
War Makes Life Even Tougher for Ukrainian Roma Communities

Цыгане (рома) являются важной частью украинского общества и богатого мультикультурного исторического наследия Украины. Об этом говорится в совместном заявлении, опубликованном ООН в Украине и Международной координационной группой рома в Международный день цыган, который отмечают 8 апреля.

«В этот день мы хотели бы выразить солидарность и поддержать цыганские общины в борьбе со стереотипами и глубоко укоренившейся дискриминацией, которая зачастую усугубляется многочисленными формами предрассудков, – говорится в заявлении. – Мы также хотим отдать должное цыганским лидерам, которые продвигают цыганскую идентичность и защищают права цыган. По всей Украине цыганские активисты, чаще всего женщины, помогают доставлять гуманитарную помощь всем, кто пострадал от войны, и вносят значительный вклад в обеспечение социальной сплоченности».

К сожалению, отмечают авторы заявления, цыгане по-прежнему сталкиваются со стигматизацией, ненавистническими высказываниями и предрассудками, которые не только ущемляют их достоинство и права, но и серьезно затрудняют их доступ к основным услугам, включая здравоохранение, образование, оформление документов, жилье, образование и коммунальные услуги. Молодые цыганские женщины особенно уязвимы и сталкиваются с повышенным риском насилия и жестокого обращения. Вторжение России в Украину усугубило эти уже существовавшие проблемы и трудности, с которыми сталкиваются цыганские общины.

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Почти 80 лет спустя после геноцида цыган их по-прежнему преследуют

Цыганское гражданское общество, особенно женские организации, говорится в заявлении, готово к сотрудничеству с местными и региональными властями, которые приступают к реализации амбициозных планов по скорейшему восстановлению страны и поиску долгосрочных решений, чтобы обеспечить людям возможность вернуть нормальную жизнь и оправиться от разрушений, вызванных войной. Международная координационная группа рома и Организация Объединенных Наций в Украине обязуются содействовать таким инициативам и усилиям, которые соответствуют европейским и международным стандартам в области прав человека.



  1. “On this day, we want to express solidarity and support for Roma communities in their struggle against stereotypes and deeply rooted discrimination, which is often exacerbated by numerous forms of prejudice,” the statement says. “We also want to acknowledge Roma leaders who promote Roma identity and defend Roma rights. Across Ukraine, Roma activists, mostly women, are helping deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by the war and are making a significant contribution to social cohesion.” Unfortunately, the authors of the statement note that Roma people still face stigmatization, hate speech, and prejudices, which not only violate their dignity and rights but also seriously hinder their access to essential services, including healthcare, education, documentation, housing, and utilities. Young Roma women are particularly vulnerable and face an increased risk of violence.”

  2. On this day, we would like to express solidarity and support for Roma communities in their fight against stereotypes and deeply rooted discrimination, which is often exacerbated by numerous forms of prejudice, as stated in the declaration. We also want to commend Roma leaders who promote Roma identity and defend Roma rights. Across Ukraine, Roma activists, mostly women, help deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by the war and make a significant contribution to social cohesion. Unfortunately, the authors of the statement note that Roma still face stigmatization, hate speech, and prejudices, which not only undermine their dignity and rights but also seriously hinder their access to essential services, including healthcare, education, documentation, housing, and utilities. Young Roma women are particularly vulnerable and face an increased risk of violence.

  3. “On this day, we would like to express solidarity and support to Roma communities in fighting against stereotypes and deep-rooted discrimination, which is often exacerbated by numerous forms of prejudice,” the statement reads. “We also want to pay tribute to Roma leaders who promote Roma identity and defend Roma rights. Throughout Ukraine, Roma activists, mostly women, help deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by war and make a significant contribution to social cohesion.” Unfortunately, the authors of the statement note that Roma people continue to face stigma, hate speech, and prejudices that not only violate their dignity and rights but also seriously hinder their access to essential services, including healthcare, education, documentation, housing, and utilities. Young Roma women are particularly vulnerable and face an increased risk of violence.”

