Изменение климата

Whoa! 2023 Sees Climate Change Metrics Bumpin’ Up to All-Time Highs

Волны тепла, наводнения, засухи, лесные пожары и усиливающиеся тропические циклоны стали причиной страданий и хаоса. Экономический ущерб от экстремальных погодных явлений и стихийных бедствий оценивается в миллиарды долларов.

Средняя глобальная приземная температура в 2023 году на 1,45 градуса Цельсия (с погрешностью ± 0,12 градуса Цельсия) превысила доиндустриальный показатель. В ВМО также сообщают, что минувшее десятилетие стало самым теплым за всю историю наблюдений.

Читайте также:

2024 год: самый теплый январь за всю историю наблюдений

«Тревогу вызывают все показатели… Некоторые значения не просто бьют рекорды, они их сокрушают. И изменения происходят все быстрее», – сказал Генеральный секретарь Организации Объединенных Наций Антониу Гутерриш.

«Никогда еще мы не были так близки, пусть и на временной основе, к нижнему порогу [потепления] в 1,5 градуса Цельсия, установленному Парижским соглашением по изменению климата», – заявила глава ВМО Селеста Сауло. «Сообщество ВМО подает всему миру красный сигнал тревоги», – добавила она. 

Потепление океана и таяние ледников

Сауло отметила, что изменение климата – это не только рост температуры. Особое беспокойство вызывают и другие явления, наблюдавшиеся в 2023 году: беспрецедентное потепление океана, отступление ледников и потеря антарктического морского льда. В среднестатистический день в 2023 году почти треть мирового океана находилась во власти волн тепла, из-за чего пострадали важнейшие экологические и продовольственные системы. К концу 2023 года более 90 процентов поверхности океана подверглись воздействию волн тепла.

Согласно предварительным данным, на эталонных ледниках наблюдалась самая большая убыль льда за всю историю наблюдений (с 1950 года), вызванная экстремальным таянием как в западной части Северной Америки, так и в Европе. Протяженность антарктического морского льда оказалась самой низкой за всю историю наблюдений: максимальный показатель в конце зимы была на миллион квадратных километров меньше, чем в предыдущий рекордный год, что эквивалентно площади Франции и Германии вместе взятых.

Последствия изменения климата

«Климатический кризис является определяющей проблемой, с которой столкнулось человечество, и он тесно переплетается с кризисом неравенства, о чем свидетельствуют ухудшение ситуации с продовольственной безопасностью, перемещение населения и утрата биоразнообразия», – сказала Сауло. 

Число людей, испытывающих острую нехватку продовольствия, увеличилось более чем вдвое, со 149 миллиона человек до пандемии COVID-19 до 333 млн человек в 2023 году (в 78 странах, где осуществляет мониторинг Всемирная продовольственная программа ООН). Экстремальные погодные и климатические условия, возможно, и не являются первопричиной проблем в сфере продовольствия, но они действуют как усугубляющие факторы, говорится в докладе. Она также приводят к перемещениям населения.

Производство энергии из возобновляемых источников растет

Производство энергии из возобновляемых источников, в первую очередь – солнечного излучения, ветра и воды, вышло на передний план борьбы с изменением климата. В 2023 году прирост мощностей такой энергии увеличился почти на 50 процентов по сравнению с 2022 годом и составил в общей сложности 510 гигаватт, и это самый высокий показатель за последние два десятилетия.

На этой неделе, 21-22 марта, на Копенгагенской министерской встрече по вопросам климата представители десятков стран мира соберутся впервые после КС-28 в Дубае, чтобы выступить за ускоренные действия по борьбе с глобальным потеплением. На повестке дня
будет стоять вопрос о планах стран, а также о заключении на
предстоящей КС-29 в Баку амбициозного соглашения о финансировании, которое позволит претворить национальные планы в жизнь.

Доклад о состоянии глобального климата выпущен ко Всемирному метеорологическому дню, который отмечается 23 марта.



  1. “The alarming indicators… Some values not only break records, they crush them. And the changes are happening faster than ever,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. “Never before have we been so close, even if temporarily, to the lower limit of [warming] at 1.5 degrees Celsius, set by the Paris Agreement on climate change,” said the head of the WMO Celeste Saulo. “The WMO community is sending a red alert of warning to the entire world,” she added. Warming of the oceans and melting of glaciers Saulo noted that climate change is not just about rising temperatures. Other phenomena observed in 2023 also raise particular concerns: unprecedented warming of the oceans, glacier retreat, and loss of Antarctic sea ice. On an average day in 2023, nearly one-third of the world’s oceans were under the influence of heat waves, leading to damage to crucial ecological and food systems.”

  2. “I am deeply concerned about the alarming climate change metrics in 2023. The record highs are not just breaking records, they are shattering them. And the changes are happening faster than ever,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. “We have never been so close, even if temporarily, to the lower limit [of warming] at 1.5 degrees Celsius set by the Paris Agreement on climate change,” stated WMO Chief Celeste Saulo. “The WMO is sending a red alert signal of alarm to the world,” she added.”

  3. Are these climate change metrics based on global data or specific regions?

    1. These climate change metrics are based on global data. The impacts are felt worldwide, affecting different regions in various ways.

