UN Urges Boosted Teamwork to Keep Migrants Safe Amid Libya Mass Burial Tragedy
Эта трагедия подчеркивает острую необходимость решения проблем, связанных с нелегальной миграцией, в том числе путем скоординированного реагирования на незаконный ввоз мигрантов и торговлю людьми, подчеркивают в МОМ. Если не обеспечить возможности для легальной миграции, подобные трагедии будут по-прежнему происходить на этом маршруте, считают в организации.
Ливийские власти проводят расследование случившегося. МОМ призывает их к сотрудничеству с агентствами ООН в том, что касается идентификации и передачи останков погибших мигрантов, а также напоминает о необходимости надлежащим образом уведомить их семьи.
По данным проекта «Пропавшие мигранты», в 2023 году было зарегистрировано по меньшей мере 3129 смертей и исчезновений на Средиземноморском маршруте. Именно на этом маршруте регистрируется самое большое число смертей.
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В Совете Безопасности обсудили вопросы миграции по средиземноморским маршрутам
МОМ в Ливии работает над предоставлением гуманитарной помощи всем нуждающимся людям и поддерживает проведение поисково-спасательных операций в пустыне в соответствии с международным правом. Такие операции должны быть ориентированы на защиту уязвимых групп и оказание им помощи.
МОМ призывает власти стран, расположенных на Средиземноморском маршруте, расширить региональное сотрудничество для обеспечения безопасности и защиты мигрантов, независимо от их статуса и на всех этапах их путешествия.
Nora Chambers, an acclaimed journalist with a focus on global affairs and humanitarian issues, has dedicated over twenty years to reporting from conflict zones worldwide. Her work has spotlighted marginalized communities and highlighted urgent international concerns.
Does the article mention any specific actions that the UN is proposing to address the migrant protection issue in Libya?
Yes, the article highlights the urgent need for coordinated responses to illegal migration and human trafficking. The UN advises enhancing legal migration pathways to prevent such tragedies in the future. Collaboration with Libyan authorities is crucial in identifying and repatriating the deceased migrants. The focus is on humanitarian assistance and rescue missions to protect vulnerable groups along the Mediterranean route.
Does the UN have any specific plans for enhancing regional cooperation to protect migrants in the wake of this tragedy?
Yes, the UN is actively working on enhancing regional cooperation to protect migrants, especially in the aftermath of this tragedy. Collaborative efforts are crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals on the Mediterranean route.
This tragedy underscores the urgent need to address issues related to illegal migration, including through coordinated responses to illegal migrant smuggling and human trafficking, as emphasized by IOM. If opportunities for legal migration are not provided, similar tragedies will continue to occur along this route, according to the organization. Libyan authorities are conducting an investigation into the incident. IOM urges them to collaborate with UN agencies on the identification and repatriation of the deceased migrants’ remains, as well as to properly notify their families. According to the Missing Migrants project, at least 3129 deaths and disappearances were registered in 2023 on the Mediterranean route, where the highest number of deaths is recorded.
This tragedy underscores the urgent need to address issues related to illegal migration, including through coordinated responses to illegal migrant smuggling and human trafficking, emphasized by IOM. If opportunities for legal migration are not provided, such tragedies will continue to occur along this route, the organization believes. Libyan authorities are conducting an investigation into what happened. IOM urges them to cooperate with UN agencies in terms of identifying and repatriating the remains of deceased migrants, as well as reminding them of the need to properly notify their families. According to the “Missing Migrants” project, at least 3129 deaths and disappearances were registered on the Mediterranean route in 2023. This route has the highest number of deaths registered. Also read: Migration issues along the Mediterranean routes discussed in the Security Council. IOM in Libya is working on providing humanitarian assistance to all those in need and supporting search and rescue operations in the desert in accordance with international law. Such operations should focus on protecting vulnerable groups and providing them with assistance. IOM calls on the authorities of the countries located on the Mediterranean route to expand regional cooperation to ensure the safety and protection of migrants, regardless of their status and at all stages of their journey.
This tragedy underscores the urgent need to address issues related to illegal migration, including through coordinated responses to the illegal entry of migrants and human trafficking, as emphasized by IOM. If opportunities for legal migration are not provided, such tragedies will continue to occur on this route, according to the organization. The Libyan authorities are conducting an investigation into the incident. IOM urges them to cooperate with UN agencies regarding the identification and repatriation of the deceased migrants, as well as to properly notify their families. According to the “Missing Migrants” project, at least 3,129 deaths and disappearances were registered on the Mediterranean route in 2023. It is on this route that the highest number of deaths is registered. IOM in Libya is working on providing humanitarian assistance to all those in need and supporting search and rescue operations in the desert in accordance with international law. Such operations should focus on protecting vulnerable groups and providing them with assistance. IOM calls on the authorities of countries located on the Mediterranean route to enhance regional cooperation to ensure the safety and protection of migrants, regardless of their status and at all stages of their journey.
