Культура и образование

Assembly Chair Urges Turning Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Declaration into Reality

Несмотря на значительные достижения в области повышения благосостояния коренных народов, сохранения их культур и расширения участия в работе ООН, между взятыми обязательствами и реальностью на местах сохраняется «глубокая пропасть». Об этом заявил председатель Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН.

«В эти трудные времена, когда мир находится под угрозой, а открытый обмен мнениями и дипломатия необходимы как никогда, давайте покажем пример конструктивного диалога, чтобы выполнить наши обязательства перед коренными народами», – сказал Деннис Фрэнсис мировым лидерам и дипломатам, принимающим участие в Постоянном форуме ООН по вопросам коренных народов.

В итоговом документе форума была выражена поддержка реализации исторической Декларации ООН о правах коренных народов, принятой в 2007 году, которая устанавливает минимальные стандарты для признания, защиты и продвижения этих прав.

Нищета, неравенство и жестокое обращение

Деннис Фрэнсис рассказал о достижениях ООН за минувший период, включая принятие Повестки дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года и провозглашение Международного десятилетия языков коренных народов.

«Несмотря на эти успехи, коренные народы по-прежнему живут в условиях крайней нищеты, чаще других страдают от негативных последствий изменения климата, чаще сталкиваются с лишением собственности и выселением с земель предков, а также имеют неравный доступ к здравоохранению и образованию по сравнению с другими группами населения», – подчеркнул председатель Генассамблеи, добавив, что женщины из числа коренных народов в три раза чаще подвергаются сексуальному насилию в течение своей жизни, чем женщины в мире в целом.

Читайте также:

В Нью-Йорке открылась сессия Постоянного форума по вопросам коренных народов

Обеспечение неотъемлемых прав

Глава Департамента ООН по экономическим и социальным вопросам Ли Цзиньхуа отметил, что отсутствие эффективного участия коренных народов в процессах развития по-прежнему является основным препятствием на пути продвижения усилий на национальном уровне. Тем не менее, при содействии ООН некоторые правительства приняли национальные планы действий и другие меры, направленные на поддержку эффективной реализации декларации о правах коренных народов.

Ли Цзиньхуа призвал страны принять конкретные меры по признанию и обеспечению неотъемлемых коллективных прав коренных народов, включая право на самоопределение и автономию, а также их исторические имущественные и культурные права.

Обеспечение устойчивого развития

В связи с приближением срока реализации Повестки дня на период до 2030 года председатель Постоянного форума ООН по вопросам коренных народов Хинду Умару Ибрагим подчеркнула важность включения проблем коренных народов в национальные обзоры прогресса на пути к устойчивому развитию.

«Особое внимание необходимо уделить женщинам и девочкам из числа коренных народов, хранительницам традиционных представлений об устойчивом образе жизни», – добавила она.

Хинду Умару Ибрагим также призвала развивать инициативы, выдвинутые коренными народами, в том числе на конференции 2013 года в Норвегии.

«Мы выступаем за срочное введение должности заместителя Генерального секретаря по вопросам коренных народов», – сказала она.



  1. “In these challenging times, when the world is under threat, and open exchange of opinions and diplomacy are more necessary than ever, let’s set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our commitments to indigenous peoples,” said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The final document of the forum expressed support for the implementation of the historic UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted in 2007, which sets minimum standards for recognition, protection, and advancement of these rights. Despite these achievements, indigenous peoples continue to live in conditions of extreme poverty and suffer more than others from the negative consequences of climate change.”

  2. “In these difficult times, when the world is under threat, and open exchange of views and diplomacy are more necessary than ever, let’s set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our commitments to indigenous peoples,” said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The final document of the forum expressed support for the implementation of the historic UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted in 2007, which sets minimum standards for the recognition, protection, and promotion of these rights. Despite these achievements, indigenous peoples still live in extreme poverty, suffer more than others from the negative consequences of climate change.”

  3. “In these challenging times, when the world is under threat, and open exchange of views and diplomacy are more necessary than ever, let us set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our obligations to indigenous peoples,” said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The final document of the forum expressed support for the implementation of the historical UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted in 2007, which establishes minimum standards for recognizing, protecting, and promoting these rights. Despite these successes, indigenous peoples continue to live in conditions of extreme poverty, disproportionately suffering from the negative consequences of changes…”

  4. “In these challenging times, when the world is under threat, and open exchange of views and diplomacy are more necessary than ever, let us set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our commitments to indigenous peoples,” said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The forum’s final document expressed support for the implementation of the historic UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted in 2007, which sets minimum standards for the recognition, protection, and advancement of these rights. Despite the UN’s achievements over the past period, including the adoption of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the proclamation of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, Dennis Francis spoke of the deep poverty, inequality, and harsh treatment that indigenous people still endure.”

  5. “In these challenging times, when the world is under threat, and open exchange of views and diplomacy are more necessary than ever, let’s set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our commitments to indigenous peoples,” said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The final document of the forum expressed support for the implementation of the historic UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted in 2007, setting minimum standards for the recognition, protection, and advancement of these rights. Despite the achievements of the UN in the past period, including the adoption of the Sustainable Development Agenda until 2030 and the proclamation of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, indigenous peoples still live in conditions of extreme poverty, disproportionately suffering from the negative consequences of climate change and facing discrimination.”

  6. “In these challenging times, when the world is under threat, and open exchange of opinions and diplomacy are more essential than ever, let’s set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our commitments to indigenous peoples,” said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The forum’s final document expressed support for the implementation of the historic UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted in 2007, which sets minimum standards for recognition, protection, and promotion of these rights. Poverty, inequality, and cruel treatment – Dennis Francis recounted the achievements of the UN over the past period, including the adoption of the Sustainable Development Agenda for the period up to 2030 and the proclamation of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages. “Despite these successes, indigenous peoples still live in conditions of extreme poverty, disproportionately suffer from negative consequences of climate change…”

  7. “In these challenging times, when the world is facing threats, and open exchange of opinions and diplomacy are more essential than ever, let’s set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our commitments to indigenous peoples,” said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The final document of the forum expressed support for the implementation of the historic UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted in 2007, which establishes minimum standards for the recognition, protection, and advancement of these rights. Poverty, inequality, and cruel treatment – despite these achievements, indigenous peoples still live in conditions of extreme poverty and are more affected than others by the negative consequences of climate change.”

  8. “In these challenging times, when the world is under threat, and open exchange of views and diplomacy are more necessary than ever, let us set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our commitments to indigenous peoples,” said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The final document of the forum expressed support for the implementation of the historic UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted in 2007, which sets minimum standards for the recognition, protection, and advancement of these rights. Despite these successes, indigenous peoples still live in extreme poverty, disproportionately suffer from the negative consequences of climate change…”

  9. During these challenging times, when the world is under threat, and open exchange of opinions and diplomacy are more necessary than ever, let us set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our commitments to indigenous peoples. – said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

  10. “In these challenging times, when the world is under threat, and open exchange of views and diplomacy are more necessary than ever, let’s set an example of constructive dialogue to fulfill our commitments to indigenous peoples,” said Dennis Francis to world leaders and diplomats participating in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The final document of the forum expressed support for the implementation of the historic UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted in 2007, which sets minimum standards for recognizing, protecting, and promoting these rights. Despite these successes, indigenous peoples still live in extreme poverty, disproportionately suffer from the negative effects of climate change…

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