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Why We Need to Invest in Infrastructure to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Качественная и надежная инфраструктура, в том числе региональная и трансграничная, необходима в сферах торговли и коммерции, транспорта, связи, энергетики, а также для защиты населения от стихийных бедствий. Председатель Генеральной Ассамблеи Деннис Фрэнсис сказал об этом, открывая дискуссию по взаимосвязи инфраструктуры и устойчивого развития в рамках Недели устойчивого развития в ООН.

По его словам, недавнее обрушение моста в Балтиморе, США, продемонстрировало, как ущерб критической инфраструктуре может иметь далеко идущие экономические последствия, в частности, в результате сбоев в цепочках поставок на национальном – и на глобальном – уровнях.

Председатель Генассамблеи подчеркнул, что в последние годы мир сталкивается с новыми потрясениями – не только из-за войн и конфликтов, но также вследствие экстремальных погодных условий и бедствий. «Поэтому крайне важно создать последовательную систему для оценки воздействия климатических явлений и определения приоритетов по адаптации к ним», – заявил он.

Сохраняющиеся пробелы усугубляют глобальное неравенство, непропорционально затрагивая наиболее уязвимые страны, например малые островные и наименее развитые государства, добавил Фрэнсис. В развивающихся странах без выхода к морю, по оценкам Всемирного банка, транспортные расходы на 50 процентов выше средних, что делает такие государства менее конкурентоспособными на мировых рынках по сравнению со странами, имеющими прямой выход к морю.

Председатель Генассамблеи, под эгидой которой проходят мероприятия Недели устойчивого развития, подчеркнул, что повышение устойчивости инфраструктуры требует инвестиций, призвав участников диалога обсудить инновационные механизмы финансирования и сотрудничество с международными финансовыми институтами и частным сектором.

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  1. Investments in infrastructure are crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Quality and reliable infrastructure, including regional and cross-border infrastructure, are necessary in the areas of trade and commerce, transportation, communication, energy, as well as for protecting the population from natural disasters. Chairman of the General Assembly Dennis Francis stated this while opening the discussion on the interlinkages between infrastructure and sustainable development during the UN Sustainable Development Week.
    According to him, the recent collapse of a bridge in Baltimore, USA, demonstrated how damage to critical infrastructure can have far-reaching economic consequences, particularly due to disruptions in supply chains at national – and global – levels. The Chairman emphasized that in recent years the world has been facing new upheavals – not only due to wars and conflicts, but also as a result of extreme weather conditions and disasters. “Therefore, it is extremely important to establish a consistent system for assessing the impact of climatic events and determining priorities for adaptation to them,” he said. Persistent gaps exacerbate global inequality, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable countries, such as small island states and the least developed countries, added Francis. In landlocked developing countries, according to the World Bank estimates, trans…

  2. Recent bridge collapse in Baltimore, USA, showcased how damage to critical infrastructure can have far-reaching economic consequences, particularly due to supply chain disruptions at national – and global – levels. It is crucial to establish a consistent system for assessing the impact of climate events and setting priorities for adaptation, emphasized by the General Assembly Chair. Lingering gaps worsen global inequality, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable countries, such as small island nations and least developed states, added Francis.

  3. Recent bridge collapse in Baltimore, USA, demonstrated how damage to critical infrastructure can have far-reaching economic consequences, particularly due to disruptions in supply chains at the national – and global – levels. The President of the General Assembly emphasized that the world is facing new shocks in recent years – not only due to wars and conflicts, but also as a result of extreme weather conditions and disasters. “Therefore, it is crucial to create a consistent system to assess the impact of climate phenomena and determine priorities for adaptation,” he stated. Persistent gaps worsen global inequality, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable countries, such as small island nations and least developed states, Francis added. In developing landlocked countries, according to World Bank estimates, trans…

  4. How can we ensure that investments in infrastructure prioritize the most vulnerable countries and communities in the face of climate challenges?

    1. Investments in infrastructure must be carefully directed towards prioritizing the most vulnerable countries and communities in the face of climate challenges. As recent events like the bridge collapse in Baltimore, USA, have shown, damage to critical infrastructure can have far-reaching economic consequences, particularly due to supply chain disruptions at national and global levels. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a systematic approach for assessing the impact of climate events and determining adaptation priorities. The persistent gaps exacerbate global inequality, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable countries, such as small island nations and least developed states. Developing countries without access to the sea are especially at risk. – Dennis F

  5. Recent bridge collapse in Baltimore, USA, has shown how damage to critical infrastructure can have far-reaching economic consequences, especially due to disruptions in supply chains at national – and global – levels. Building a consistent system to assess the impact of climate events and prioritize adaptation to them is therefore crucial in the face of emerging challenges like extreme weather conditions and disasters. The persistent gaps worsen global inequality, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable countries, such as small island nations and the least developed states, emphasized Francis. In developing countries without access to the sea, according to the World Bank’s estimates,…

  6. Recent bridge collapse in Baltimore, USA, has clearly shown how damage to critical infrastructure can have far-reaching economic consequences, particularly due to disruptions in supply chains at national – and global – levels. The President of the General Assembly emphasized that the world is facing new shocks in recent years – not only due to wars and conflicts, but also as a result of extreme weather conditions and disasters. “Therefore, it is crucial to establish a consistent system for assessing the impact of climate events and determining priorities for adapting to them,” he stated. Persistent gaps exacerbate global inequality, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable countries, such as small island states and the least developed countries,” Francis added. In landlocked developing countries, according to the World Bank’s estimates…

  7. Recent bridge collapse in Baltimore, USA, showcased the far-reaching economic consequences of damage to critical infrastructure, particularly due to supply chain disruptions on national – and global – levels. Chair of the General Assembly emphasized that the world is facing new shocks – not only due to wars and conflicts, but also as a result of extreme weather conditions and disasters. “Hence, it is crucial to establish a consistent system to assess the impact of climate phenomena and prioritize adaptation to them,” he stated. Persistent gaps exacerbate global inequality, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable countries, such as small island states and the least developed countries, added Francis. In developing landlocked countries, according to World Bank estimates, the situations…

  8. Do you think investing in infrastructure is the key to achieving sustainable development goals globally?

  9. Recent bridge collapse in Baltimore, USA, clearly illustrates how damage to critical infrastructure can have far-reaching economic consequences, particularly as a result of disruptions in supply chains at national – and global – levels. It is crucial to establish a consistent system for assessing the impact of climate events and determining priorities for adaptation to them, as Chairman of the General Assembly highlighted. Persistent gaps exacerbate global inequality, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable countries, such as small island nations and the least developed states, added Francis. In landlocked developing countries, according to World Bank estimates…

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