Middle East

UN Gets Down to the Bottom of Lebanon Blast that Messed up Peacekeepers

In a statement released on Saturday, UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti, said that the casualties –  three military observers from the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) and a Lebanese language assistant – have been evacuated for medical treatment.

The Lebanese state-run National News Agency reported that the UN peacekeepers were “subjected to an Israeli strike” carried out by drones. However, in a Tweet, Israeli military spokesperson Avichay Adraee said that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) did not target any UNIFIL vehicles in the Rmeish area.

Mr. Tenenti explained that the UNTSO observers, who are part of Observer Group Lebanon (OGL), support UNIFIL in implementing the force’s mandate, which includes monitoring the cessation of hostilities, helping to ensure humanitarian access to civilian populations and assisting the Lebanese government in securing the country’s borders.

The spokesperson underlined the responsibility of all actors in the conflict, under international law, to ensure protection for non-combatants, and called for a cessation of heavy exchanges of fire “before more people are unnecessarily hurt”.

In a media interview, Mr. Tenenti told reporters that, following the 7 October Hamas attacks on Israel, the situation in southern Lebanon has become increasingly tense, with shelling taking place deeper within Lebanon which “could potentially trigger a much wider conflict”.

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Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL expressed concern over a “surge of violence” occurring across the Blue Line, which has caused a “high number of civilians and the destruction of homes and livelihoods”. The force called for a ceasefire, and urged all sides in the conflict to begin the process toward a sustainable political and diplomatic solution.

Later on Saturday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a statement that the situation along the Blue Line continues to be of grave concern, referring to the daily exchanges of fire that have taken place between non-state armed groups based in Lebanon and the Israel Defense Forces since 8 October 2023.

The civilian fatalities reported, destruction of residential and agricultural areas, and displacement of tens of thousands of people on both sides of the Blue Line, is unacceptable, declared the UN chief, and threaten the security and stability of Lebanon, Israel, and the region.



  1. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL peacekeepers were carrying out their essential duties as mandated by the UN, striving to maintain peace and security in Lebanon. It is crucial for all parties involved to prioritize the safety of civilians and aid workers, adhering to international law to prevent further tragic incidents like this.

  2. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL must have noticed the escalating tensions and taken preventive measures to avoid such tragic incidents. It’s crucial for all parties involved to prioritize the safety of civilians and UN peacekeepers in the region.

  3. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL should have taken preemptive measures to ensure the safety of their peacekeepers. It is essential that all parties involved in the conflict abide by international law to prevent further casualties and maintain peace in the region.

  4. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL conducted a routine patrol, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace in the region. It is crucial for all parties involved to respect international laws and protect civilians from harm.

  5. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL was tirelessly working to maintain peace in Lebanon, and it’s essential that all parties involved prioritize the safety of civilians and peacekeepers to avoid further escalation of the conflict.

  6. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL’s statement was clear regarding the safety of peacekeepers. Can this tragic incident be linked to the rising tensions after the recent attacks?

    1. Yes, it is possible that the tragic incident involving the UN peacekeepers could be linked to the rising tensions following the recent attacks. The situation in southern Lebanon has been increasingly tense, and such events can unfortunately escalate into wider conflicts.

  7. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL reported incidents of escalating tensions in southern Lebanon. It’s concerning to see how quickly the situation deteriorated, leading to casualties among UN peacekeepers. It’s crucial for all parties involved to adhere to international law and prioritize the safety of civilians in conflict zones.

  8. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL got down to the bottom of things in Lebanon. Do you think the recent tension could have played a role in escalating the situation?

    1. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL had been analyzing the situation in Lebanon closely. The recent tension definitely adds a layer of complexity and could have contributed to escalating the situation further.

  9. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL clearly warned about the rising tensions in southern Lebanon resulting from recent attacks. It’s crucial for all parties involved to prioritize the safety of civilians and peacekeepers. The international community should act swiftly to prevent any further escalation of violence.

  10. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL was conducting routine patrols in the area. Can they provide any information on whether there were any warning signs or alerts of a possible threat?

  11. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL got down to the bottom of the situation or were they still trying to figure things out?

  12. Two days before the explosion, UNIFIL had been warning about the escalating tensions in southern Lebanon. It’s alarming to see the situation deteriorate further, risking the safety of innocent civilians and peacekeepers. All parties involved must prioritize de-escalation and adhere to international law to prevent further loss of life.

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