Мир и безопасность

Ukrainian Energy Innovators: Shedding Light on People’s Struggle!

До полномасштабного вторжения Елена Васьковская восемь лет проработала на подстанции «Лисичанск». После начала полномасштабной войны ее перевели на подстанцию «Донбасс», где она неоднократно попадала под обстрелы, пряталась в подвале и даже сдавала экзамены – также во время обстрела. В мае 2022 года ее перевели в группу оперативного управления, в более безопасный район. В беседе с представителями Программы развития ООН (ПРООН) Елена вспоминает самые страшные и опасные моменты, пережитые ею с 24 февраля 2022 года.

«Здравствуйте, Елена! Почему нет электричества?»

«Я из семьи энергетиков, родилась в городе Северодонецке. Мой отец работал инженером на заводе, после чего стал главным энергетиком сельскохозяйственного предприятия. Мама была инженером высоковольтных сетей. Поэтому любовь к энергетике у меня в крови. После окончания средней школы я отучилась в профессионально-техническом училище и получила квалификацию электромонтера по обслуживанию и ремонту электрооборудования.

Моя работа заключается в том, что я контролирую работу оборудования подстанции. Если возникает аварийная ситуация, диспетчер должен как можно быстрее ее устранить, чтобы у людей было тепло и электричество в доме. Для того чтобы оборудование работало стабильно и бесперебойно, его необходимо ремонтировать. Кроме того, задача диспетчера – обеспечить безопасный доступ ремонтных бригад к оборудованию.

Как только у нас пропадает электричество, я слышу: «Здравствуйте, Елена! Вы не знаете, почему отключили свет?»

Я отвечаю: «Да, знаю!»

«А когда у нас будет электричество?»

Я отвечаю, что свет появится тогда, когда будет устранена аварийная ситуация.

На Лисичанской подстанции

24 февраля 2022 года мне предстояло выйти на смену. В 7 утра позвонил начальник и сказал: «Не выходите на работу. Началась война». Я сказала: «Как это? У нас там ночная смена. Мне нужно их заменить». С тех пор мы работали по принципу «сутки работаем, сутки отдыхаем». 

Потом начались массированные обстрелы, и были повреждены линии электропередач. Электричества не стало. А что для людей важно в первую очередь? Свет, тепло…

Когда обстрелы стихли, мы стали подавать электроэнергию потребителям по резервным линиям. Мы выходили на улицу, осторожно ступая, ведь на земле могли быть мины. На работе мне удавалось как-то держаться, но дома все внутри сжималось, и я не могла спокойно дышать. Из-за переживаний я за две недели похудела на семь килограммов.

Я ходила на работу с рюкзаком, в котором было достаточно еды, чтобы продержаться два дня, потому что я не знала, как долго мне придется там оставаться. Помню, как собирала у людей мобильные аккумуляторы в подвале, в котором прятались до 200 человек, и брала их с собой на работу, чтобы зарядить.

Вскоре после этого под постоянный обстрел стали попадать не только объекты критической инфраструктуры, но и гражданские объекты. По моему дому били пять раз. Вскоре после этого получилось так, что я уехала из города.

© ПРООН в Украине/К. Невенченко

На подстанции в Донбассе

Однажды мой начальник позвонил мне и сказал: «Есть вакансии на подстанции “Донбасс”. У них не хватает сотрудников. Не хочешь там поработать?».

Я согласилась почти сразу. Но меня еще долго мучило чувство вины из-за того, что я ушла с Лисичанской подстанции.

Я приехала на новое место в начале мая и проработала там почти месяц. За это короткое время я научилась различать звуки обстрела: откуда и куда что летит. Часть этих звуков я уже слышала дома.

Чтобы полноценно выполнять свои обязанности на подстанции «Донбасс», мне пришлось сдать дистанционный экзамен. Я находилась на подстанции, рядом со мной был мой начальник. В этот момент начался один из самых мощных обстрелов Бахмута. Снаряды попали в подстанцию, и я услышал взрыв. Пострадал стоящий неподалеку жилой дом.

Сдала ли я экзамен? Да.

«Мы работали до последнего»

Мы работали на подстанции до последнего – пока не обстреляли автобус, который вез людей на работу. К счастью, никто не пострадал – кроме самого автобуса. После этого наш начальник сказал, что не может рисковать жизнями людей, и все были эвакуированы. Больше там никто не работает.

До полномасштабного вторжения мы выходили на работу, как на праздник. Мы знали, что любая ситуация может быть разрешена. Были плановые переключения и плановые работы.

Сейчас мы принимаем решения быстро, несмотря ни на какие обстоятельства, ведь от нас зависит полноценная работа электрооборудования и энергоснабжение всей системы. Но самое главное – это люди. Мы несем им свет и не имеем права опускать руки».



  1. “Hello, everyone! Why is there no electricity?” “I come from a family of power engineers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father worked as an engineer at a plant, then became the chief power engineer of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was a high-voltage network engineer. So, the love for power engineering runs in my blood. After finishing high school, I studied at a vocational school and received a qualification as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job entails monitoring the operation of the substation equipment. In case of an emergency situation, the dispatcher must fix it as quickly as possible so that people have warmth and electricity in their homes. In order for the equipment to work steadily and uninterrupted, it needs to be”

    1. “Hello, everyone! Why is there no electricity?” “I come from a family of power engineers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father worked as an engineer at a plant, then became the chief power engineer of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was a high-voltage network engineer. So, the love for power engineering runs in my blood. After finishing high school, I studied at a vocational school and received a qualification as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job entails monitoring the operation of the substation equipment. In case of an emergency situation, the dispatcher must fix it as quickly as possible so that people have warmth and electricity in their homes. In order for the equipment to work steadily and uninterrupted, it needs to be”

      1. “Hello, John! I can relate to your family background in power engineering. Coming from a family of energy workers instills a deep passion for this field. It’s crucial for us to ensure the proper functioning of substation equipment to guarantee warmth and electricity for households in times of emergencies. Your dedication to the field is commendable, and your experience shines through in your insightful comment.”

