UN Experts Warn of Rising Disappearances in Venezuela Ahead of Elections
В последние месяцы в Венесуэле, где в июле пройдут президентские выборы, наблюдается рост числа случаев исчезновения граждан. В большинстве своем пропавшие являются членами главной оппозиционной политической партии страны, а также военнослужащими, заявили сегодня эксперты ООН.
Они подчеркнули, что лишение человека свободы, последующий отказ признать его задержание, а также сокрытие информации о его судьбе или местонахождении ставит его вне защиты закона. Подобные случаи относятся к категории так называемых «насильственных исчезновений».
«Длительное содержание под стражей без связи с внешним миром приравнивается к насильственным исчезновениям. Это схема, в рамках которой государственные органы лишают людей свободы, отправляют их в места содержания под стражей и лишают их основных прав и средств защиты, таких как контакт с внешним миром и доступ к юридической помощи», – сказали члены Рабочей группы ООН по насильственным или недобровольным исчезновениям.
«Поскольку страна готовится к президентским выборам в июле 2024 года, насильственные исчезновения могут иметь сдерживающий эффект и препятствовать праву людей свободно голосовать», – добавили они.
Эксперты также заявили о необходимости предоставления точной информации о людях, лишенных свободы, тем, у кого есть законный интерес, например, их родственникам и юристам.
По словам правозащитников, насильственные исчезновения также влекут за собой нарушение многих прав человека, включая право на признание правосубъектности, право на свободу и безопасность, а также право на свободу от пыток. «Нарушаются также фундаментальные права родственников пропавшего человека», – добавили правозащитники.
Они отметили, что безнаказанность в этой ситуации подрывает доверие к верховенству закона и институтам власти и «увековечивает атмосферу страха и незащищенности в обществе».
Эксперты призвали власти Венесуэлы предотвращать насильственные исчезновения и наказывать тех, кто в них виновен, предоставлять информацию о судьбе и местонахождении лиц, которые в настоящее время содержатся под стражей без связи с внешним миром, а также обеспечивать их необходимой юридической защитой.
Рабочая группа по насильственным исчезновениям сообщила правительству страны о своей готовности оказывать ему техническую поддержку с целью обеспечения соблюдения прав лиц, лишенных свободы, и их родственников, а также расследования случаев насильственного исчезновения.
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Эксперт ООН: насильственные исчезновения диссидентов в России должны быть прекращены
Lila Montgomery is a celebrated journalist who has a deep commitment to global affairs and humanitarian issues. Her extensive reporting on United Nations initiatives across the globe has brought critical stories to the forefront, stories that affect communities everywhere.
They emphasized that depriving a person of freedom, subsequent denial of his detention, as well as concealing information about his fate or whereabouts puts him outside the protection of the law. Such cases fall under the category of so-called “enforced disappearances.” “Prolonged detention incommunicado is equated with enforced disappearances. This is a scheme in which state authorities deprive people of their freedom, send them to places of detention, and deprive them of basic rights and means of protection, such as contact with the outside world and access to legal assistance,” said members of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. “As the country prepares for the presidential elections in July 2024, enforced disappearances may have a deterrent effect and hinder people’s right to vote freely,” they added. The experts also stated the need for accurate information…
They emphasized that the deprivation of a person’s liberty, followed by a refusal to acknowledge their detention, as well as concealing information about their fate or whereabouts, puts them beyond legal protection. Such cases fall into the category of so-called “enforced disappearances.” “Prolonged detention incommunicado amounts to enforced disappearances. This is a scheme in which state authorities deprive people of their liberty, send them to places of detention, and deprive them of basic rights and means of protection, such as contact with the outside world and access to legal assistance,” said members of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. “As the country prepares for the presidential elections in July 2024, enforced disappearances may have a chilling effect and obstruct people’s right to vote freely,” they added. The experts also stressed the need for accurate information.
They emphasized that depriving a person of liberty, subsequent denial of their detention, as well as withholding information about their fate or whereabouts, places them outside the protection of the law. Such cases fall into the category of so-called “enforced disappearances.” “Prolonged detention without contact with the outside world is equated with enforced disappearances. This is a scheme in which state authorities deprive people of their freedom, send them to places of detention, and deprive them of their fundamental rights and means of protection, such as contact with the outside world and access to legal assistance,” said members of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. “As the country prepares for the presidential elections in July 2024, enforced disappearances may have a chilling effect and impede people’s right to vote freely,” they added. Experts also highlighted the need for accurate information dissemination
They emphasized that deprivation of a person’s freedom, subsequent refusal to acknowledge their detention, and hiding information about their fate or whereabouts place them outside the protection of the law. Such cases fall under the category of so-called “enforced disappearances.” “Prolonged detention incommunicado is equated with enforced disappearances. This is a scheme in which state authorities deprive people of their freedom, send them to places of detention, and deprive them of basic rights and means of protection, such as contact with the outside world and access to legal assistance,” said members of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. “As the country prepares for the presidential elections in July 2024, enforced disappearances may have a chilling effect and hinder people’s right to vote freely,” they added. Experts also stressed the need for providing accurate information.
They emphasized that depriving a person of their freedom, subsequent denial of acknowledging their detention, as well as concealing information about their fate or whereabouts, leaves them outside the protection of the law. Such cases fall into the category of so-called “enforced disappearances.” “Prolonged detention without communication with the outside world equates to enforced disappearances. It is a scheme in which state bodies deprive people of their freedom, send them to places of detention, and deprive them of their basic rights and means of protection, such as contact with the outside world and access to legal assistance,” said members of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. “As the country prepares for the presidential elections in July 2024, enforced disappearances may have a deterrent effect and hinder people’s right to vote freely,” they added. The experts also highlighted the need for providing accurate information.
Do the UN experts suggest any specific actions that can be taken to address the rising disappearances in Venezuela?
They emphasized that the deprivation of a person’s liberty, subsequent denial of recognizing their detention, as well as concealing information about their fate or whereabouts, leaves them outside the protection of the law. Such cases fall into the category of so-called “enforced disappearances.” “Prolonged detention incommunicado equates to enforced disappearances. This is a scheme in which state authorities deprive people of their liberty, send them to places of detention, and deprive them of their basic rights and means of protection, such as contact with the outside world and access to legal assistance,” said members of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. “As the country prepares for the presidential elections in July 2024, enforced disappearances may have a deterrent effect and hinder people’s right to vote freely,” they added. Experts also stressed the need for providing accurate information.