
UN Officials in Haiti Rushing Against the Clock as Crises Intensify

Ahead of an expected closed-door Security Council meeting, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, called for the urgent deployment, with no further delay, of the Council-mandated multinational security support mission in Haiti.

“The reality is that, in the current context, there is no realistic alternative available to protect lives,” the High Commissioner said. “We are simply running out of time.”

‘Lethal threat’ to national security

Last weekend’s mass prison breakout has been described by Haitian officials as a lethal threat to national security, Mr. Türk said.

More than 4,500 inmates are now known to have escaped, among them prominent gang members as well as those arrested in connection with the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse.

The break followed coordinated gang action against national institutions with the stated aim of bringing down the Haitian Government.

“This situation is beyond untenable for the people of Haiti,” he said, noting that since the beginning of the year, a 1,193 people have been killed and 692 others injured by gang violence.

Crumbling services

In addition, more than 313,000 people are currently internally displaced, and a range of public services are crumbling.

“The health system is on the brink of collapse,” he added. “Hospitals often do not have the capacity to treat those arriving with gunshots wounds.”

At the same time, he said, schools and business are closed, and children are increasingly being used by gangs, he warned.

Economic activity is “asphyxiated as gangs impose restrictions on people’s movements”, he said.

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Violence ‘must stop’

Echoing those concerns, some humanitarian organisations drew attention on Tuesday to the impact of the violence on hospitals, health centres and schools in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and some other towns, according to the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA.

Since 29 February, violence caused by armed gangs in the capital has led to the displacement of thousands of civilians and made access to basic social services extremely difficult, further exacerbating an already precarious daily life, said Ulrika Richardson, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti.

“This violence cannot continue; it must stop,” she declared, adding that more than 15,000 people, the majority of whom were already displaced, have been displaced again in recent days.

Violence disrupts aid deliveries

Humanitarian actors have begun to deliver emergency aid, but the persistence and expansion of the violence has severely disrupted operations, she explained.

“Thousands of people now find themselves unprotected, unsafe and exposed to all types of risks,” she stressed, emphasizing that displaced people and vulnerable populations need emergency aid and safe, protected spaces.

“Haiti is facing a complex humanitarian and protection crisis; every time violence breaks out, thousands of people fall into precarious situations and need emergency aid,” said Ms. Richardson. “Humanitarian organisations need unhindered access to the most vulnerable populations. Beyond humanitarian aid, Haiti needs greater international solidarity at this crucial time.”

Every hour gets worse

At a press briefing at UN Headquarters, Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said “every hour gets worse for Haiti.”

News outlets are now reporting that a gang leader is threatening to launch a civil war if Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry does not resign.

Mr. Dujarric said the UN will continue to follow the situation closely.



  1. Is there any indication that the multinational security support mission in Haiti will be deployed soon to address these escalating crises?

    1. Hey EmilySmith84, based on the urgency expressed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, it seems like the deployment of the multinational security support mission in Haiti is imminent. The situation on the ground calls for immediate action to address the escalating crises before it’s too late.

  2. Is there any international support being mobilized to address the escalating crises in Haiti as mentioned in the article?

    1. Yes, international support is crucial in addressing the escalating crises in Haiti. The urgent deployment of a multinational security support mission is imperative to protect lives and stabilize the situation. Without swift intervention, the challenges facing Haiti will only worsen.

  3. The situation described in the article is truly concerning. It’s crucial that immediate actions are taken to address the escalating crises in Haiti. The deployment of multinational security support is imperative to protect lives and national security. The statistics on the prison breakout and violence paint a grim picture, and it’s evident that the current state in Haiti is unsustainable. International intervention is necessary to prevent further deterioration.

  4. As a humanitarian crisis escalates in Haiti, swift action is imperative to prevent further loss of life. The need for a multinational security mission cannot be overstated, and the urgency of the situation demands immediate intervention. The international community must unite to provide essential support and protection for the people of Haiti.

  5. As the situation in Haiti continues to deteriorate rapidly, it’s crucial for the UN to act swiftly and decisively. Lives are at stake, and any delay in deploying the necessary support mission could have dire consequences. It is evident that the national security of Haiti is under a severe threat, and urgent intervention is imperative to prevent further chaos and violence.

  6. As we can see, the situation in Haiti is critical and demands immediate action. The international community must come together to support the deployment of necessary security measures to protect the lives of innocent civilians. The recent events underline the urgent need for intervention to prevent further loss of life and ensure the stability of the region.

  7. It’s truly alarming to see the escalating crises in Haiti. The urgent deployment of the multinational security support mission is crucial to protect lives and stabilize the situation. The mass prison breakout and the rampant gang violence pose a grave threat to national security. Immediate action is imperative as time is running out.

  8. Do you think the international community is doing enough to address the escalating crises in Haiti?

    1. It’s heartbreaking to see the dire situation in Haiti. The international community must step up their efforts immediately to address the escalating crises. The urgent deployment of the multinational security support mission is crucial to protect lives. The time to act is now.

  9. As a humanitarian worker, it’s heartbreaking to see the dire situation unfolding in Haiti. The call for immediate deployment of the security mission is crucial to protect lives. The recent prison breakout poses a grave threat to national security, and the escalating gang violence is devastating for the people. Urgent action is needed to prevent further tragedy.

  10. Is there any specific plan in place to address the escalating gang violence and the mass prison breakouts in Haiti?

  11. Is there any concrete plan in place to address the escalating crises in Haiti? It seems like time is running out for the people there.

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