Humanitarian Aid

Guterres Cheers as First Ship Carrying Grains Sets Sail from Ukraine, Relieving Food Crisis

The UN chief on Monday welcomed the departure of the first ship from the Ukrainian port of Odesa, carrying grain under the landmark deal signed by Ukraine, Russia and Türkiye, overseen by the UN.

The Razoni, carrying a cargo of 26,527 tonnes of corn, is the first cargo ship to leave a Ukrainian Black Sea port since 26 February, just a few days after the Russian invasion began. It is bound for the Mediterranean port of Tripoli, in Lebanon.

‘Humanitarian imperative’

In a statement issued by his Spokesperson, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that ensuring “existing grain and foodstuffs can move to global markets is a humanitarian imperative.”

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The deal dubbed a “beacon of hope” by Mr. Guterres when it was signed in the Turkish city of Istanbul on 22 July, is a “collective achievement” of the newly-established Joint Coordination Centre, or JCC, set up in Istanbul, under the auspices of the UN, by representatives from the three governments who inked the deal, known officially as the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

In a statement the JCC said it had agreed the specific coordinates and restrictions for what it termed the Safe Humanitarian Maritime Corridor, “and has communicated those details in accordance with international navigation procedures.”

“The JCC has requested all its participants to inform their respective military and other relevant authorities of this decision to ensure the safe passage of the vessel.”

The plan also paves the way for Russian food and fertilizer to reach global markets, all of which it is hoped will help reduce soaring food prices worldwide, and avert the possibility of famine afflicting millions in the months ahead.

Since the deal was signed, the parties involved “have been working tirelessly” to begin the process of shipping grain and cereals out from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports.

‘The first of many’

“The Secretary-General salutes their efforts, and he is grateful to Türkiye for its leadership”, the statement said, just after the vessel left port.

“The Secretary-General hopes that this will be the first of many commercial ships moving in accordance with the Initiative signed, and that this will bring much-needed stability and relief to global food security especially in the most fragile humanitarian contexts.”

The statement added that the UN emergency food agency, WFP, which is a major customer of Ukraine’s grain and cereals, was planning to buy, load and ship an initial 30,000 tonnes of wheat from Ukraine, on a UN-chartered vessel.

Ukraine: First commercial ship since February sails from Odesa – UN Chief Press Briefing

Hope for a lasting peace

Addressing correspondents at UN Headquarters in New York on the shipment, Mr. Guterres said the ship was loaded with two commodities in short supply, “corn, and hope.”

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People on the verge of famine need these agreements to work, in order to survive. Countries on the verge of bankruptcy need these agreements to work, in order to keep their economies alive.” 

While the “tragic war continues to rage”, said the UN chief, the UN would continue working every day, “to bring relief to the people of Ukraine, and to those suffering the effects of the conflict around the world.”

He said the war “must end, and peace must be established, in line with the Charter of the United Nations and international law.

“I hope today’s news can be a step towards that goal, for the people of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, and for the world.” 

WFP charter ship

Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said that more details from the World Food Programme would be released in the coming days.

According to news reports, Turkish authorities made clear that further shipments of grain were planned in the coming weeks, and many more journeys will have to be safely and successfully undertaken for the much-needed food supplies to make a difference.

Ukraine and Russia account for nearly a third of global wheat imports, with the two countries supplying more than 45 million tonnes annually, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The Grain Initiative allows for significant volumes of exports from Odesa, Chernomorsk, and Yuzhny. Inspection teams will monitor the loading of grain at the ports, wit Ukrainian pilot vessels guiding the ships through the Black Sea, after which they will head out through the Bosphorus Strait, passing Istanbul, along an agreed corridor.



  1. Isn’t it amazing that this grain shipment is the first to leave Ukraine’s port since the Russian invasion started?

    1. Yes, it’s truly remarkable that despite the challenging circumstances, this shipment offers a ray of hope for addressing the food crisis. Let’s hope it paves the way for more humanitarian efforts in the region.

  2. In light of the ongoing food crisis, I am thrilled to see the first ship departing from Ukraine with grain. This initiative, spearheaded by the UN and signed by Ukraine, Russia, and Türkiye, is indeed a beacon of hope. We must prioritize the movement of essential food supplies to address the pressing humanitarian needs.

  3. Do you know when the next shipment is expected to depart Ukraine to continue addressing the food crisis?

    1. Yes, the next shipment is scheduled to depart from Ukraine next week. The continuous efforts to alleviate the food crisis are crucial during these challenging times.

  4. It’s heartwarming to see the first ship carrying grains departing from Ukraine. This initiative is crucial to alleviate the food crisis, and the collaboration between Ukraine, Russia, and Türkiye is commendable. Kudos to all involved in making this happen!

  5. It is great news that the first ship has departed from Ukraine with grains to alleviate the food crisis. The cooperation between Ukraine, Russia, and Türkiye under the UN’s supervision is a significant step in addressing the humanitarian imperative of ensuring food can reach global markets. The deal signed in Istanbul truly embodies hope and marks a collective achievement toward addressing the crisis.

  6. Did the departure of the first ship from Ukraine truly help alleviate the food crisis as mentioned in the article?

    1. Yes, the departure of the first ship from Ukraine carrying grains is a significant step towards alleviating the food crisis. Ensuring the movement of essential foodstuffs to global markets is crucial in addressing the humanitarian imperative highlighted by UN Secretary-General António Guterres. The joint efforts of Ukraine, Russia, and Türkiye, overseen by the UN, represent a beacon of hope in tackling the ongoing challenges. This collective achievement showcases the importance of coordinated actions in times of crisis.

  7. As a humanitarian, I truly believe that initiatives like this are crucial in addressing global food crises. It’s inspiring to see countries coming together for such a noble cause. Let’s hope this marks the beginning of more collective efforts towards ensuring food security for all.

  8. Why is it significant that the first ship carrying grains set sail from Ukraine under the UN oversight?

  9. It’s heartwarming to see Guterres celebrating the departure of the first ship from Ukraine, carrying grains to tackle the food crisis. This initiative, overseen by the UN, is a much-needed humanitarian effort during these challenging times.

  10. It’s heartwarming to see Guterres cheering as the first ship sets sail, offering relief in the midst of the food crisis. This initiative is a beacon of hope and a crucial humanitarian step in ensuring grains reach those in need globally. Kudos to all involved in this collective achievement.

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