Международное право

UN’s Like, “Yo, Diplomatic Sites Are Totally Sacred, Dude!”

По последним сообщениям СМИ, число погибших возросло до 13: семи иранских военнослужащих и шести сирийских граждан. Хияри напомнил, что Генеральный секретарь ООН осудил это нападение.

Помощник Генсека отметил, что в Сирии не ослабевает насилие. На ее территории действуют шесть иностранных армий, все дальше отодвигая мирное разрешение конфликта. Атаки на связанные с Ираном объекты в Сирии, оборачивающиеся самым большим числом жертв, приписывают Израилю, особенно в период с 7 октября 2023 года, после начала нынешнего конфликта с ХАМАС. Сообщается как минимум о десяти подобных атаках с начала этого года, подчеркнул Хияри.

«Хотя Израиль редко брал на себя ответственность за какой-либо из этих инцидентов, его официальные лица неоднократно признавали свои военные операции в Сирии и давали основание полагать, что в будущем такие операции будут проводиться чаще», – сказал он.

Помощник Генсека призвал Совет продолжать активно привлекать все заинтересованные стороны к предотвращению дальнейшей эскалации и обострения напряженности, которая подрывает региональный мир и безопасность.

Он также повторил призыв Генерального секретаря ко всем сторонам проявлять максимальную сдержанность.

«Я также подчеркиваю его последовательные призывы ко всем сторонам соблюдать все свои обязательства по международному праву… и избегать нападений, которые могут нанести вред гражданскому населению и нанести ущерб гражданской инфраструктуре», – сказал Хияри.

«Любой просчет может привести к более широкому конфликту в и без того нестабильном регионе с разрушительными последствиями для гражданского населения», – добавил он.



  1. It is concerning to see the escalating violence in Syria and the growing number of casualties. The international community must work together to prevent further escalation and protect civilian lives and infrastructure.

  2. It is crucial to heed the UN’s reminder about the sanctity of diplomatic sites. The escalating violence in Syria, with increasing casualties, underscores the urgent need for all involved parties to exercise restraint and prevent further escalations. International law must be upheld to avoid harm to civilians and infrastructure. Let’s all strive for peace and stability in the region.

  3. As per the latest reports, the number of casualties has risen to 13: seven Iranian military personnel and six Syrian civilians. Hiari reminded that the UN Secretary-General condemned this attack. The Assistant Secretary-General noted that violence in Syria is not abating. Six foreign armies are operating on its territory, further pushing away a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The attacks on Iranian-affiliated targets in Syria, resulting in the highest number of casualties, are attributed to Israel, especially since October 7, 2023, after the start of the current conflict with HAMAS. There have been at least ten similar attacks since the beginning of this year, emphasized Hiari. “Although Israel rarely takes responsibility for any of these incidents, its official figures have repeatedly acknowledged their military operations in Syria, giving reason to believe that such operations will be conducted more frequently in the future,” he said. The Assistant Secretary-General urged the Council to continue actively engaging all stakeholders in preventing further escalation and exacerbation of tensions, which undermine regional peace and security. He also reiterated the Secretary-General’s call for all sides to exercise maximum restraint.”I also emphasize his consistent calls for all parties to uphold all their obligations under international law… and to avoid attacks that could harm the civilian population and damage civilian infrastructure,” said Hiari. “Any miscalculation could lead to a wider conflict in

  4. According to the latest reports, the number of casualties has risen to 13: seven Iranian military personnel and six Syrian civilians. Hiari emphasized that the UN Secretary-General has condemned this attack. The Assistant Secretary-General noted that violence in Syria is not abating, with six foreign armies operating on its territory, further pushing away a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Attacks on Iranian-linked sites in Syria, resulting in the highest number of casualties, are attributed to Israel, especially since October 7, 2023, following the start of the current conflict with HAMAS. There have been at least ten similar attacks since the beginning of this year, Hiari underscored. “While Israel rarely takes responsibility for any of these incidents, its officials have repeatedly acknowledged their military operations in Syria and given reason to believe that such operations will be carried out more frequently in the future,” he said. The Assistant Secretary-General urged the Council to continue actively engaging all parties in preventing further escalation and heightened tensions that undermine regional peace and security. He also reiterated the Secretary-General’s call for all sides to exercise maximum restraint. “I also emphasize his consistent calls for all parties to uphold all their obligations under international law… and to avoid attacks that could harm civilian populations and damage civilian infrastructure,” Hiari said. “Any miscalculation could lead to a wider conflict in

