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Seeking Compromise: UN Special Representative for Kosovo Urges Parties to Find Common Ground

Сегодня на заседании Совбеза по Косово Специальный представитель Генсека Каролин Зиаде подчеркнула важность решения споров между Белградом и Приштиной, а также между общинами косовских сербов и властями Приштины посредством открытого общения и диалога. Она отметила высокий уровень недоверия между этническими общинами Косово.

Она, в частности, вновь заявила о своей обеспокоенности в связи с новыми правилами, касающимися денежных переводов в Косово, которые негативно повлияли на жизнь уязвимых групп населения.

Зиаде отметила усилия по решению спорного вопроса о легитимности местных органов власти в четырех муниципалитетах с сербским большинством в Северном Косово. По сообщениям СМИ, прошедший там накануне референдум по смещению албанских мэров провавлился из-за крайне низкой явки избирателей. По словам Зиаде, это создает основу для затягивания нерешенной проблемы. 

«С нашей стороны, мы продолжим поддерживать проводимый при содействии ЕС диалог как форум для поиска консенсусного решения по остающимся вопросам», – сказала Спецпредставитель по Косово.

«Еще одним аспектом основных соглашений, которые смогут обеспечить решение этого и других нерешенных вопросов нормализации, является принятие серьезных и заслуживающих доверия шагов по созданию Ассоциации/Сообщества муниципалитетов с сербским большинством», – добавила она.

Зиаде отметила ряд успехов за отчетный период, в том числе касательно спора вокруг автомобильных номеров, «энергетической дорожной карты» и упрощения таможенной деятельности.

Она также поблагодарила руководство Приштины за действия по полной реализации решения Верховного суда от 2016 года, подтверждающего права собственности монастыря Высокие Дечаны. 

«Такие действия нужно приветствовать, поскольку они в значительной степени способствуют как установлению доверия между сообществами, так и уверенности общества в верховенстве закона», – сказала Зиаде.

Спецпредставитель заявила, что позглаляемая ею Миссия ООН в Косово (МООНК) активно использует свои ресурсы для содействия укреплению взаимного доверия и толерантности.

«Поощрение и защита прав человека являются фундаментальной частью работы МООНК. Вместе с нашими партнерами мы продолжаем призывать власти ставить принципы прав человека и верховенства закона в основу политических решений», – подчеркнула Зиаде.

В заключение она подтвердил важность полной реализации соглашений, достигнутых при содействии ЕС, а также конструктивного взаимодействия и поиска практических компромиссов.

«Прогресс рождается из действий, предпринимаемых с готовностью идти на компромиссы. Именно этот путь ведет к прочному миру и стабильности», – подытожила Зиаде.



  1. She, in particular, reiterated her concern regarding the new rules regarding money transfers in Kosovo, which have adversely affected the lives of vulnerable population groups. Ziade highlighted efforts to resolve the contentious issue of the legitimacy of local authorities in the four municipalities with a Serbian majority in Northern Kosovo. According to media reports, the referendum held there yesterday to remove Albanian mayors failed due to extremely low voter turnout. Ziade stated that this creates a basis for prolonging the unresolved problem. “From our side, we will continue to support the dialogue facilitated by the EU as a forum for seeking a consensus solution to the remaining issues,” said the Special Representative for Kosovo. “Another aspect of the key agreements that could ensure a resolution of this and other outstanding issues of normalization is the taking of serious and trustworthy steps towards the establishment of an Association/Community.”

  2. She, in particular, expressed her concern about the new rules regarding money transfers to Kosovo, which have had a negative impact on vulnerable population groups. Ziade highlighted efforts to resolve the contentious issue of the legitimacy of local authorities in the four municipalities with a Serbian majority in Northern Kosovo. According to media reports, the referendum held there yesterday on the displacement of Albanian mayors failed due to extremely low voter turnout. Ziade stated that this creates a basis for prolonging an unresolved problem. “From our side, we will continue to support the dialogue conducted with EU assistance as a forum for reaching a consensus on outstanding issues,” said the Special Representative for Kosovo. “Another aspect of the key agreements that can ensure the resolution of this and other unresolved normalization issues is taking serious and trustworthy steps to establish an Association/Community.”

