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Security Council Discusses Palestine’s UN Membership Request Amid Reports of Impending Assault on Rafah

Совет Безопасности собрался в понедельник, чтобы рассмотреть просьбу Палестины о членстве в ООН. Совбез сначала проводит консультации за закрытыми дверями, после чего вопрос будет вынесен на обсуждение в открытом формате. 

Между тем, гуманитарные организации выражают обеспокоенность в связи с запланированным вторжением израильских сил в Рафах и серьезной нехваткой гуманитарной помощи в Газе.

Жители Хан-Юниса, расположенного к северу от Рафаха, возвращаются в разрушенный город, несмотря на предостережения со стороны гуманитарных организаций: в городе нет запасов продовольствия.

«В настоящее время планируется вторжение в Рафах, которое может привести к перемещению до 800 000 человек», – сказал в эксклюзивном интервью Службе новостей ООН Джейми Макголдрик, Координатор по гуманитарным вопросам на оккупированной палестинской территории.

Убийство сотрудников World Central Kitchen: в Совбезе обсудили необходимость защиты гражданских лиц в Газе

«Нам действительно трудно заранее подготовить достаточное количество материалов, непродовольственных товаров, жилья и воды… сейчас у нас нет ресурсов и возможностей. И нам сложно подготовиться», – добавил он.  

Макголдрик подчеркнул, что в Газу должны ежедневно въезжать 500 грузовиков с гуманитарной помощью, иначе в секторе в любой момент может начаться голод. ООН поддержала призывы к открытию израильского порта Ашдод к северу от сектора Газа и к увеличению поставок помощи через Иорданию. 

Иск Никарагуа против Израиля в Международном Суде

Тем временем, Международный Суд ООН в понедельник начал разбирательство по делу Никарагуа против Германии, инициированное с целью остановить военную помощь Германии Израилю. 

Как подчеркнул Карлос Хосе Аргуэльо, представитель Никарагуа в Нидерландах, где расположен Международный Суд, Германия «не выполняет свои собственные обязательства по предотвращению геноцида» и «обеспечению уважения международного гуманитарного права». Он добавил, что Германия нарушает Конвенцию о предупреждении геноцида 1948 года, продолжая поставлять Израилю оружие.

Первой в декабре 2023 года в Международный Суд обратилась Южная Африка с требованием обязать Израиль – как подписавшую Конвенцию страну – защитить палестинцев в секторе Газа, где, по сообщениям, с 7 октября было убито более 33 000 человек, главным образом женщин и детей.

28 марта на фоне ухудшения гуманитарной ситуации в Газе Международный Суд принял новые «временные меры» в отношении Израиля. В постановлении Суда говорится, что Израиль должен принять все необходимые меры для обеспечения беспрепятственной доставки гуманитарной помощи в сектор.

26 января Международный Суд ООН вынес первое решение по иску ЮАР против Израиля. Суд обязал Израиль «принять все зависящие от него меры», чтобы предотвратить преступления геноцида в Газе, а также разрешить поступление гуманитарной помощи в разрушенный войной анклав.



  1. Do humanitarian organizations have a plan in place to address the potential displacement of up to 800,000 people in Rafah due to the upcoming invasion by Israeli forces?

    1. Humanitarian organizations are expressing concern over the planned invasion of Israeli forces in Rafah, which could lead to the displacement of up to 800,000 people. Residents of Khan Yunis, located north of Rafah, are returning to the destroyed city despite warnings from humanitarian organizations: there are no food supplies in the city. “Currently, there are plans for an invasion in Rafah that could lead to the displacement of up to 800,000 people,” said Jamie McGoldrick, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in the occupied Palestinian territory in an exclusive interview with the UN News Service. “It is really difficult for us to preposition enough materials, non-food items, shelter, and water… we do not have the resources and capabilities at the moment. And it is challenging for us to prepare,” he added. McGoldrick emphasized that Gaza needs 500 trucks of humanitarian aid entering daily, otherwise there will be a crisis in the sector.

  2. Humanitarian organizations are expressing concern about the planned Israeli forces invasion in Rafah and the serious lack of humanitarian aid in Gaza. Residents of Khan Yunis, located north of Rafah, are returning to the destroyed city despite warnings from humanitarian organizations: there are no food supplies in the city. “An invasion in Rafah is currently planned, which could lead to the displacement of up to 800,000 people,” said Jamie McGoldrick, UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory, in an exclusive interview with the UN News Service. The killing of World Central Kitchen staff: the Security Council discussed the need to protect civilians in Gaza. “It is really difficult for us to preposition enough materials, non-food items, shelter, and water… we currently do not have the resources and capacity. And it is difficult for us to prepare,” he added. McGoldrick emphasized that 500 trucks of humanitarian aid must enter Gaza daily, otherwise there will be severe consequences in the sector.

  3. Meanwhile, humanitarian organizations express concern over the planned Israeli forces’ invasion in Rafah and the serious shortage of humanitarian aid in Gaza. Residents of Khan Yunis, located north of Rafah, are returning to the destroyed city despite warnings from humanitarian organizations: there are no food supplies in the city. “Currently, an invasion of Rafah is planned, which could lead to the displacement of up to 800,000 people,” said Jamie McGoldrick, Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory, in an exclusive interview with the UN News Service. The killing of World Central Kitchen staff: the Security Council discussed the need to protect civilians in Gaza. “It is really difficult for us to pre-position enough materials, non-food items, shelter, and water… we do not have the resources and capabilities right now. And we find it difficult to prepare,” he added. McGoldrick emphasized that 500 trucks of humanitarian aid should enter Gaza daily, otherwise the sector will face dire consequences.

