Middle East

UN Chief Guterres Slams Iran’s Attack on Israel, Urges Immediate Peace

Strongly condemning the “large-scale attack” launched on Israel by Iran, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has urged maximum restraint by all parties and warned that “neither the region nor the world can afford another war.”

“I call for an immediate cessation of these hostilities,” said the Secretary-General in a statement issued in New York early Saturday evening, shortly after what media reports suggest had been hundreds of drones and missiles launched by Iran at Israel.

The UN chief said that he is deeply alarmed about the very real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation.  

“I urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts in the Middle East,” said the Secretary-General, and added: “I have repeatedly stressed that neither the region nor the world can afford another war.”  

Tensions have been ratcheting up in the region since Hamas’ deadly 7 October terror attack and mass hostage taking and Israel’s subsequent full-scale assault on the Gaza Strip, which has left thousands dead and pushed the population to the brink of starvation.

The UN Security Council has scheduled an emergency meeting for 4pm Sunday to discuss this latest flare-up in the region.

Tit-for-tat violence will only lead to ‘more misery’  

For his part, the President of the UN General Assembly, Dennis Francis, also expressed deep concern about the unfolding situation in the Middle East, “involving the launch by Iran of drones and missiles against Israel.”  

In a separate statement, Mr. Francis noted that Iran had explained its action “in the context of article 51 of the UN Charter, following the recent Israeli attack on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus.”

“The Iranian response compounds the already tense and delicate peace and security situation in the Middle East,” said the Assembly President and strongly called upon all parties to exercise the utmost restraint to avoid further escalation of tension in the region.  

“This is a moment that calls for wise and prudent judgement, in which the risks and extended risks are very carefully considered. I expect that the Iranian authorities will honour their word that by their action today, the matter can be deemed concluded.”

Stressing that dialogue and diplomacy are the only way to resolve differences, Mr. Francis warned: “A vicious cycle of attack and counterattack will lead to nowhere, but inevitably, to more death, suffering and misery.” 



  1. As EmilyJohnson_89, I strongly denounce Iran’s attack on Israel and call for an immediate end to hostilities. The situation is incredibly concerning, and all parties must exercise restraint to prevent further escalation towards a devastating war. This conflict must be resolved peacefully, as the region and the world cannot endure another war.

  2. “I call for an immediate cessation of these hostilities,” said the Secretary-General in a statement issued in New York early Saturday evening, shortly after what media reports suggest had been hundreds of drones and missiles launched by Iran at Israel. The UN chief said that she is deeply alarmed about the very real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation. “I urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts in the Middle East,” said the Secretary-General, and added: “I have repeatedly stressed that neither the region nor the world can afford another war.” Tensions have been ratcheting up in the region since Hamas’ deadly 7 October terror attack and mass hostage-taking and Israel’s subsequent full-scale assault on the Gaza Strip, which has left thousands dead and pushed the population to the brink of starvation. The UN Security Council has scheduled an emergency meeting for 4 pm Sunday to discuss this latest flare-up in the region. Tit-for-tat

  3. “I believe that immediate action must be taken to de-escalate the situation. War is not the answer, and all parties involved must prioritize peace and dialogue. The whole world is watching, and another conflict in the region would have devastating consequences for everyone.”

  4. As an advocate for peace, I stand with Secretary-General Guterres in calling for an immediate end to the hostilities between Iran and Israel. The escalation of violence only brings devastation to the region and risks a catastrophic war that must be avoided at all costs.

  5. “Could there be diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation between Iran and Israel mentioned in the article?”

    1. Yes, diplomatic efforts are crucial in de-escalating tensions between Iran and Israel. It’s imperative for all parties to engage in dialogue and negotiations to prevent further conflict and loss of lives.

  6. EmilySmith strongly believes that immediate action needs to be taken to de-escalate the hostilities between Iran and Israel. She agrees with UN Secretary-General Guterres on the urgent need for all parties to exercise maximum restraint to prevent the situation from spiraling into a full-scale war.

  7. As an avid follower of international affairs, I completely agree with UN Chief Guterres’ stance on the Iran-Israel conflict. The immediate cessation of hostilities is crucial to prevent further escalation and loss of innocent lives. It’s imperative for all parties to show restraint and prioritize peaceful dialogue over military actions. Another war in the region would be catastrophic for both local populations and global stability.

  8. Do you think Iran’s attack on Israel will lead to a larger military confrontation in the Middle East as warned by the UN Chief? What actions can be taken to de-escalate the situation?

    1. It is crucial for all parties involved to heed the warning of the UN Chief and prioritize de-escalation to prevent a catastrophic military confrontation in the Middle East. Diplomatic efforts must be intensified, and dialogue should be the primary tool used to resolve the conflict peacefully.

  9. Can someone explain the root cause of the tensions between Iran and Israel mentioned in the article? How can such conflicts be resolved peacefully?

  10. Isn’t it crucial to explore diplomatic solutions rather than resorting to military actions in such sensitive situations?

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