
Ukraine’s Got a $486 Billion Price Tag for Rebuilding and Revamping

Война разрушила украинскую экономику, свела на нет достижения в области развития, достигнутые в предшествующие годы, и ввергла в нищету почти 25 процентов населения страны. Об этом говорится в выпущенном во вторник докладе Странового отделения ООН в Украине.

«На третьем году полномасштабного вторжения России война по-прежнему приносит невыразимые страдания и горе народу Украины, – говорится в докладе. – Вторжение, начатое в нарушение Устава ООН и международного права, привело к гибели и ранениям тысяч гражданских лиц, к массовому разрушению инфраструктуры, включая сотни тысяч жилых домов, больниц и школ, и глубоко травмировало людей независимо от близости к линии фронта». 

На сегодняшний день ООН подтвердила факт гибели или ранения более 30 тысяч мирных жителей, включая 1822 ребенка, и это число растет с каждым днем. С момента эскалации войны в феврале 2022 года было совершено более 1600 нападений на медицинские учреждения. За тот же период было повреждено или разрушено более 3800 учебных заведений и более двух миллионов жилых домов. 

По состоянию на январь 2024 года 14,6 миллиона человек в Украине нуждаются в гуманитарной помощи, 3,6 миллиона украинцев являются внутренне перемещенными лицами, 6,34 миллиона человек стали беженцами в Европе. 

Удар по борьбе с бедностью

Вторжение России свело на нет 15-летние усилия по сокращению бедности в Украине, особенно в семьях с детьми. По оценкам, 80 процентов детей в Украине теперь живут в бедности. Более 25 процентов домохозяйств покупают меньше продуктов питания из-за нехватки доходов; 14 процентов вынуждены брать кредиты, чтобы покрыть основные потребности; 12 процентов не могут оплатить коммунальные услуги.

Народ Украины взял на себя грандиозную задачу по восстановлению после разрушений, вызванных вторжением, отмечают авторы доклада: «С поразительной и вдохновляющей решимостью украинцы поддерживают друг друга. Работают небольшие магазины; ремонтируются и восстанавливаются школы с убежищами, чтобы дети могли посещать их лично; реконструируются больницы и поликлиники, дороги и мосты; идет разминирование сельскохозяйственных угодий и важнейших объектов социальной инфраструктуры».

Читайте также: 

ООН помогает восстановить электроснабжение в Харькове после самой масштабной атаки РФ на энергетику Украины 

Потребности в восстановлении растут 

ООН и гуманитарное сообщество, партнеры Организации по развитию продолжают работать над тем, чтобы люди, переживающие ужасы войны, получали поддержку, необходимую им для удовлетворения самых насущных потребностей, говорится в документе. В 2023 году более 11 миллионов украинцев получили жизненно необходимую гуманитарную помощь. Это стало возможным благодаря усилиям более 500 организаций, почти 70 процентов из которых составляют украинские НПО.

В условиях продолжающейся войны потребности в восстановлении и реконструкции растут с каждым днем. Согласно оценкам, к концу декабря 2023 года прямой ущерб зданиям и инфраструктуре составил 152 миллиарда долларов. Больше всего пострадали жилищный сектор (почти 56 миллиардов долларов, или 37 процентов от общего ущерба), транспорт, торговля и промышленность, энергетика и сельское хозяйство.

Ущерб, нанесенный окружающей среде, по-прежнему сложно оценить в количественном выражении, и он будет влиять на Украину в течение многих поколений. По состоянию на 31 декабря 2023 года общие потребности в восстановлении и реконструкции оцениваются в 486 миллиардов долларов.

«Мир не должен принимать войну как новую реальность»

Три тысячи сотрудников ООН и 24 агентства, работающие в Украине, полны решимости и далее поддерживать приоритетные проекты правительства по восстановлению, инвестируя в общины, человеческий капитал и национальные инициативы. Но, несмотря на достигнутый прогресс, этих усилий недостаточно, чтобы ликвидировать разрушительные последствия российского вторжения России в Украину, говорится в документе. 

«Мир не должен принимать войну как новую реальность, – заявляют авторы доклада. – Жизнь под постоянными бомбардировками, в постоянном страхе – это ненормально. Необходимо продолжать все усилия для достижения справедливого мира в соответствии с Уставом ООН».



  1. On the third year of full-scale Russian invasion, the war still brings unimaginable suffering and sorrow to the people of Ukraine. The invasion, initiated in violation of the UN Charter and international law, has led to the death and injury of thousands of civilians, mass destruction of infrastructure, including hundreds of thousands of residential homes, hospitals, and schools, and deeply traumatized people regardless of their proximity to the front line. As of today, the UN has confirmed the deaths or injuries of over 30,000 civilians, including 1822 children, and this number is increasing every day. Since the escalation of war in February 2022, more than 1600 attacks have been carried out on medical facilities. During the same period, over 3800 educational institutions and more than two million residential homes have been damaged or destroyed. As of January 2024, 14.6 million people in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian aid, 3.6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced, and 6.34 million people have become refugees in Europe. The blow to the fight against

  2. “Entering the third year of Russia’s full-scale invasion, the war continues to bring unimaginable suffering and sorrow to the people of Ukraine,” the report states. “The invasion, initiated in violation of the UN Charter and international law, has led to the death and injury of thousands of civilians, mass destruction of infrastructure including hundreds of thousands of residential buildings, hospitals, and schools, and deeply traumatized individuals regardless of their proximity to the front line.” As of today, the UN has confirmed the deaths or injuries of over 30,000 civilians, including 1,822 children, and this number continues to rise daily. Since the escalation of the war in February 2022, there have been over 1,600 attacks on medical facilities. During the same period, more than 3,800 educational institutions and over two million residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed. As of January 2024, 14.6 million people in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian aid, 3.6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced persons, and 6.34 million people have become refugees in Europe. The blow to the fight against”

