Беженцы и мигранты

The UN’s Got Its Eyes on a Whopping $4.1 Billion to Lend a Hand in Sudan

Спустя десять месяцев после начала войны в гуманитарной помощи и защите нуждается половина населения Судана – около 25 миллионов человек. Более 1,5 миллиона суданцев бежали в Центральноафриканскую Республику, Чад, Египет, Эфиопию и Южный Судан.

Расширение боевых действий в Судане привело к одному из крупнейших в мире кризисов перемещения населения. В стране свирепствует голод, почти 18 миллионов человек испытывают острую нехватку продовольствия.

Интенсивные боевые действия продолжают наносить ущерб сетям водоснабжения и другой жизненно важной гражданской инфраструктуре в Судане; почти три четверти медицинских учреждений в затронутых конфликтом провинциях не работают. Растет заболеваемость холерой, корью и малярией – в то время как две трети населения не имеют доступа к медицинскому обслуживанию. Около 19 миллионов детей не посещают школу. Широко распространены нарушения прав человека, продолжают поступать сообщения о гендерном насилии.

Управление ООН по координации гуманитарных вопросов (УКГВ) координирует меры по оказанию помощи внутри Судана. В этом году на реализацию плана по удовлетворению гуманитарных потребностей и реагированию на них требуется 2,7 миллиарда долларов. Управление Верховного комиссара ООН по делам беженцев, в свою очередь, координирует региональный план реагирования на проблемы беженцев, на реализацию которого необходимо 1,4 миллиарда долларов. В совокупности оба плана направлены на поддержку около 17,4 миллиона человек в Судане и странах региона.

«Я только что встречался с суданскими беженцами в Эфиопии и перемещенными лицами внутри Судана, – рассказал Верховный комиссар ООН по делам беженцев Филиппо Гранди. – Раз за разом мы слышим от них одно и то же послание: “Мы хотим мира, чтобы вернуться домой, и нам нужна поддержка, чтобы восстановить нашу жизнь”. Я настоятельно призываю международное сообщество усилить поддержку народа Судана. Он отчаянно нуждается в помощи, и она необходима ему сейчас».



  1. The situation in Sudan is truly devastating. The UN’s request for $4.1 billion in aid is necessary to address the urgent needs of the population. It’s heartbreaking to see the widespread hunger, lack of medical care, and violations of human rights occurring in the region. Immediate action is crucial to alleviate the suffering of millions of people affected by this crisis.

  2. Will the requested $4.1 billion from the UN be enough to effectively aid the 25 million people in Sudan who are in need of humanitarian assistance?

    1. Yes, the requested $4.1 billion from the UN is a crucial step in providing much-needed aid to the 25 million people in Sudan who are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. The funds will play a vital role in addressing the ongoing crisis and supporting those affected by the conflicts and displacements. It’s a significant investment that can make a real difference in the lives of millions.

  3. How will the UN ensure that the $4.1 billion will effectively reach and help the people in need in Sudan?

    1. The UN has established strict monitoring mechanisms to ensure that the $4.1 billion allocated for Sudan reaches those in need effectively. This includes working closely with local organizations, conducting audits, and implementing transparency measures to track the aid distribution. Rest assured, efforts are in place to maximize the impact of the funding towards assisting the vulnerable population in Sudan.

  4. Isn’t it shocking that almost 18 million people in Sudan are experiencing acute food shortages? How can we ensure effective aid reaches those in need amidst such complex humanitarian crises?

    1. It is indeed heart-wrenching to see the dire situation in Sudan. The UN’s efforts are crucial in providing aid to those suffering. Coordination and swift action are key to ensuring effective aid reaches those in need amidst these complex crises.

  5. After ten months of war, half of Sudan’s population – around 25 million people – is in need of humanitarian aid and protection. More than 1.5 million Sudanese fled to the Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. The escalation of conflict in Sudan has led to one of the world’s largest population displacement crises. The country is ravaged by hunger, with almost 18 million people experiencing acute food insecurity. Intensive combat continues to damage water supply networks and other vital civilian infrastructure in Sudan; nearly three-quarters of medical facilities in conflict-affected provinces are non-functional. Cholera, measles, and malaria infections are on the rise – while two-thirds of the population lack access to medical care. Around 19 million children are out of school. Human rights violations are widespread, with reports of gender-based violence persisting. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is coordinating assistance efforts within Sudan. This year, $2.7 billion is needed to implement the humanitarian needs and response plan. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), on the other hand, is coordinating a regional refugee response plan, requiring $1.4 billion for implementation. Together, both plans aim to support about 17.4 million people in Sudan and the region. “I can only

  6. It’s heartbreaking to see the devastating impact of the conflict in Sudan. Millions are in desperate need of humanitarian aid, with widespread hunger, lack of medical care, and violations of human rights. The UN’s efforts to raise $4.1 billion for assistance are crucial in providing relief to those affected.

  7. The situation in Sudan is heartbreaking. It’s crucial that the international community steps up to provide the necessary support to alleviate the suffering of millions of people in the region. The UN’s efforts to raise $4.1 billion for humanitarian aid in Sudan are commendable, but more needs to be done to address the root causes of the crisis and ensure long-term stability.

  8. The situation in Sudan is heartbreaking, with millions of people in desperate need of humanitarian aid. It’s crucial for the international community to come together and provide the necessary support to help alleviate the suffering of the innocent civilians affected by the ongoing conflict.

  9. After ten months since the start of the war, half of Sudan’s population – around 25 million people – is in need of humanitarian aid and protection. The intensification of the conflict in Sudan has led to one of the world’s largest population displacement crises. The country is facing severe hunger, with nearly 18 million people experiencing acute food insecurity. Intense fighting continues to damage water supply networks and other crucial civilian infrastructure in Sudan; almost three-quarters of medical facilities in conflict-affected provinces are non-functional. Cholera, measles, and malaria are on the rise, while two-thirds of the population lack access to medical services. Around 19 million children are out of school. Human rights violations are widespread, with reports of gender-based violence. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is coordinating assistance efforts within Sudan. This year, $2.7 billion is needed for the humanitarian response and to address needs. The UN Refugee Agency is coordinating a regional response plan for refugees that requires $1.4 billion for implementation. Together, both plans aim to support approximately 17.4 million people in Sudan and the region.

  10. It’s heartbreaking to hear about the crisis in Sudan. The UN’s efforts to provide aid are crucial in helping millions of people in need. Let’s hope that the necessary funds are raised to make a real difference in the region.

  11. Why is the UN requesting such a large sum of money for Sudan? Can you explain the specific breakdown of how it will be used to help the situation there?

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