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Палестинские журналисты удостоены Всемирной премии ЮНЕСКО/Гильермо Кано

Палестинские журналисты, освещающие события в секторе Газа, стали лауреатами Всемирной премии ЮНЕСКО/Гильермо Кано за свободу прессы 2024 года. Церемония награждения состоялась 2 мая на полях Всемирной конференции по свободе прессы в Сантьяго, Чили.

«В эти мрачные и безнадежные времена мы хотим выразить солидарность и признание тем палестинским журналистам, которые освещают этот кризис в столь драматических обстоятельствах, – сказал Маурисио Вайбель, председатель международного жюри, состоящего из профессионалов в области СМИ. – Мы, как человечество, в огромном долгу перед их мужеством и приверженностью свободе слова».

ЮНЕСКО выразила сожаление в связи с гибелью при исполнении своих служебных обязанностей в Газе 26 журналистов и работников СМИ в период с 7 октября 2023 года.

«В этом году церемония вручения премии вновь напоминает нам о важности коллективных действий для того, чтобы журналисты во всем мире могли продолжать выполнять свою важнейшую работу по информированию и расследованию фактов», – подчеркнула Генеральный директор ЮНЕСКО Одри Азуле.

ЮНЕСКО оказывает поддержку журналистам, готовящим репортажи в зонах кризисов и вооруженных конфликтов. Организация распределяет предметы первой необходимости среди журналистов в Газе, создает рабочие места и предоставляет гранты для работников СМИ в Украине и Судане. ЮНЕСКО также предоставляет защитное оборудование и проводит обучение журналистов на Гаити и поддерживает независимые СМИ в Афганистане.



  1. “In these dark and hopeless times, we want to express solidarity and recognition to those Palestinian journalists who are covering this crisis in such dramatic circumstances,” said Mauricio Vaibel, chairman of the international jury of media professionals. “As humanity, we are deeply indebted to their courage and dedication to freedom of speech.” UNESCO expressed regret over the deaths of 26 journalists and media workers in Gaza while performing their duties since October 7, 2023. “This year’s award ceremony once again reminds us of the importance of collective action so that journalists around the world can continue their crucial work of informing and investigating facts,” emphasized UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. UNESCO provides support to journalists preparing reports in crisis zones and armed conflicts. The organization distributes essential items among journalists in Gaza.”

  2. “In these dark and hopeless times, we want to express solidarity and recognition to those Palestinian journalists who cover this crisis in such dramatic circumstances,” said Mauricio Waibel, the chair of the international jury comprising media professionals. “We, as humanity, owe a great debt to their courage and commitment to freedom of speech.” UNESCO expressed regret over the deaths of 26 journalists and media workers in Gaza while performing their duties since October 7, 2023. “This year, the award ceremony once again reminds us of the importance of collective actions so that journalists around the world can continue their vital work of informing and investigating facts,” emphasized UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. UNESCO provides support to journalists preparing reports in crisis zones and armed conflicts. The organization distributes essential items among journalists in Gaza.”

  3. “In these dark and hopeless times, we want to express solidarity and recognition to those Palestinian journalists who are covering this crisis in such dramatic circumstances,” said Mauricio Vaibel, the chair of the international jury composed of media professionals. “We, as humanity, owe a huge debt to their courage and commitment to freedom of speech.” UNESCO expressed regret over the deaths of 26 journalists and media workers in Gaza while performing their duties since October 7, 2023. “This year’s award ceremony once again reminds us of the importance of collective action so that journalists worldwide can continue their vital work of informing and investigating facts,” emphasized UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. UNESCO provides support to journalists reporting from crisis zones and armed conflicts. The organization distributes essential supplies among journalists in Gaza.”

  4. “In these dark and hopeless times, we want to express solidarity and recognition to those Palestinian journalists who are covering this crisis in such dramatic circumstances,” said Mauricio Waibel, the chair of the international jury composed of media professionals. “As humanity, we owe an immense debt to their courage and dedication to freedom of speech.” UNESCO expressed regret over the deaths of 26 journalists and media workers in Gaza while performing their duties since October 7, 2023. “This year’s award ceremony once again reminds us of the importance of collective action so that journalists worldwide can continue their vital work of informing and investigating facts,” emphasized UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. UNESCO provides support to journalists preparing reports in crisis zones and armed conflicts. The organization distributes essential supplies among journalists in Gaza.”

  5. “In these dark and hopeless times, we want to express solidarity and recognition to those Palestinian journalists who are covering this crisis in such dramatic circumstances,” said Mauricio Vibel, the chairman of the international jury consisting of media professionals. “We, as humanity, owe a great debt to their courage and commitment to freedom of speech.” UNESCO expressed regret over the deaths of 26 journalists and media workers in Gaza while carrying out their duties since October 7, 2023. “This year’s award ceremony once again reminds us of the importance of collective action to ensure that journalists worldwide can continue their vital work of informing and investigating facts,” emphasized UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. UNESCO provides support to journalists preparing reports in crisis zones and armed conflicts. The organization distributes essential items among journalists in Gaza.

  6. “In these dark and hopeless times, we want to express solidarity and recognition to those Palestinian journalists who are covering this crisis in such dramatic circumstances,” said Mauricio Waibel, the chair of the international jury composed of media professionals. “We, as humanity, owe a great debt to their courage and commitment to freedom of speech.” UNESCO expressed regret over the deaths of 26 journalists and media workers in Gaza since October 7, 2023. “This year, the award ceremony once again reminds us of the importance of collective action so that journalists around the world can continue their vital work of informing and investigating facts,” emphasized UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. UNESCO provides support to journalists preparing reports in crisis zones and armed conflicts. The organization distributes essential items among journalists in Gaza.”

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