  4. “All these indicators are alarming… Some values not only break records, they crush them. And changes are happening faster and faster,” said Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres.”Never before have we been so close, even if temporarily, to the 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold [of warming] established by the Paris Agreement on climate change,” said WMO chief Celeste Saulo. “The WMO community is sending a red alert of concern to the whole world,” she added. Ocean warming and glacial meltingSaulo noted that climate change is not just about temperature rise. Other phenomena observed in 2023 are also of particular concern: unprecedented ocean warming, glacier retreat, and loss of Antarctic sea ice. On an average day in 2023, almost one-third of the world’s oceans were under the influence of heat waves, causing damage to vital ecological and food systems.”

  5. “The alarming trends are undeniable… Some metrics are not just breaking records, they are shattering them. And the changes are happening faster than ever,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. “We have never been closer, even if temporarily, to the 1.5 degrees Celsius warming threshold set by the Paris Agreement on climate change,” said WMO head Celeste Saulo. “The WMO community is sending a red alert to the world,” she added.

  6. “The alarm bells are ringing… Some values are not just breaking records, they are shattering them. And the changes are happening faster than ever,” said United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. “Never before have we been so close, even if temporarily, to the lower threshold [of warming] of 1.5 degrees Celsius set by the Paris Climate Agreement,” said the head of the WMO Celeste Saulo. “The WMO community is sending a red alert of alarm to the entire world,” she added. Ocean warming and glacier melting. Saulo noted that climate change is not just about rising temperatures. Other phenomena observed in 2023 are of particular concern: unprecedented ocean warming, glacier retreat, and loss of Antarctic sea ice. On an average day in 2023, almost a third of the world’s ocean was under the grip of heatwaves, causing damage to vital ecological and food systems.”

  7. Do the alarming metrics on climate change in 2023 indicate any potential for immediate global action or are we headed towards even more severe consequences in the near future?

    1. Yes, the alarming metrics on climate change in 2023 are indeed a clear signal for immediate global action. We are at a critical juncture where timely measures can still mitigate more severe consequences in the near future. It is crucial for governments, organizations, and individuals to take decisive steps towards sustainability and conservation to address the pressing issues at hand.

  8. “All these indicators are raising alarms… Some values not only break records, they crush them. And the changes are happening faster,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.”Never before have we been so close, even if temporarily, to the 1.5 degrees Celsius [warming] threshold set by the Paris Climate Agreement,” said head of the WMO Celeste Saulo. “The WMO community is sending a red warning signal to the world,” she added. Warming of the oceans and melting glaciersSaulo noted that climate change is not only about temperature rise. Other phenomena observed in 2023 are causing particular concern: unprecedented ocean warming, glacier retreat, and loss of Antarctic sea ice. On an average day in 2023, nearly a third of the world’s oceans were under the sway of heat waves, leading to damage to crucial ecological and food systems.”

  9. “All these indicators are alarming… Some values not only break records, they crush them. And changes are happening faster than ever,” said United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. “Never before have we been so close, even if temporarily, to the lower threshold [of warming] of 1.5 degrees Celsius set by the Paris Climate Agreement,” said WMO chief Selena Sauvignon. “The WMO community is sending a red alert of alarm to the whole world,” she added. Warming oceans and melting glaciers. Sauvignon noted that climate change is not just about rising temperatures. Other phenomena observed in 2023 are also of particular concern: unprecedented warming of the oceans, glaciers receding, and loss of Antarctic sea ice. On an average day in 2023, nearly one-third of the global ocean was under the grip of heatwaves, causing damage to vital ecological and food systems.”

  10. “The alarming signs are everywhere… Some values are not just breaking records, they are shattering them. And the changes are happening faster and faster,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres.
    “Never before have we been so close, even if temporarily, to the lower limit [of warming] of 1.5 degrees Celsius set by the Paris Climate Agreement,” said WMO chief Celeste Saulo. “The WMO is sending a red alarm signal to the whole world,” she added.
    Ocean warming and glacier melting Saulo noted that climate change is not just about temperature rise. Other phenomena observed in 2023 are also causing great concern: unprecedented ocean warming, glacier retreat, and loss of Antarctic sea ice. On an average day in 2023, almost a third of the world’s oceans were under the grip of warmth waves, causing harm to crucial ecological and food systems.”

  11. “The alarm is raised by all indicators… Some values not just break records, they crush them. And the changes are happening at an increasingly rapid pace,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. “Never before have we been so close, even if temporarily, to the lower limit [of warming] of 1.5 degrees Celsius set by the Paris Agreement on climate change,” said WMO head Celeste Saulo. “WMO is sending a red signal of alarm to the whole world,” she added. Ocean warming and glacier melting. Saulo noted that climate change is not just about temperature rise. Other phenomena observed in 2023 also cause particular concern: unprecedented ocean warming, glacier retreat, and loss of Antarctic sea ice. On an average day in 2023, almost a third of the world’s oceans were under the grip of heatwaves, causing harm to crucial ecological and food systems.”

  12. “The alarming numbers are truly concerning. Some values are not just breaking records, they are shattering them. And the changes are happening faster and faster,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres. “We have never been this close, even if temporarily, to the 1.5 degrees Celsius warming threshold set by the Paris Climate Agreement,” stated WMO Chief Celeste Saulo. “The WMO community is sending a red alert signal to the world,” she added. Ocean warming and glacial melting. Saulo noted that climate change is not just about rising temperatures. Other phenomena observed in 2023 are also of great concern: unprecedented ocean warming, glacier retreat, and loss of Antarctic sea ice. On an average day in 2023, almost a third of the world’s ocean was under the grip of heatwaves, causing harm to vital ecological and food systems.”

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