not receive permission to pass or encountered obstacles.

  9. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: UN-coordinated food convoys are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern Gaza Strip than other humanitarian shipments, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Tuesday. This week, OCHA released a report stating that restrictions and denials of planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to hinder the delivery of life-saving assistance to the devastated enclave. Throughout March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas requiring coordination with Israeli authorities either did not receive permission to proceed or faced obstacles. Global Hepatitis Report: According to the new Global Hepatitis Report from the World Health Organization (WHO), viral hepatitis is claiming an increasing number of lives. Ten countries, including Russia, account for almost two-thirds of the global burden of hepatitis B and C. The report presented on Tuesday at the World Hepatitis Summit emphasizes that, despite improvements in diagnostic tools…

  10. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: UN-coordinated food convoys are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern Gaza Strip than other humanitarian shipments, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Tuesday. This week, OCHA released a report stating that restrictions and refusals of planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to impede the delivery of life-saving assistance to the devastated enclave. During March, over half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas requiring coordination with Israeli authorities either did not receive permission to pass or faced obstacles.

  11. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: Convoy with food under the auspices of the UN are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern Gaza Strip than other humanitarian shipments, as reported on Tuesday by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). This week, OCHA published a report stating that restrictions and denials of planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to obstruct the delivery of vital assistance to the devastated enclave. During March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas requiring coordination with Israeli authorities either did not receive permission to pass or encountered obstacles.

  12. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: UN food convoys are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern Gaza Strip than other humanitarian cargo, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported on Tuesday. This week, OCHA released a report stating that restrictions and refusals by Israeli authorities continue to hinder the delivery of vital aid to the devastated enclave. During March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas requiring Israeli coordination either did not receive permission to pass or encountered obstacles.

  13. Humanitarian operations in Gaza: UN food convoys are three times more likely to be denied access to the northern Gaza than other humanitarian cargoes, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported on Tuesday. This week, OCHA published a report stating that restrictions and denials in planned movements by Israeli authorities continue to hinder the delivery of vital aid to the devastated enclave. During March, more than half of the food missions coordinated by the UN to high-risk areas, requiring coordination with the Israeli authorities, either did not receive permission to pass or faced obstacles. Hepatitis report: According to the new Global Hepatitis Report from the World Health Organization (WHO), viral hepatitis is claiming more lives. Ten countries, including Russia, account for nearly two-thirds of the global burden of hepatitis B and C. The report, presented on Tuesday at the World Hepatitis Summit, emphasizes that despite improvements in diagnostic tools

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