Expert Tells Nigeria to Step Up Senior Safety
Despite commendable progress on legal and policy safeguards for older persons, a UN-appointed independent human rights expert said on Friday that Nigeria must implement already adopted measures to protect them against ageism and age discrimination, both of which are still prevalent.
Ending a 12-day visit to the country, Claudia Mahler, the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights for older persons, said that as well as ageism and age-discrimination, even among Government officials, violence against older persons is an unspoken reality.
Pressing laws
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She welcomed the Government’s progressive efforts in combatting poverty, security concerns, economic crisis, and gender-based inequalities faced by many older people, which she upheld “translates into the adoption of the National Senior Citizens Centre Act and the establishment of a dedicated Centre at Federal Government level to ensure that the human rights of older persons are mainstreamed in all programmes and activities”.
Meanwhile, a pending bill called ‘Older Persons (Rights and Privileges)’ would offer the most comprehensive legal framework ever available for older persons in the country, addressing among others, the social and economic challenges triggered by ageing.
“I urge President [Muhammadu] Buhari to assent to the law, as part of his extended legacy to promote the rights of older persons,” she said.
Lacking protection
The absence of social protection floors, including a regular distribution of pensions, contribute to the difficulty that older persons face in accessing social services, including appropriate healthcare, various care options, and adequate housing.
Older people in vulnerable situations – especially those with disabilities, internally displaced, living below the poverty line and LGTB persons – should be prioritized by the Government when implementing legal and policy tools.
“Continued efforts, along with political will and appropriate budgeting, must be strengthened to ensure that legal and policy safeguards protect the rights of all older persons all over the Nigerian territory in practice, indistinctive of their sex, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, and their living and economic situations,” the expert underscored.
Upcoming report
During her visit, Ms. Mahler met with various government authorities at federal and state levels, civil society, stakeholders working on the rights of older persons and the elderly themselves.
She will present a comprehensive report of her findings and recommendations to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva in September 2023.
“I hope my report and recommendations will assist the country to reduce inequalities and ensure a life in dignity for all older persons in the country,” concluded the independent expert.
Independent experts are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to examine and report back on a specific human rights theme or a country situation. The positions are honorary and the experts are not paid for their work.
OHCHR/Claudia Mahler
Claudia Mahler, UN Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of all Human Rights by Older Persons, on her recent visit in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
Garrett is a skilled author driven by a desire to illuminate global issues through his writing. With a foundation in journalism and international relations, he offers a distinctive viewpoint in his work, exploring the complexities of geopolitical events in depth.
As an advocate for human rights, I strongly believe that Nigeria should prioritize the implementation of measures to protect seniors against ageism and discrimination. The government’s efforts in combatting poverty and inequality are commendable, but more needs to be done to ensure the well-being and rights of older persons are safeguarded.
Do you think Nigeria is making enough progress in protecting older persons from ageism and discrimination?
As an experienced journalist covering human rights issues, I believe Nigeria needs to accelerate its efforts in protecting older persons from ageism and discrimination. While there has been commendable progress on legal and policy safeguards, the implementation of these measures is crucial to combat the prevalent issues. Claudia Mahler’s insights serve as a wake-up call to address the unspoken reality of violence against older persons in the country. It is imperative for the Government to prioritize the pending bill ‘Older Persons (Rights and Privileges)’ to provide a comprehensive legal framework for their protection.
As a senior citizen myself, I strongly believe that Nigeria needs to act swiftly in implementing measures to protect the elderly from ageism and discrimination. It’s time for the Government officials to recognize the reality of violence against older persons and take concrete steps to address it. The proposed bill ‘Older Persons (Rights and Privileges)’ could be a significant step forward in providing comprehensive legal protection for older individuals in Nigeria.
It is crucial for Nigeria to take action and enforce the measures already adopted to protect older persons from ageism and age discrimination. The prevalence of these issues, even among Government officials, is concerning. I fully support the Government’s efforts to combat poverty, security concerns, economic crisis, and gender-based inequalities faced by older people, as reflected in the adoption of the National Senior Citizens Centre Act. The establishment of a dedicated Centre at the Federal Government level is a step in the right direction to ensure the human rights of older persons are prioritized in all programs and activities. The pending bill ‘Older Persons (Rights and Privileges)’ could be a significant step forward in providing a comprehensive legal framework for older persons in the country.
Is Nigeria taking enough concrete actions to combat ageism and age discrimination as mentioned in the article?
Yes, Nigeria must prioritize concrete actions to combat ageism and age discrimination, as highlighted in the article. The implementation of existing measures is crucial to protect the rights of older persons and address prevalent issues such as violence and discrimination. It’s encouraging to see the government’s efforts, and the pending ‘Older Persons (Rights and Privileges)’ bill could further enhance legal safeguards for older individuals.
Is there any specific timeline outlined for the implementation of the pending bill ‘Older Persons (Rights and Privileges)’ in Nigeria?
There has not been a specific timeline outlined for the implementation of the pending bill ‘Older Persons (Rights and Privileges)’ in Nigeria yet. However, it is crucial for the government to prioritize this issue and expedite the process to ensure the protection and rights of older persons in the country.
As a Nigerian citizen, I truly believe that Nigeria must prioritize senior safety and end ageism and age discrimination. It’s crucial that the government implements the necessary measures to protect our older population and address the prevalent issues of violence against them. I appreciate the efforts towards combating poverty, security concerns, and gender-based inequalities faced by seniors, and I support the establishment of the National Senior Citizens Centre Act for mainstreaming human rights in all activities.
Ending a 12-day visit to the country, I believe Nigeria must implement already adopted measures to protect older persons against ageism and age discrimination, as these issues are still prevalent. I welcomed the Government’s progressive efforts in combatting poverty and security concerns faced by many older people. It’s important to ensure that the human rights of older persons are mainstreamed in all programmes and activities.
As a senior citizen myself, I strongly agree with Claudia Mahler’s assertions. It is crucial for Nigeria to actively address ageism and age discrimination in order to protect the rights of older individuals. I commend the government’s efforts so far, but more needs to be done to ensure the safety and well-being of our seniors.
It is crucial that Nigeria takes active steps to protect its older population from ageism and discrimination. The country must ensure that the adopted measures are effectively implemented to address these issues. Claudia Mahler’s insights shed light on the importance of safeguarding the rights of older individuals in the face of prevalent challenges.