
Using Social Media to Combat Online Drug Trafficking: A Game-Changer!

Для борьбы с наркотрафиком во всемирной паутине авторы исследования рекомендуют использовать аналогичные инструменты, проводя кампании с использованием новейших технологий на популярных онлайн-платформах.

«Мы видим, что незаконный оборот наркотиков осуществляется не только в “даркнете”. Преступники также используют легитимные платформы электронной торговли», – заявил президент МККН Джалал Туфик.

Соцсети обеспечивают наркоторговцам доступ к потребителям по всему миру. Преступные группы превращают их в торговые площадки и, в частности, размещая контент, рассчитанный на подростков.

Производство героина сократилось, культивирование кокаина выросло

Авторы доклада отмечают значительное сокращение объемов выращивания опийного мака и производства героина в Афганистане после запрета «Талибана» на наркотики. Но при этом они связывают бум торговли метамфетамином в Южной Азии с его производством в Афганистане.

В Колумбии и Перу произошел заметный рост незаконного культивирования кокаинового куста: на 13 процентов и 18 процентов соответственно.

Изъятия кокаина также достигли рекордного уровня в 2021 году в Западной и Центральной Африке, крупном транзитном регионе.

Тихоокеанские островные государства превратились из транзитных пунктов на маршрутах наркоторговли в рынки сбыта синтетических наркотиков.

В Северной Америке продолжается опиоидный кризис: число смертей, связанных с синтетическими опиоидами, отличными от метадона, в 2021 году превысило 70 000. В Европе несколько стран стремятся создать регулируемый рынок каннабиса для употребления в немедицинских целях, что, по мнению экспертов МККН, может быть несовместимо с контролем над наркотиками.

Торговля наркотиками в интернете

Другие тенденции, связанные с торговлей наркотиками в интернете, включают использование методов шифрования при общении и транзакциях и анонимного просмотра в «даркнете», а также платежа в трудно отслеживаемых криптовалютах.

В докладе говорится, что преступники перемещают свою деятельность в регионы с менее строгой правоохранительной системой, часто выбирая страны, где можно избежать экстрадиции.

Эксперты отмечают повышенный риск смертельных передозировок, связанный с доступностью в интернете фентанила и других синтетических опиоидов.

Еще одна проблемная область – телемедицина и интернет-аптеки. Хотя такие услуги могут расширить доступ к здравоохранению и упростить процедуру назначения и доставки лекарств, нелегальные интернет-магазины, которые продают лекарства без рецепта напрямую потребителям, представляют собой вполне реальную угрозу для здоровья населения. Объемы мировой торговли незаконными фармацевтическими препаратами оцениваются в 4,4 миллиарда долларов.



  1. Can social media really be effective in combating drug trafficking online? How can authorities ensure that legitimate platforms are not misused by criminals for illegal drug sales?

    1. Yes, social media can indeed play a crucial role in combating online drug trafficking. Authorities must stay vigilant and adapt quickly to the ever-evolving tactics of criminals on legitimate platforms. By leveraging advanced technologies and monitoring online activities closely, law enforcement can disrupt illegal drug sales and protect vulnerable populations.

  2. Social media plays a crucial role in combating online drug trafficking by allowing for targeted campaigns using cutting-edge technologies on popular online platforms. It’s evident that illegal drug trade is not limited to the dark web, as criminals exploit legitimate e-commerce platforms too. These platforms serve as marketplaces for drug dealers, who even target teenagers with their content. While heroin production has decreased, cocaine cultivation has surged. The significant drop in opium poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan post the Taliban’s drug ban is notable. However, the rise in methamphetamine trade in South Asia is connected to its production in Afghanistan. Colombia and Peru have witnessed a significant increase in illegal cocaine cultivation by 13% and 18% respectively. Cocaine seizures in West and Central Africa hit a record high in 2021, highlighting the region’s importance as a major transit point. Pacific island nations have transformed from transit points to synthetic drug markets. North America is grappling with an opioid crisis, as the death toll related to non-methadone synthetic opioids surpassed 70,000 in 2021. Several European countries are striving to establish a…

  3. Using the power of social media to tackle online drug trafficking is truly a game-changer! It’s crucial to leverage the latest technologies on popular online platforms to combat the illegal drug trade effectively. Criminals are not just operating in the dark web; they are also exploiting legitimate e-commerce platforms. Social networks provide drug dealers with global access to consumers, turning them into trading hubs, targeting vulnerable teenagers with their content. The decrease in heroin production and the increase in cocaine cultivation are alarming trends that need to be addressed. It’s evident that new strategies and collaborations are urgently needed to address the evolving challenges posed by drug trafficking.

