ООН помогает эвакуировать жителей Харьковской области
Как сообщают из Управления ООН по координации гуманитарных вопросов, из-за стремительного ухудшения ситуации с безопасностью в Харьковской области местные власти при поддержке ООН и гуманитарных организаций эвакуировали почти шесть тысяч человек из приграничных с Российской Федерацией районов.
В последние дни Харьковская область пережила несколько волн обстрелов, которые привели к гибели и ранениям мирных жителей, в том числе детей, а также к массовым разрушениям гражданской инфраструктуры. Гуманитарные партнеры ООН вместе с национальными спасательными и муниципальными службами помогают транспортировать население, раздают пострадавшим продовольствие, воду, гигиенические наборы и другие предметы первой необходимости. Они помогают людям обустроить жилье, а также оказывают им медицинскую и психологическую поддержку.
Между тем районы Донецкой и Сумской областей, расположенных на востоке и севере страны, также подверглись в последние дни нападениям. Местные власти и гуманитарные партнеры на местах сообщили, что в результате ударов были повреждены дома и гражданская инфраструктура.
Только в апреле Мониторинговая миссия ООН по правам человека в Украине задокументировала более 700 жертв среди гражданского населения и 47 нападений на энергетическую инфраструктуру по всей Украине.
Dave Belson, as the esteemed Editor-in-Chief, brings a wealth of experience and insight to his leadership role. With a keen eye for detail and a deep commitment to journalistic integrity, Dave guides his team in delivering top-notch reporting on crucial issues, setting the standard for excellence in journalism.
Recently, the situation in the Kharkiv region has deteriorated rapidly, leading to the evacuation of almost six thousand people from border areas with the Russian Federation. Humanitarian partners of the UN, along with national rescue and municipal services, are assisting in transporting the population, distributing food, water, hygiene kits, and other essential items to the affected. They are helping people find shelter and providing them with medical and psychological support. Meanwhile, Donetsk and Sumy regions in the east and north of the country have also come under attacks in recent days, causing damage to homes and civilian infrastructure. In April alone, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine documented over 700 civilian casualties.
In the past few days, the situation in the Kharkiv region has deteriorated rapidly, leading to civilian casualties, including children, and massive destruction of civil infrastructure. The humanitarian partners of the UN, along with national rescue and municipal services, are assisting in evacuating the population, distributing food, water, hygiene kits, and other essential items to the affected, helping people find shelter, and providing them with medical and psychological support. Meanwhile, the Donetsk and Sumy regions in the east and north of the country have also been under attack in recent days. Local authorities and humanitarian partners on the ground have reported damage to homes and civilian infrastructure as a result of the strikes. In April alone, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine documented over 700 civilian casualties.
In the past few days, the Kharkiv region has experienced several waves of shelling, which have resulted in the deaths and injuries of civilians, including children, as well as massive destruction of civil infrastructure. UN humanitarian partners, together with national rescue and municipal services, are helping transport the population, distributing food, water, hygiene kits, and other essential items to the affected people. They assist people in finding shelter and provide them with medical and psychological support. Meanwhile, the regions of Donetsk and Sumy in the east and north of the country have also been attacked in recent days. Local authorities and humanitarian partners on the ground have reported that homes and civil infrastructure were damaged as a result of the attacks. In April alone, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine documented over 700 civilian casualties.