
Let’s Invest in Women: UN Chief’s Urgent Call on International Women’s Day

«При этом они сталкиваются с огромными препятствиями, – продолжил Антониу Гутерриш. – Миллиарды женщин и девочек сталкиваются с маргинализацией, несправедливостью и дискриминацией, а непрекращающаяся эпидемия насилия в отношении женщин является позором всего человечества».

По словам главы ООН, в современном мире по-прежнему находят отражение «тысячелетиями существовавашие властные отношения», при которых доминируют мужчины. Прогресс находится под угрозой: идет яростное наступление на права женщин.

«При нынешних темпах развития добиться правового равенства можно будет лишь через триста лет, – сказал Антониу Гутерриш. – Мы должны двигаться гораздо быстрее».

Генеральный секретарь ООН призвал поддержать женщин и девочек, борющихся за свои права, и ускорить прогресс. По его словам, тема Международного женского дня в этом году – «Инвестировать в женщин» – напоминает о том, что для того, чтобы покончить с патриархатом, нужны деньги.

Антониу Гутерриш заявил о необходимости поддерживать женские организации, которые «находятся на передовой»; инвестировать в программы, призванные положить конец насилию в отношении женщин, а также способствовать вовлечению женщин в работу в таких сферах, как экономика, цифровые технологии, миростроительство и борьба с изменением климата.

«Нам также необходимо увеличить число женщин-лидеров в бизнесе, финансовой сфере, в центральных банках и в министерствах финансов, – сказал глава ООН. – Права женщин – это проверенный путь к справедливому, мирному и процветающему обществу. Это благо для всех нас».



  1. At the current pace of development, achieving legal equality will only be possible in three hundred years,” said António Guterres. “We must move much faster.” The UN Secretary-General called for support for women and girls fighting for their rights and to accelerate progress. According to him, the theme of International Women’s Day this year – “Investing in Women” – reminds us that money is needed to end patriarchy. António Guterres stressed the need to support women’s organizations that are “on the front lines”; invest in programs aimed at ending violence against women, and promote the involvement of women in areas such as the economy, digital technologies, peacebuilding, and climate change. “We also need to increase the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks, and finance ministries,” said the UN chief. “Women’s rights are a proven path to a more just society.”

  2. At the current pace of development, achieving legal equality will only be possible in three hundred years,” said António Guterres. “We must move much faster.” The UN Secretary-General called for support for women and girls fighting for their rights and to accelerate progress. According to him, the theme of International Women’s Day this year – “Investing in Women” – reminds us that money is needed to end patriarchy. António Guterres stressed the need to support women’s organizations that are “on the front lines”; invest in programs aimed at ending violence against women, and promote the involvement of women in areas such as the economy, digital technologies, peacebuilding, and climate change. “We also need to increase the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks, and finance ministries,” the UN chief said. “Women’s rights are a proven path to sp

  3. “At the current pace of development, achieving legal equality will only be possible in three hundred years,” said António Guterres. “We must move much faster.” The UN Secretary-General called for supporting women and girls fighting for their rights and accelerating progress. According to him, the theme of International Women’s Day this year – “Investing in Women” – reminds us that to end patriarchy, money is needed. António Guterres emphasized the need to support women’s organizations that are “at the forefront”; to invest in programs aimed at ending violence against women, and to promote the involvement of women in fields such as the economy, digital technologies, peacebuilding, and climate change. “We also need to increase the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks, and finance ministries,” said the UN chief. “Women’s rights are a proven path to a

  4. Will investing in women truly accelerate progress towards gender equality as suggested in the article?

    1. Investing in women is not just about accelerating progress towards gender equality, but it is also about creating a more just and inclusive society for all. Empowering women leads to positive ripple effects in communities and economies, ultimately benefitting everyone.