  5. The situation in Syria is deeply concerning, with the ongoing violence and attacks on diplomatic sites. It is crucial for all parties involved to show restraint and adhere to international law to prevent further escalation and protect civilian populations.

  6. Wow, this situation seems incredibly dire. What steps can the UN take to prevent further escalation in the region?

    1. Hey Ashley123, the UN can play a crucial role in de-escalating tensions by diplomatic efforts, urging all parties to uphold international law, and emphasizing the importance of restraint to avoid harming civilians and civilian infrastructure. It’s a challenging task, but necessary to prevent a wider conflict.

  7. According to the recent reports, the situation is escalating rapidly in the region. It’s crucial for all parties involved to exercise restraint and abide by international law to prevent further casualties and damage to infrastructure. The actions of foreign armies in Syria are only fueling the conflict, and it’s imperative to work towards a peaceful resolution.

  8. According to the latest media reports, the number of casualties has risen to 13: seven Iranian military personnel and six Syrian civilians. Hiari reminded that the UN Secretary-General condemned this attack. The Assistant Secretary-General noted that violence in Syria is not subsiding. There are six foreign armies operating on its territory, further pushing peaceful conflict resolution away. The attacks on Iran-related sites in Syria, resulting in the highest number of casualties, are attributed to Israel, especially since October 7, 2023, after the start of the current conflict with Hamas. There have been at least ten similar attacks since the beginning of this year, emphasized Hiari. “Although Israel rarely took responsibility for any of these incidents, its officials have repeatedly acknowledged their military operations in Syria and provided grounds to believe that such operations will be conducted more frequently in the future,” he said. The Assistant Secretary-General called on the Council to continue actively involving all concerned parties in preventing further escalation and exacerbation of tensions, which undermine regional peace and security. He also reiterated the Secretary-General’s call for all parties to show maximum restraint. “I also emphasize his consistent calls for all parties to fulfill all their obligations under international law… and to avoid attacks that could harm the civilian population and damage civilian infrastructure,” Hiari said. “Any miscalculation could lead to a wider conflict.”

  9. Yo, this situation is really concerning. We need all parties involved to step up and prioritize peace and safety. It’s crucial to avoid any actions that could harm civilians and infrastructure. Let’s hope for a de-escalation soon.

  10. As per the latest reports, the escalating violence in Syria is deeply concerning. The attacks on Iranian targets, allegedly by Israel, have resulted in a high number of casualties. It is imperative for all parties involved to exercise maximum restraint to prevent further escalation and safeguard the regional peace and security. Let’s hope for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

  11. It’s disturbing to see the escalation of violence in Syria, with multiple foreign armies operating within its borders. The attacks on Iranian-affiliated sites, with numerous casualties, are often attributed to Israel. Despite rarely claiming responsibility, Israeli officials have hinted at more frequent military operations in the region. The Assistant Secretary-General’s call for all parties to prevent further escalation is crucial for regional peace and security. It’s essential for all sides to uphold their international law obligations and refrain from actions that harm civilians and infrastructure.

  12. “The situation described in the article is truly concerning. It is crucial for all parties involved to prioritize peace and the safety of civilians. I hope the international community takes decisive action to prevent further escalation of violence in the region.”

  13. It’s concerning to see the escalating violence in Syria and the attacks on diplomatic sites. The international community must work together to prevent further escalation and prioritize the safety of civilians. Let’s hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

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