  4. Do you think enough is being done to address the challenges faced by Roma communities in Ukraine amidst the war?

    1. As highlighted in the statement, efforts are being made to support Roma communities in Ukraine, especially by Roma activists, mostly women, who are crucial in delivering humanitarian aid and promoting social cohesion amidst the hardships of war.

  5. “On this day, we would like to express solidarity and support Roma communities in combating stereotypes and deeply ingrained discrimination, which is often exacerbated by numerous forms of prejudices,” the statement says. “We also want to acknowledge Roma leaders who promote Roma identity and defend Roma rights. Throughout Ukraine, Roma activists, mostly women, are helping to deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by the war and making a significant contribution to social cohesion.” Unfortunately, the statement authors note, Roma people continue to face stigmatization, hate speech, and prejudices, which not only violate their dignity and rights but also seriously impede their access to essential services, including healthcare, education, documentation, housing, and utilities. Young Roma women are particularly vulnerable and face an increased risk of violence.

  6. “On this day, we would like to express solidarity and support Roma communities in their fight against stereotypes and deep-rooted discrimination, which is often exacerbated by numerous forms of prejudice,” the statement reads. “We also want to give credit to Roma leaders who promote Roma identity and defend Roma rights. Throughout Ukraine, Roma activists, mostly women, help deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by the war and make a significant contribution to social cohesion.” Unfortunately, note the authors of the statement, Roma continue to face stigmatization, hateful speech, and prejudices that not only violate their dignity and rights but also seriously hinder their access to basic services, including healthcare, education, document registration, housing, education, and utilities. Young Roma women are particularly vulnerable and face an increased risk of violence.”

  7. “On this day, we would like to express solidarity and support for Roma communities in combating stereotypes and deeply rooted discrimination, often exacerbated by numerous forms of prejudice,” the statement reads. “We also want to pay tribute to Roma leaders who promote Roma identity and defend Roma rights. Across Ukraine, Roma activists, mostly women, are helping deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by the war and making a significant contribution to social cohesion.” Unfortunately, note the authors of the statement, Roma continue to face stigmatization, hateful speech, and prejudices that not only violate their dignity and rights but also seriously hinder their access to essential services, including healthcare, education, documentation, housing, and utilities. Young Roma women are particularly vulnerable and face an increased risk of violence.

  8. “Could you provide more information on the specific challenges faced by young Romani women in Ukrainian Roma communities amidst the ongoing war?”

  9. “On this day, we would like to express solidarity and support for Roma communities in their struggle against stereotypes and deeply rooted discrimination, which is often exacerbated by numerous forms of prejudice,” the statement reads. “We also want to acknowledge Roma leaders who promote Roma identity and defend Roma rights. Throughout Ukraine, Roma activists, mostly women, help deliver humanitarian aid to all those affected by the war, making a significant contribution to social cohesion.” Unfortunately, the authors of the statement note, Roma people continue to face stigmatization, hate speech, and prejudices that not only violate their dignity and rights but also seriously hinder their access to essential services, including healthcare, education, document processing, housing, education, and utilities. Young Roma women are particularly vulnerable and face an increased risk of violence.”

  10. “Do the authorities in Ukraine have any specific plans to address the challenges faced by the Roma communities, especially the young Roma women who are at higher risk of violence?”

  11. “On this day, we would like to express solidarity and support for Roma communities in their fight against stereotypes and deeply-rooted discrimination, which is often exacerbated by numerous forms of prejudices,” the statement says. “We also want to acknowledge Roma leaders who advocate for Roma identity and defend Roma rights. Throughout Ukraine, Roma activists, often women, help deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by war, making a significant contribution to social cohesion.” Unfortunately, the statement authors note, Roma people continue to face stigma, hate speech, and prejudices that not only violate their dignity and rights, but also seriously hinder their access to basic services, including healthcare, education, documentation, housing, and utilities. Young Roma women are particularly vulnerable and face an increased risk of violence.”

  12. Isn’t it concerning how Roma communities are still facing stigmatization and discrimination despite their important contributions to society? What more can be done to support them in Ukraine?

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