  5. “At the current pace of progress, achieving legal equality will only be possible in three hundred years,” said Antonio Guterres. “We must move much faster.” The UN Secretary-General called for support for women and girls fighting for their rights and to accelerate progress. According to him, the theme of International Women’s Day this year – ‘Investing in Women’ – reminds us that money is needed to end patriarchy. Antonio Guterres emphasized the need to support women’s organizations that are ‘at the forefront’; invest in programs aimed at ending violence against women, and promote the involvement of women in areas such as the economy, digital technologies, peacemaking, and climate change. “We also need to increase the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks, and finance ministries,” said the UN chief. “Women’s rights are a proven path to s

  6. At the current pace of development, achieving legal equality will only be possible in three hundred years,” said Antonio Guterres. “We must move much faster.” The UN Secretary-General called for support for women and girls fighting for their rights and to accelerate progress. According to him, the theme of International Women’s Day this year – “Investing in Women” – reminds us that money is needed to end patriarchy. Antonio Guterres emphasized the need to support women’s organizations that are “at the forefront”; invest in programs aimed at ending violence against women, as well as promoting the involvement of women in fields such as the economy, digital technologies, peacebuilding, and climate change. “We also need to increase the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks, and finance ministries,” the UN chief said. “Women’s rights are a proven path to real change.

  7. At the current pace, achieving legal equality will only be possible in three hundred years. We need to move much faster. Investing in women is crucial to ending patriarchy and it requires financial support. We must support women’s organizations at the forefront, invest in programs to end violence against women, and promote women’s involvement in sectors such as the economy, digital technologies, peacemaking, and climate change efforts. Increasing the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks, and finance ministries is also essential. Women’s rights are a proven path to progress.

  8. “At the current pace of development, achieving legal equality will only be possible in three hundred years,” said Antonio Guterres. “We must move much faster.” The UN Secretary-General called for support for women and girls fighting for their rights and to accelerate progress. According to him, the theme of International Women’s Day this year – ‘Investing in Women’ – reminds us that money is needed to end patriarchy. Antonio Guterres stressed the need to support women’s organizations that are “at the forefront”; invest in programs to end violence against women, as well as promote women’s involvement in areas such as the economy, digital technologies, peacebuilding, and climate change resilience. “We also need to increase the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks, and finance ministries,” the UN chief said. “Women’s rights are a proven path to justice.”

  9. “At the current pace of development, achieving legal equality will only be possible in three hundred years,” said Antonio Guterres. “We must move much faster.” The UN Secretary-General called for supporting women and girls fighting for their rights and accelerating progress. According to him, this year’s theme of International Women’s Day – ‘Investing in Women’ – reminds us that money is needed to end patriarchy. Antonio Guterres emphasized the need to support women’s organizations that are “at the forefront”, invest in programs to end violence against women, and promote the involvement of women in areas such as economy, digital technologies, peacebuilding, and climate change. “We also need to increase the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks, and finance ministries,” the UN chief said. “Women’s rights are a proven path to s”>

  10. Isn’t it concerning how long it may take to achieve legal equality for women, as mentioned in the article? What more can be done to accelerate progress?

    1. It is indeed concerning that achieving legal equality for women may take such a long time. More concerted efforts are needed to accelerate progress and ensure that women’s rights are upheld. Supporting women and girls in their fight for equality, investing in programs to end violence against women, and promoting the inclusion of women in various fields are crucial steps. As UN Chief mentioned, increasing the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks, and finance ministries is essential. Let’s all work together to make a difference!

  11. Given the current pace of development, achieving legal equality will only be possible in three hundred years,” said António Guterres. “We must move much faster. The UN Secretary-General called for support for women and girls fighting for their rights and to accelerate progress. According to him, the theme of International Women’s Day this year – “Investing in women” – reminds us that money is needed to end patriarchy. António Guterres emphasized the need to support women’s organizations that are “at the forefront”; invest in programs aimed at ending violence against women, and promote the involvement of women in fields such as economics, digital technologies, peacebuilding, and climate change. “We also need to increase the number of women leaders in business, the financial sector, central banks, and finance ministries,” said the head of the UN. “Women’s rights are a proven path to sp

  12. Do you think investing in women’s rights will lead to faster progress towards gender equality as suggested by the UN Chief?

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