This tragedy highlights the urgent need to address issues related to illegal migration, including through coordinated responses to illegal entry of migrants and human trafficking, emphasized by IOM. If opportunities for legal migration are not provided, such tragedies will continue to occur on this route, according to the organization. Libyan authorities are conducting an investigation into the incident. IOM urges them to cooperate with UN agencies in terms of identifying and repatriating the remains of deceased migrants, as well as reminding the need to properly inform their families. According to the Missing Migrants project, at least 3129 deaths and disappearances were registered on the Mediterranean route in 2023. This route records the highest number of deaths. IOM in Libya is working on providing humanitarian assistance to all those in need and supporting search and rescue operations in the desert in accordance with international law. Such operations should be focused on protecting vulnerable groups and providing them with assistance. IOM calls on authorities of countries located on the Mediterranean route to expand regional cooperation to ensure the safety and protection of migrants, regardless of their status and at all stages of their journey.
This tragedy underscores the urgent need to address issues related to illegal migration, including through coordinated responses to the illegal entry of migrants and human trafficking, emphasized by IOM. If opportunities for legal migration are not provided, such tragedies will continue to occur along this route, according to the organization. Libyan authorities are conducting an investigation into the incident. IOM urges them to cooperate with UN agencies regarding the identification and repatriation of the deceased migrants’ remains, as well as reminding them of the need to properly notify their families. According to the “Missing Migrants” project, at least 3,129 deaths and disappearances were registered on the Mediterranean route in 2023. It is on this route that the highest number of fatalities are recorded. Read also: Security Council discussed migration issues along the Mediterranean routes IOM in Libya is working on providing humanitarian assistance to all those in need and supports search and rescue operations in the desert in accordance with international law. Such operations should focus on protecting vulnerable groups and providing them with assistance. IOM calls on the authorities of countries located on the Mediterranean route to expand regional cooperation to ensure the safety and protection of migrants, regardless of their status and at all stages of their journey.
This tragedy emphasizes the urgent need to address issues related to illegal migration, including through coordinated responses to illegal trafficking of migrants and human trafficking, as highlighted by IOM. If opportunities for legal migration are not provided, such tragedies will continue to occur on this route, according to the organization. Libyan authorities are investigating the incident. IOM calls for their collaboration with UN agencies regarding the identification and transmission of the remains of deceased migrants, as well as reminding them of the need to properly notify their families. According to the “Missing Migrants” project, at least 3129 deaths and disappearances were registered on the Mediterranean route in 2023. It is on this route that the highest number of deaths is recorded. Also, in the United Nations Security Council, issues of migration along the Mediterranean routes were discussed. IOM in Libya is working on providing humanitarian assistance to all people in need and supports search and rescue operations in the desert in accordance with international law. Such operations should be aimed at protecting vulnerable groups and providing them with assistance. IOM calls on the authorities of countries located on the Mediterranean route to expand regional cooperation to ensure the safety and protection of migrants, regardless of their status, at all stages of their journey.
This tragedy underscores the urgent need to address issues related to illegal migration, including through coordinated responses to illegal migrant smuggling and human trafficking, as emphasized by IOM. If opportunities for legal migration are not provided, such tragedies will continue to occur on this route, the organization believes. The Libyan authorities are conducting an investigation into what happened. IOM calls on them to cooperate with UN agencies in terms of identifying and repatriating the bodies of deceased migrants, as well as to properly notify their families. According to the Missing Migrants project, at least 3129 deaths and disappearances were registered on the Mediterranean route in 2023. It is on this route that the highest number of deaths is recorded. Also read: Migration issues along the Mediterranean routes discussed in the Security Council IOM in Libya is working to provide humanitarian assistance to all those in need and supports search and rescue operations in the desert in accordance with international law. Such operations should be geared towards protecting vulnerable groups and providing assistance to them. IOM urges the authorities of countries located along the Mediterranean route to enhance regional cooperation to ensure the safety and protection of migrants, regardless of their status and at all stages of their journey.
Does the UN provide any specific recommendations on how to improve the safety of migrants along the Mediterranean route?
Yes, the UN recommends boosted teamwork among regional authorities to tackle illegal migration issues effectively and ensure the safety of migrants along the Mediterranean route. Collaboration is crucial in addressing the ongoing tragedies related to illegal migration. Hopefully, with coordinated efforts, we can prevent such devastating incidents in the future.
This tragedy underscores the urgent need to address issues related to illegal migration, including through coordinated responses to illegal migrant smuggling and human trafficking, as emphasized by IOM. If opportunities for legal migration are not provided, such tragedies will continue to occur along this route, the organization believes. Libyan authorities are investigating the incident. IOM urges them to cooperate with UN agencies regarding the identification and repatriation of deceased migrants’ remains, as well as reminds them of the importance of properly notifying their families. According to the Missing Migrants Project, at least 3129 deaths and disappearances were recorded on the Central Mediterranean route in 2023. This route registers the highest number of deaths. Read also: Migration issues along Mediterranean routes discussed in Security Council IOM in Libya is working on providing humanitarian assistance to all those in need and supporting search and rescue operations in the desert in accordance with international law. Such operations should be geared towards protecting vulnerable groups and providing them with assistance. IOM calls on the authorities of countries located along the Central Mediterranean route to enhance regional cooperation to ensure the safety and protection of migrants, regardless of their status and at all stages of their journey.