UN Affairs

Top Dog at UN Assembly Reveals Bold 2024 Vision: What’s in Store?

Emphasizing a commitment to addressing pressing challenges, President Dennis Francis signalled a determined push for transformative change.

“We must set our sights squarely on the Summit of the Future – the pivotal event of 2024 – where world leaders are expected to gather here in New York and forge a new global consensus on how to better deliver for people and planet,” he said.

With a focus on “supercharging” the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), preparations for the Summit will take centre stage from now until September.

“We must seize every opportunity to adapt our systems for good governance and the efficient delivery of global public goods,” he added.

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The president’s term spans the sessions of the General Assembly. For Mr. Francis, President of the 78th session of the Assembly, his term started on 5 September last year and will end on 10 September 2024.

Foundation of peace

In his address, President Francis underscored the importance of peace as the “ultimate goal of our collective efforts” and the “bedrock upon which everything we do will rest”.  

“It is, therefore, crucial that we […] demonstrate both our political will and our ability to make this world a more peaceful and secure one,” he said.

Noting the clear Security Council deadlock over the situation in Gaza, the President recalled the resolution adopted at the resumed tenth Emergency Special Session, which demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the release of all hostages, and unhindered access for humanitarian aid.

He reiterated his call for the immediate implementation of the Assembly’s decisions and resolutions, for “meaningful progress on the ground” and saving innocent lives.

“Surely, a military solution is not possible in the Middle East conflict,” Mr. Francis added.

The Veto Initiative

President Francis also highlighted the Veto Initiative, emphasizing the critical importance of fostering accountability and cooperation between the UN’s Principal Organs to achieve system-wide coherence.

Under the landmark Initiative, the President is authorized convene a formal meeting of the 193‑member organ within 10 working days of the casting of a veto by one or more permanent members of the Security Council and hold a debate on the situation as to which the veto was cast.

Key events

He also announced a series of significant events the upcoming months, including the inaugural Sustainability Week (April); the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (Antigua and Barbuda, April); the third Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries (Rwanda, June).

Also on the calendar is a high-level meeting on antimicrobial resistance; and a commemorative event marking the 30th anniversary of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development.



  1. As highlighted by President Francis, the Summit of the Future in 2024 will play a vital role in shaping global consensus on delivering positive change. It’s imperative that world leaders work together to supercharge the implementation of SDGs and prioritize good governance for the betterment of society and the environment.

  2. As Emily Stevenson, I believe President Francis’s focus on supercharging the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals is crucial for achieving transformative change and creating a more peaceful and secure world. His vision for the Summit of the Future in 2024 is commendable, and I look forward to seeing world leaders coming together to forge a new global consensus for the betterment of people and planet.

  3. As President Francis eloquently states, the focus on supercharging the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals is vital for global progress. It is imperative that world leaders come together at the 2024 Summit to forge a new global consensus for the betterment of people and the planet. Only through collective efforts and good governance can we achieve transformative change.

  4. Will President Francis’ vision for the Summit of the Future truly bring about the transformative change needed for a better world?

    1. President Francis’ bold vision for the Summit of the Future is indeed promising. His commitment to addressing pressing challenges and supercharging the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals shows a determination to strive for transformative change. Let’s hope world leaders coming together will lead to positive outcomes for people and the planet.

  5. President Dennis Francis’s vision for the 2024 Summit is truly inspiring. It’s crucial that world leaders come together to forge a new global consensus and deliver for people and the planet. I believe in the power of transformative change and look forward to the outcomes of this pivotal event.

  6. President Dennis Francis is showing great leadership by emphasizing the need for transformative change and a new global consensus at the upcoming Summit of the Future. It’s crucial that world leaders focus on supercharging the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals for the better delivery of global public goods.

  7. Could you provide more details on the key initiatives President Dennis Francis plans to implement in achieving sustainable development goals before the 2024 Summit?

    1. President Dennis Francis aims to supercharge the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before the 2024 Summit, focusing on adapting systems for good governance and efficient global public goods delivery. Stay tuned for updates!

  8. President Dennis Francis expresses a strong commitment to addressing global challenges and shaping a new consensus at the 2024 Summit in New York. His emphasis on “supercharging” the implementation of SDGs reflects the need for transformative change towards good governance and global public goods delivery.

  9. What steps are being taken to ensure that the Summit of the Future in 2024 will truly lead to transformative change and deliver for people and the planet?

  10. President Dennis Francis presents a clear and ambitious vision for the 2024 Summit. It’s inspiring to see a strong push for transformative change and a focus on supercharging the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. I believe his commitment to better governance and global public goods delivery is crucial for creating a more sustainable future.

  11. President Dennis Francis presents a visionary approach to tackling global challenges and emphasizes the need for transformative change. As the leader of the 78th session of the Assembly, he is determined to supercharge the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting the importance of good governance and efficient global public goods delivery for a peaceful and secure world.

  12. President Francis really has a strong vision for the future! It’s inspiring to see a leader so dedicated to making meaningful changes for the better. I believe his emphasis on sustainable development and good governance is crucial for building a more peaceful and secure world.

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