  3. “In the third year of Russia’s full-scale invasion, the war still brings indescribable suffering and sorrow to the people of Ukraine,” the report says. “The invasion, initiated in violation of the UN Charter and international law, has led to the deaths and injuries of thousands of civilians, massive destruction of infrastructure, including hundreds of thousands of residential homes, hospitals, and schools, and has deeply traumatized people regardless of their proximity to the front line.” As of today, the UN has confirmed the deaths or injuries of over 30,000 civilians, including 1,822 children, and this number is increasing every day. Since the escalation of war in February 2022, there have been more than 1,600 attacks on medical facilities. During the same period, over 3,800 educational institutions and over two million residential homes were damaged or destroyed. As of January 2024, 14.6 million people in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian assistance, 3.6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced persons, and 6.34 million people have become refugees in Europe. The blow to the fight against”

  4. “After three years of full-scale Russian invasion, does the war still bring unimaginable suffering and sorrow to the people of Ukraine? When will the international community take stronger actions to stop this devastation?”

    1. “The war still continues to inflict immense suffering on the people of Ukraine, as outlined in the report. The invasion, which violated the UN Charter and international law, has resulted in the deaths and injuries of thousands of civilians, massive destruction of infrastructure including hundreds of thousands of residential homes, hospitals, and schools, and deep trauma for individuals regardless of their proximity to the front line. As of today, the UN has confirmed the deaths or injuries of over 30 thousand civilians, including 1822 children, and this number continues to rise every day. Since the escalation of the war in February 2022, there have been over 1600 attacks on medical facilities. During the same period, more than 3800 educational institutions and over two million residential homes have been damaged or destroyed. As of January 2024, 14.6 million people in Ukraine require humanitarian assistance, 3.6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced, and 6.34 million people have become refugees in Europe. The impact on the fight against”…

  5. “In the third year of full-scale Russian invasion, the war continues to bring unimaginable suffering to the people of Ukraine,” the report states. “The invasion, initiated in violation of the UN Charter and international law, has led to the deaths and injuries of thousands of civilians, the mass destruction of infrastructure, including hundreds of thousands of residential houses, hospitals, and schools, and has deeply traumatized individuals regardless of their proximity to the frontlines.” As of today, the UN has confirmed the deaths or injuries of over 30,000 civilians, including 1,822 children, and this number is increasing daily. Since the escalation of the war in February 2022, there have been over 1,600 attacks on medical facilities. During the same period, more than 3,800 educational institutions and over two million residential homes have been damaged or destroyed. As of January 2024, 14.6 million people in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian assistance, 3.6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced, and 6.34 million have become refugees in Europe. The impact on the fight against

  6. “Entering the third year of full-scale Russian invasion, the war continues to bring unimaginable suffering and sorrow to the people of Ukraine,” the report states. “The invasion, initiated in violation of the UN Charter and international law, has led to the deaths and injuries of thousands of civilians, massive destruction of infrastructure, including hundreds of thousands of houses, hospitals, and schools, and deeply traumatized individuals regardless of their proximity to the front line.” As of today, the UN has confirmed the deaths or injuries of over 30,000 civilians, including 1,822 children, and this number is rising every day. Since the escalation of the war in February 2022, there have been over 1,600 attacks on medical facilities. During the same period, over 3,800 educational institutions and more than two million residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed. As of January 2024, 14.6 million people in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian assistance, 3.6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced, and 6.34 million people have become refugees in Europe. The blow to the fight against”

  7. How will Ukraine manage the immense task of rebuilding and revamping its economy in the face of such devastating war consequences?

    1. Well, rebuilding a country after such a destructive war requires a unified effort from both local and international communities. Ukraine will need strategic planning, substantial financial support, and long-term commitment to overcome the aftermath of the conflict and revitalize its economy. The road ahead is challenging, but with perseverance and solidarity, Ukraine can gradually restore and strengthen its infrastructure and economy.

  8. “In the third year of Russia’s full-scale invasion, the war continues to bring indescribable suffering and sadness to the people of Ukraine,” the report states. “The invasion, initiated in violation of the UN Charter and international law, has led to the deaths and injuries of thousands of civilians, to mass destruction of infrastructure, including hundreds of thousands of homes, hospitals, and schools, and has deeply traumatized people regardless of their proximity to the front line.” As of today, the UN has confirmed the deaths or injuries of over 30,000 civilians, including 1,822 children, and this number is increasing every day. Since the escalation of the war in February 2022, there have been over 1,600 attacks on medical facilities. During the same period, more than 3,800 educational institutions and over two million residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed. As of January 2024, 14.6 million people in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian assistance, 3.6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced, and 6.34 million people have become refugees in Europe. A blow to the fight against”

  9. “In the third year of Russia’s full-scale invasion, the war continues to bring indescribable suffering and sorrow to the people of Ukraine,” the report says. “The invasion, initiated in violation of the UN Charter and international law, has resulted in the deaths and injuries of thousands of civilians, massive destruction of infrastructure, including hundreds of thousands of residential homes, hospitals, and schools, and deeply traumatized people regardless of their proximity to the front line.” As of today, the UN has confirmed the deaths or injuries of over 30,000 civilians, including 1822 children, and this number grows every day. Since the escalation of the war in February 2022, there have been over 1600 attacks on medical facilities. During the same period, over 3800 educational institutions and more than two million residential homes were damaged or destroyed. As of January 2024, 14.6 million people in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian assistance, 3.6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced persons, and 6.34 million people have become refugees in Europe. A blow to the fight against…

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