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UN Assembly Chats About Russia and China’s Big Veto Power in the Security Council

На пленарном заседании Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН в понедельник обсудили недавний случай применения права вето двумя из пяти постоянных членов Совета Безопасности. Этим правом 22 марта воспользовались Россия и Китай при голосовании по предложенному США проекту резолюции по Газе. 

Открывая встречу, Председатель Генассамблеи Деннис Фрэнсис вновь призвал прекратить огонь в секторе. Он напомнил, что в 2022 году делегаты 76-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН приняли резолюцию, которая предоставила Ассамблее возможность собираться в течение 10 дней после того, как постоянный член Совета Безопасности наложит вето на ту или иную резолюцию, чтобы обсудить проблему и заслушать объяснения причин такого голосования.

Пять постоянных членов Совета Безопасности ООН – Великобритания, Франция, США, Китай и Россия – могут блокировать любое решение Совбеза просто проголосовав против. В Генассамблее, где представлены все страны-члены ООН, такого права нет ни у кого. 

По словам Председателя Генассамблеи, возможность обсуждать случаи применения права вето способствует сближению двух ключевых органов ООН – Генеральной Ассамблеи и Совета Безопасности, которые должны дополнять друг друга.

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В Генассамблее ООН обсудили применение США права вето в Совбезе

«Авторы инициативы об обсуждении Генассамблеей случаев применения права вето в СБ, несомненно, задумывали ее как своего рода способ порицания и привлечения внимания к якобы имеющим место злоупотреблением со стороны постоянных членов Совбеза ООН, – заявил первый заместитель Постоянного представителя России при ООН Дмитрий Полянский, выступая в понедельник в ГА. – Сегодня, однако, мы имеем дело с ситуацией, когда вето России и Китая очевидным образом предотвратило принятие проекта резолюции, которая не только не была направлена на остановку военных действий в Газе, но и по сути давала Израилю карт-бланш на продолжение своей бесчеловечной и противоречащей международному гуманитарному праву операции в этом анклаве».

В своем выступлении заместитель Постоянного представителя КНР при ООН Дай Бин заявил, что решение Китая было основано на «необходимости подтвердить приверженность международному праву, а также целям, заложенным в Уставе ООН», и стремлении сохранить авторитет Совета Безопасности. «Были учтены также глубокая озабоченность арабских государств и их недовольство проектом резолюции», – добавил дипломат. 



  1. Discussing the recent use of veto power by Russia and China in the Security Council, it is clear that this privilege can lead to stalemates in crucial decisions. It is important for the UN General Assembly to have a platform to address such instances and promote transparency in decision-making processes.

  2. Opening the meeting, General Assembly President Dennis Francis once again called for a ceasefire in the region. He reminded that during the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in 2022, a resolution was adopted that granted the Assembly the opportunity to convene within 10 days after a permanent member of the Security Council vetoed a resolution, in order to discuss the issue and hear explanations for the voting. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council – the UK, France, the US, China, and Russia – can block any Security Council decision simply by voting against it. In the General Assembly, where all UN member countries are represented, no one has this right. According to the General Assembly President, the opportunity to discuss cases of veto usage contributes to the convergence of the two key UN bodies – the General Assembly and the Security Council, which should complement each other.

  3. Opening the meeting, General Assembly President Dennis Francis once again called for a ceasefire in the sector. He reminded that in 2022, delegates of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that allowed the Assembly to convene within 10 days after a permanent member of the Security Council vetoed a resolution to discuss the issue and hear explanations for such a vote. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council – Great Britain, France, the US, China, and Russia – can block any Security Council decision by simply voting against it. In the General Assembly, where all UN member countries are represented, no one has such a right. According to the General Assembly President, the opportunity to discuss cases of veto application contributes to bringing together the two key UN bodies – the General Assembly and the Security Council, which should complement each other.

  4. Opening the meeting, General Assembly President Dennis Francis once again called for a ceasefire in the sector. He reminded that in 2022, delegates of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution, which provided the Assembly the opportunity to convene within 10 days after a permanent member of the Security Council vetoed a resolution, to discuss the issue and hear explanations for the reasons behind such a vote. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council – Great Britain, France, the United States, China, and Russia – can veto any Security Council decision simply by voting against it. In the General Assembly, where all UN member countries are represented, no one has that right. According to the General Assembly President, the opportunity to discuss cases of veto usage contributes to bringing closer together the two key UN bodies – the General Assembly and the Security Council, which should complement each other.

  5. Why do Russia and China keep using their veto power in the Security Council? Is there a way to limit this practice?

    1. Addressing the concern raised by AmyJohnson, the veto power held by Russia and China in the Security Council is a crucial aspect of the UN’s decision-making process. While some may question its frequency of use, it serves as a safeguard for these nations to protect their interests and influence global affairs. Limiting this practice would require diplomatic negotiations and consensus-building among all member states. It remains a complex balance between sovereignty and collective security.

  6. Opening the meeting, General Assembly President Dennis Francis once again called for a ceasefire in the sector. He reminded that in 2022, delegates of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution, which provided the Assembly with the opportunity to convene within 10 days after a permanent member of the Security Council vetoed a resolution to discuss the issue and hear explanations for such voting. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council – the United Kingdom, France, the United States, China, and Russia – can block any Security Council decision by simply voting against it. In the General Assembly, where all UN member states are represented, no one has that right. According to the General Assembly President, the opportunity to discuss cases of veto power application promotes the rapprochement of the two key UN bodies – the General Assembly and the Security Council, which are meant to complement each other.

  7. Opening the meeting, General Assembly President Dennis Francis once again urged to cease fire in the sector. He reminded that in the year 2022, delegates of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that provided the Assembly with the opportunity to convene within 10 days after a permanent member of the Security Council vetoed a resolution to discuss the issue and hear explanations for such voting. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council – Britain, France, the USA, China, and Russia – can block any Security Council decision simply by voting against it. In the General Assembly, where all UN member countries are represented, no one has such a right. According to the General Assembly President, the possibility of discussing cases of veto usage contributes to bringing together the two key UN bodies – the General Assembly and the Security Council, which should complement each other.

  8. Did the discussion in the UN Assembly address the consequences of Russia and China exercising their veto power in the Security Council?

    1. The discussion in the UN Assembly did touch upon the consequences of Russia and China exercising their veto power in the Security Council. The President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis, highlighted the significance of being able to convene within 10 days after a permanent member of the Security Council vetoed a resolution to discuss the issue and hear explanations for the vote. This opportunity aims to foster closer ties between the General Assembly and the Security Council, which are meant to complement each other.

  9. Should the veto power of certain countries in the UN Security Council be reconsidered and adjusted to ensure more balanced decision-making?

    1. Revisiting the veto power dynamics in the Security Council would indeed be crucial for fostering more equitable decision-making processes within the UN. As highlighted in the recent discussion at the General Assembly, the ability of a select few countries to wield veto power can significantly impact global resolutions. Exploring avenues to adjust this system could potentially lead to a more inclusive and democratic approach to addressing international issues.

  10. Opening the meeting, General Assembly President Dennis Francis once again called for a ceasefire in the sector. He reminded that in 2022, delegates of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution, which provided the Assembly with the opportunity to convene within 10 days after a permanent member of the Security Council vetoed a resolution, to discuss the issue and hear explanations for such a vote. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council – Britain, France, the United States, China, and Russia – can block any decision of the Security Council simply by voting against it. In the General Assembly, where all UN member countries are represented, no one has such a right. According to the General Assembly President, the possibility to discuss cases of veto usage contributes to bringing together the two key UN bodies – the General Assembly and the Security Council, which should complement each other.

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