  4. Social media could be a powerful tool in the fight against online drug trafficking, providing authorities with the means to track and combat illegal activities more effectively. It’s crucial for law enforcement agencies to leverage the latest technologies and conduct targeted campaigns on popular online platforms to disrupt the operations of drug traffickers globally.

  5. Using social media to combat online drug trafficking can be a game-changer. Criminals are not only operating in the dark web but also utilizing legitimate e-commerce platforms. Social networks provide drug dealers with global consumer access, turning them into trade hubs targeted at teenagers. While heroin production has decreased, cocaine cultivation has risen. The report highlights a significant drop in opium poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan after the Taliban’s drug ban. However, the surge in methamphetamine trade in South Asia is linked to its production in Afghanistan. Colombia and Peru have seen notable increases in illegal cocaine cultivation by 13% and 18%, respectively. Cocaine seizures have reached record levels in West and Central Africa in 2021, a crucial transit region. Pacific island countries have shifted from transit points to markets for synthetic drugs. North America remains in an opioid crisis, with over 70,000 deaths related to synthetic opioids other than methadone in 2021. Several European countries are striving to establish…

  6. Could social media really be effective in combating online drug trafficking? How are these new technologies utilized on popular online platforms to address this issue?

    1. Yes, SarahSmith, social media indeed plays a crucial role in combating online drug trafficking. By harnessing the power of these new technologies on popular online platforms, authorities can track illicit activities, identify traffickers, and raise awareness among the public to prevent drug-related crimes. It’s a game-changer in the fight against drug trafficking in the digital age.

  7. Social media can indeed be a powerful tool in combating online drug trafficking. It is crucial to utilize the latest technologies on popular online platforms to target these criminals effectively. We must not underestimate the reach and influence that social networks provide to drug traffickers, turning them into virtual marketplaces, especially targeting vulnerable teenagers. It’s alarming to see the rise in illegal cultivation of cocaine plants in Colombia and Peru, along with the record levels of cocaine seizures in Africa. The opioid crisis in North America, coupled with the increasing production of synthetic drugs in Afghanistan, demands immediate and coordinated action to save lives and protect communities.

  8. Social media can be a powerful tool in the fight against online drug trafficking. It’s crucial to utilize modern technologies on popular online platforms to counter the illegal activities promoted by criminal groups. The accessibility provided by social networks to drug dealers worldwide is alarming, and urgent measures are needed to address this issue effectively.

  9. Do you think the use of social media alone is sufficient to effectively combat online drug trafficking, or are there other crucial measures that need to be taken along with it?

    1. Social media can be a powerful tool in the fight against online drug trafficking, but it should be complemented with other essential measures. Collaboration with law enforcement agencies, implementing stricter regulations on online platforms, and increasing international cooperation are crucial steps needed to effectively address this issue.

  10. Social media can play a crucial role in combating online drug trafficking by leveraging the latest technologies to reach a global audience. It’s evident that criminals are not only operating in the dark web but are also utilizing legitimate e-commerce platforms. This highlights the importance of targeting criminals on popular online platforms to prevent the spread of illegal drugs and protect vulnerable populations. The shift in drug production trends, such as the decrease in heroin production and increase in cocaine cultivation, underscores the need for innovative strategies to address the evolving landscape of drug trafficking. Collaborative efforts across regions are essential to disrupt the networks facilitating the illicit drug trade and protect communities from the harmful impact of drug abuse.

  11. Using social media is a crucial step in combating online drug trafficking. Criminals are exploiting legitimate e-commerce platforms and turning social networks into drug marketplaces. The report’s findings highlight the shifting trends in drug production around the world, emphasizing the need for innovative technology to tackle this global issue.

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