  3. She, in particular, has once again expressed her concern regarding the new rules concerning money transfers to Kosovo, which have negatively impacted the lives of vulnerable population groups. Ziade highlighted efforts to resolve the contentious issue of the legitimacy of local authorities in four municipalities with a Serbian majority in North Kosovo. According to media reports, the referendum held there the day before on the displacement of Albanian mayors failed due to extremely low voter turnout. Ziade stated that this provides a basis for prolonging the unresolved issue. “From our side, we will continue to support the dialogue facilitated by the EU as a forum for seeking a consensus solution to the remaining issues,” said the Special Representative for Kosovo. “Another aspect of the key agreements that can ensure the resolution of this and other unresolved normalization issues is the adoption of serious and trustworthy steps towards establishing an Association/Community.”

  4. Could you provide more details on the efforts being made to address the legitimacy issue of local authorities in the municipalities with a Serbian majority in Northern Kosovo? How effective have these efforts been so far?

    1. Efforts to address the legitimacy issue of local authorities in the municipalities with a Serbian majority in Northern Kosovo have been ongoing, but challenges persist. The recent referendum on the displacement of Albanian mayors in the region saw extremely low voter turnout, raising concerns. Special Representative Ziade expressed her continued support for the dialogue facilitated by the EU as a forum for consensus-building. Serious and trustworthy steps towards creating an Association/Community remain crucial for resolving such complex issues.

  5. Today at the UN Security Council meeting on Kosovo, Special Representative of the Secretary-General Caroline Ziad emphasized the importance of resolving disputes between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as between the Kosovo Serb communities and the authorities of Pristina through open communication and dialogue. She noted the high level of mistrust between the ethnic communities in Kosovo. She, in particular, reiterated her concern over the new rules regarding money transfers to Kosovo, which have negatively impacted vulnerable population groups. Ziad highlighted efforts to resolve the contentious issue of the legitimacy of local authorities in four municipalities with a Serbian majority in Northern Kosovo. According to media reports, the referendum held there yesterday on the removal of Albanian mayors failed due to extremely low voter turnout. Ziad stated that this sets the stage for prolonging the unresolved issue. “From our side, we will continue to support the dialogue facilitated by the EU as a forum for seeking a consensus solution to the remaining issues,” said the Special Representative on Kosovo. “Another aspect of the key agreements that could address the resolution of this and other unresolved normalization issues is taking serious and credible steps towards establishing an Association/Community.”

  6. Does the UN Special Representative believe that open communication and dialogue alone are sufficient to resolve the disputes between Belgrade, Pristina, and the ethnic communities in Kosovo?

    1. Open communication and dialogue are crucial steps in resolving disputes, but they must be accompanied by genuine efforts from all parties involved. It is a positive sign that the UN Special Representative emphasizes the importance of such dialogue, as it can help build trust and understanding among the conflicting parties in Kosovo. However, sustainable solutions also require concrete actions and willingness to compromise on all sides to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region.

  7. She, in particular, has once again expressed her concern regarding the new rules concerning money transfers to Kosovo, which have had a negative impact on vulnerable population groups. Ziade noted efforts to resolve the contentious issue of the legitimacy of local authorities in the four municipalities with a Serbian majority in Northern Kosovo. According to media reports, a referendum on the displacement of Albanian mayors held there yesterday failed due to extremely low voter turnout. According to Ziade, this creates a basis for prolonging the unresolved issue. “From our side, we will continue to support the dialogue facilitated by the EU as a forum for reaching a consensus on the remaining issues,” said the Special Representative for Kosovo. “Another aspect of the core agreements that can ensure a resolution of this and other unresolved normalization issues is the adoption of serious and trustworthy steps towards the establishment of an Association/Community.”

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