
“Grab this opportunity,” urges Guterres as Ethiopia and Tigray forces drop bombshell

In the wake of recent developments in northern Ethiopia, UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Saturday urged warring sides to seize the opportunity to bring an end to more than a year of fighting in the Tigray region.

 Mr. Guterres has welcomed the Ethiopian government’s announcement on Friday that the National Defence Force will pause at its current positions, Deputy UN Spokesperson Farhan Haq said in a statement.

He also welcomed the message from the Tigrayan forces stating they had withdrawn from neighbouring Afar and Amhara regions back into Tigray. 

“The Secretary-General urges the parties to grasp this opportunity, cease hostilities in the year-long conflict, take all steps to ensure the provision of much-needed humanitarian assistance, the withdrawal of foreign fighters, and address political differences through a credible and inclusive national dialogue,” the statement said.

The Secretary-General encouraged the parties to continue engagement with the African Union High Representative for the Horn of Africa, former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo.

He also underlined the UN’s full support of Mr. Obasanjo’s mediation efforts, and called on the international community to play a constructive role in supporting an end to the fighting.

Last week, the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva held a special session where countries voted to establish an international expert commission to investigate allegations of violations during the conflict.



  1. Ms. Guterres is right in calling for both sides to seize this chance for peace and humanitarian assistance. Let’s hope they heed the call and work towards a lasting resolution to the conflict.

  2. It is crucial that both sides heed Mr. Guterres’ call for peace and prioritize humanitarian efforts. Ending the conflict and engaging in dialogue are essential steps towards lasting stability in the region. Let’s hope this opportunity is not squandered and progress is made towards a peaceful resolution.

  3. Mr. Guterres is absolutely right in urging the warring sides to seize this opportunity for peace in the Tigray region. It is crucial for both parties to prioritize humanitarian needs, withdraw foreign fighters, and engage in a national dialogue to resolve political differences. The UN’s support and involvement in mediation efforts are essential for a peaceful resolution.

  4. It’s crucial that both parties, Ethiopia and Tigray forces, take this opportunity to end the conflict and prioritize humanitarian assistance. The international community should also step in to support the resolution of political differences through dialogue.

  5. It’s crucial that both sides in the conflict heed Guterres’ call and seize this opportunity for peace. The humanitarian situation in Tigray is dire and it’s high time for a resolution to the violence and suffering. Let’s hope they can come together for the sake of the people.

  6. It’s crucial that the warring sides in Ethiopia heed Mr. Guterres’ call for seizing this opportunity to end the conflict in Tigray. Let’s hope they prioritize humanitarian assistance, withdrawal of foreign fighters, and engage in a national dialogue to address political differences.

  7. It’s crucial that both sides in the conflict heed Mr. Guterres’ call to seize this moment of opportunity. Ceasing hostilities, facilitating humanitarian aid, and engaging in dialogue are essential steps towards sustainable peace in the region.

  8. I believe Mr. Guterres’ call for seizing this opportunity to end the conflict in Tigray is crucial for bringing much-needed peace to the region. It is time for the warring sides to prioritize humanitarian assistance and engage in inclusive dialogue to resolve their differences.

  9. Isn’t it crucial for the warring sides to prioritize humanitarian assistance in the Tigray conflict?

    1. It is indeed crucial for the warring sides to prioritize humanitarian assistance in the Tigray conflict. Uniting for the common goal of providing much-needed aid can pave the way for a lasting peace and stability in the region.

  10. “I completely agree with Mr. Guterres. It’s crucial for the warring sides to grasp this opportunity and put an end to the conflict in Tigray. Humanitarian assistance is urgently needed, and political differences must be addressed through dialogue.”

  11. It’s crucial that both parties grasp this opportunity to end the conflict and prioritize humanitarian assistance. Let’s hope for a peaceful resolution and inclusive dialogue.

  12. It’s crucial that both sides seize this opportunity for peace and humanitarian aid. Let’s hope they prioritize dialogue over conflict.

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