  2. “Hello, Elena! Why is there no electricity?” “I come from a family of power engineers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father worked as an engineer at a plant, and later became the chief power engineer of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was a high-voltage lines engineer. So, my love for energy runs in my blood. After finishing high school, I studied at a vocational-technical school and qualified as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job involves monitoring the operation of the substation equipment. In case of an emergency situation, the dispatcher must quickly resolve it so that people have warmth and electricity at home. In order for the equipment to operate steadily and uninterrupted, it needs to be maintained.”

    1. Hi Elena! It’s unfortunate that there is no electricity. Thank you for sharing your story and the vital role you play in ensuring people have power and warmth at home. Your dedication and expertise as a power engineer truly make a difference in people’s lives.

  3. “Hello, Elena! Why is there no electricity?” “I come from a family of energy workers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father was an engineer at a plant, then became the chief energy specialist of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was an engineer of high-voltage networks. So, my love for energy runs in my blood. After finishing high school, I studied at a vocational-technical school and got a qualification as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job involves monitoring the operation of the substation equipment. If an emergency situation arises, the dispatcher must quickly eliminate it so that people have warmth and electricity in their homes. In order for the equipment to work stably and continuously, it needs to”

    1. “Hello, Emily! Thank you for sharing your inspiring story about your journey in the energy sector. It’s truly remarkable how your family background influenced your career path and your dedication to ensuring the continuous supply of electricity to people’s homes. Your expertise as an electrician is invaluable in maintaining the stability of the substation equipment and responding swiftly to any emergencies. Your commitment to providing warmth and electricity to the community is commendable and essential for the well-being of many. Keep up the excellent work in the energy field and continue shining light on people’s struggle through your important role!”

  4. “Hello, Elena! Why is there no electricity?” “I come from a family of power engineers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father worked as an engineer at a factory, then became the chief power engineer of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was an engineer of high-voltage networks. So, a love for power engineering runs in my blood. After finishing high school, I studied at a vocational school and obtained a qualification as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job involves monitoring the operation of substation equipment. If there is an emergency situation, the dispatcher must eliminate it as quickly as possible so that people have warmth and electricity in their homes. In order for the equipment to work steadily and without interruptions, it needs to be…”

  5. “Hello, Elena! Why is there no electricity? I come from a family of energy workers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father worked as an engineer at a plant, and then became the chief energy specialist of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was an engineer of high-voltage networks. So, my love for energy runs in my blood. After finishing high school, I studied at a vocational school and obtained a qualification as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job involves monitoring the operation of substation equipment. If there is an emergency situation, the dispatcher must resolve it as quickly as possible so that people have warmth and electricity in their homes. In order for the equipment to work steadily and without interruptions, it needs to be.”

  6. “Hello, Elena! Why is there no electricity?” “I come from a family of energy workers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father worked as an engineer at the plant, and then became the chief energy specialist of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was a high-voltage network engineer. So, my love for energy runs in my blood. After finishing high school, I studied at a vocational school and obtained a qualification as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job involves monitoring the operation of the substation equipment. In case of an emergency situation, the dispatcher must resolve it as quickly as possible so that people have warmth and electricity in their homes. In order for the equipment to work reliably and uninterrupted, it needs to be”

  7. “Hello, Elena! Why is there no electricity?” “I come from a family of power engineers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father worked as an engineer at a plant, then became the chief power engineer of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was an engineer of high-voltage networks. So, the love for energy is in my blood. After finishing high school, I studied at a vocational school and obtained a qualification as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job involves monitoring the operation of the substation equipment. In case of an emergency situation, the dispatcher must quickly eliminate it so that people have heat and electricity at home. In order for the equipment to work steadily and uninterrupted, it needs to be…”

  8. “Hello, Elena! Why is there no electricity?” “I come from a family of energy workers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father worked as an engineer at a plant, and later became the chief energy specialist of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was a high-voltage network engineer. So, my love for energy runs in my blood. After graduating from high school, I attended a vocational-technical school and received a qualification as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job involves monitoring the operation of the substation equipment. If there is an emergency situation, the dispatcher must quickly resolve it so that people have warmth and electricity in their homes. In order for the equipment to work stably and without interruptions, it needs to be…”

  9. «Hello, Elena! Why is there no electricity?»«I come from a family of power engineers, born in the city of Severodonetsk. My father worked as an engineer at a plant, and then became the chief power engineer of an agricultural enterprise. My mother was a high-voltage network engineer. So, my love for energy runs in my blood. After finishing high school, I studied at a vocational school and received a qualification as an electrician for servicing and repairing electrical equipment. My job involves monitoring the operation of the substation equipment. If there is an emergency situation, the dispatcher must quickly resolve it so that people have warmth and electricity in their homes. In order for the equipment to work steadily and uninterruptedly, it needs to be…

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