  4. Humanitarian organizations express concern about the planned Israeli forces’ invasion in Rafah and the serious shortage of humanitarian aid in Gaza. Residents of Khan Yunis, north of Rafah, are returning to the destroyed city despite warnings from humanitarian organizations: there are no food supplies in the city. “An invasion in Rafah is currently planned, which could lead to the displacement of up to 800,000 people,” said Jamie McGoldrick, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, in an exclusive interview with the UN News Service. The killing of World Central Kitchen staff: the Security Council discussed the need to protect civilians in Gaza. “It is really difficult for us to preposition sufficient materials, non-food items, shelter, and water… We currently lack resources and capabilities. And it is challenging for us to prepare,” he added. McGoldrick emphasized that 500 trucks of humanitarian aid must enter Gaza daily, otherwise the sector will face a

  5. Meanwhile, humanitarian organizations express concern over the planned Israeli forces invasion of Rafah and the serious lack of humanitarian aid in Gaza. Residents of Khan Yunis, located north of Rafah, are returning to the destroyed city despite warnings from humanitarian organizations: there are no food supplies in the city. “An invasion in Rafah is currently being planned, which could result in the displacement of up to 800,000 people,” said Jamie McGoldrick, the Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory, in an exclusive interview with the UN News Service. The killing of World Central Kitchen staff: the Security Council discussed the need to protect civilians in Gaza. “It is really difficult for us to preposition enough materials, non-food items, shelter, and water… we currently do not have the resources and capabilities. And it is challenging for us to prepare,” he added. McGoldrick emphasized that 500 trucks of humanitarian aid should enter Gaza daily, otherwise the sector will face severe consequences.

  6. Humanitarian organizations express concern over the planned Israeli forces’ invasion of Rafah and a serious lack of humanitarian aid in Gaza. Residents of Khan Yunis, situated north of Rafah, are returning to the destroyed city despite warnings from humanitarian organizations: there are no food supplies in the city. “An invasion of Rafah is currently being planned, which could result in the displacement of up to 800,000 people,” said Jamie McGoldrick, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, in an exclusive interview with the UN News Service. The murder of World Central Kitchen employees: the Security Council discussed the need to protect civilians in Gaza. “It is really difficult for us to prepare a sufficient amount of materials, non-food items, shelter, and water in advance… we currently lack resources and capabilities. And it is hard for us to prepare,” he added. McGoldrick emphasized that 500 trucks of humanitarian aid should enter Gaza daily, otherwise the sector would face severe consequences.

  7. Humanitarian organizations express concern over the planned Israeli forces invasion in Rafah and serious lack of humanitarian aid in Gaza. Residents of Khan Yunis, located north of Rafah, are returning to the destroyed city despite warnings from humanitarian organizations: there are no food supplies in the city. “An invasion in Rafah is currently planned, which could lead to the displacement of up to 800,000 people,” said Jamie McGoldrick, Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory, in an exclusive interview with the UN News Service. The murder of World Central Kitchen staff: the Security Council discussed the need to protect civilians in Gaza. “It is really difficult for us to prepare an adequate amount of materials, non-food items, shelter, and water in advance… we currently lack resources and capabilities. And it is difficult for us to prepare,” he added. McGoldrick emphasized that 500 trucks of humanitarian aid should enter Gaza daily, otherwise the sector would face…

  8. Humane organizations are expressing concern about the planned Israeli forces’ invasion in Rafah and a serious shortage of humanitarian aid in Gaza. The residents of Khan Yunis, located north of Rafah, are returning to the destroyed city despite warnings from humanitarian organizations: there are no food supplies in the city. “An invasion in Rafah is currently being planned, which could result in the displacement of up to 800,000 people,” said Jamie McGoldrick, Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory, in an exclusive interview with the UN News Service. The killing of World Central Kitchen staff: the Security Council discussed the need to protect civilians in Gaza. “It is really difficult for us to pre-position enough materials, non-food items, shelter, and water… We currently do not have the resources and capabilities. And it is challenging for us to prepare,” he added. McGoldrick emphasized that 500 trucks of humanitarian aid should enter Gaza daily, or else the sector could face dire consequences.

  9. Are there any updates on the Security Council discussion regarding Palestine’s UN membership request and the impending assault on Rafah? How are humanitarian organizations planning to address the serious lack of aid in Gaza amidst these escalating tensions?

    1. Thank you for your query, EmilySmith. The Security Council is currently in discussions regarding Palestine’s UN membership request and the escalating tensions in Rafah. Humanitarian organizations are expressing concern over the lack of aid in Gaza and are working on addressing the situation amidst these challenges.

  10. Are there any details on the specific measures being discussed to address the impending assault on Rafah and the critical humanitarian situation in Gaza?

    1. Well, Emily_Writes, according to the exclusive interview with UN News Service, the Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory, Jamie MacGoldrick, mentions that currently there are difficulties in preparing an adequate amount of materials, non-food items, shelter, and water. The limited resources and capabilities make it challenging for them to be fully prepared. He emphasized the crucial need for 500 trucks of humanitarian aid to enter Gaza daily to prevent a crisis. It’s indeed a critical situation that demands immediate attention and action.

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