Экономическое развитие

Over a billion folks are living in roadless conditions!

Использование ископаемого топлива по-прежнему доминирует в транспортном секторе: 95 процентов энергии вырабатывается из нефтепродуктов. На транспорт также приходится почти четверть глобальных выбросов парниковых газов. Об этом в Нью-Йорке на встрече высокого уровня, посвященной экологичному транспорту, заявил глава Департамента ООН по экономическим и социальным вопросам Ли Цзюньхуа.

При этом он подчеркнул, что во все более взаимосвязанном мире при правильном подходе транспорт и мобильность могут изменить жизнь людей к лучшему. 

«Загрязняющие вещества от транспорта, особенно в городах, напрямую влияют на здоровье людей. Повышение эффективности транспорта, сокращение использования ископаемого топлива и инвестиции в общественный транспорт должны быть главными приоритетами наших действий в этой сфере», – сказал он.

В прошлом году Генеральная Ассамблея ООН объявила 26 ноября Всемирным днем устойчивого транспорта, приняв резолюцию, предложенную Туркменистаном.

Международные транспортные коридоры

Выступая на встрече, глава агентства транспорта и коммуникаций при кабинете министров Туркменистана Мамметхан Чакыев сказал, что принятие этой резолюции подчеркивает исключительную важность транспорта в глобальном масштабе. 

Чакыев отметил, что за последние 10 лет были приняты 4 резолюции, касающиеся роли транспортных и транзитных коридоров и необходимость взаимодействия между всеми видами транспорта для обеспечения стабильных и надежных международных перевозок и достижения. 

По его словам, Туркменистан уделяет особое внимание участию в создании таких международных транспортных коридоров, как Ляпис Лазули, соединяющий Афганистан, Туркменистан, Азербайджан и Грузию, а также коридоров Узбекистан–Туркменистан–Иран–Оман–Катар, Север-Юг и ТРАСЕКА (Европа-Кавказ-Азия). Эти проекты способствуют развитию международной торговли и экономическому росту. 

Обеспечить равный доступ к транспорту для всех

Председатель Генеральной Ассамблеи Деннис Фрэнсис на встрече сообщил, что более одного миллиарда человек – примерно одна восьмая часть населения планеты – не имеют доступа к всепогодным дорогам. 

«Нашим главным приоритетом должно быть обеспечение равного доступа к устойчивому транспорту, особенно для стран, находящихся в особой ситуации, и уязвимых сообществ», – сказал он.

Фрэнсис, в частности, обратил внимание на развивающиеся страны, не имеющие выхода к морю, малые островные государства и наименее развитые страны, многие из которых сталкиваются с такими проблемами, как устаревшая инфраструктура, отсутствие технических возможностей и снижение устойчивости к изменению климата.

Глава Генассамблеи подчеркнул, что развитие транспортных систем может значительно изменить всю социально-экономическую структуру общества. 

«Подумайте, например, как улучшение доступа к устойчивому транспорту может значительно повысить показатели по числу детей, которые ходят в школу, особенно среди наиболее бедных и уязвимых слоев населения, включая девочек и учащихся из экономически неблагополучных семей, из отдаленных сельских районов», – сказал он.  

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  1. He emphasized that in an increasingly interconnected world, with the right approach, transportation and mobility can change people’s lives for the better. “Pollutants from transportation, especially in cities, directly affect people’s health. Increasing transport efficiency, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and investing in public transportation should be the top priorities of our actions in this area,” he said. Last year, the UN General Assembly declared November 26 as World Sustainable Transport Day, adopting a resolution proposed by Turkmenistan.

  2. He emphasized that in an increasingly interconnected world, with the right approach, transportation and mobility can change people’s lives for the better. “Pollutants from transportation, especially in cities, directly impact people’s health. Increasing transport efficiency, reducing fossil fuel use, and investing in public transport should be the top priorities of our actions in this area,” he said. Last year, the UN General Assembly declared November 26 as World Sustainable Transport Day by adopting a resolution proposed by Turkmenistan. International transport corridors Speaking at the meeting, the head of the transport and communications agency at the Turkmenistan Cabinet of Ministers, Mammetkhan Chakiev, stated that the adoption of this resolution underscores the exceptional importance of transportation on a global scale. Chakiev noted that over the past 10 years there have been

  3. He emphasized that in an increasingly interconnected world, with the right approach, transportation and mobility can change people’s lives for the better. “Pollutants from transportation, especially in cities, directly impact people’s health. Increasing transport efficiency, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and investing in public transportation should be the main priorities of our actions in this area,” he said. Last year, the UN General Assembly declared November 26th as World Sustainable Transport Day, adopting a resolution proposed by Turkmenistan. International transport corridors Speaking at the meeting, the head of the Transport and Communications Agency at the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Mammedkhan Chakyev, said that the adoption of this resolution underscores the exceptional importance of transportation globally. Chakyev noted that over the past 10 years there have been

  4. He emphasized that in an increasingly interconnected world, with the right approach, transportation and mobility can change people’s lives for the better. “Pollutants from transportation, especially in cities, directly affect people’s health. Increasing transportation efficiency, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and investing in public transportation should be our main priorities in this field,” he said. Last year, the UN General Assembly declared November 26th as World Sustainable Transport Day by adopting a resolution proposed by Turkmenistan.

  5. He emphasized that in an increasingly interdependent world, with the right approach, transportation and mobility can change people’s lives for the better. “Pollutants from transportation, especially in cities, directly affect people’s health. Increasing transport efficiency, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and investing in public transportation should be the main priorities of our actions in this area,” he said. Last year, the UN General Assembly declared November 26 as World Sustainable Transport Day by adopting a resolution proposed by Turkmenistan. International transportation corridors Speaking at the meeting, the head of the transport and communications agency at the Turkmenistan Cabinet of Ministers, Mammetkhan Chakyev, said that the adoption of this resolution highlights the exceptional importance of transportation on a global scale. Chakyev noted that over the past 10 years

  6. He emphasized that in an increasingly interconnected world with the right approach, transportation and mobility can change people’s lives for the better. “Pollutants from transportation, especially in cities, directly impact people’s health. Increasing transport efficiency, reducing fossil fuel use, and investing in public transportation should be the main priorities in our actions in this area,” he said. Last year, the UN General Assembly declared November 26 as World Sustainable Transport Day, adopting a resolution proposed by Turkmenistan. International transport corridors Speaking at the meeting, the head of the transport and communications agency at the cabinet of ministers of Turkmenistan, Mammetkhan Chakyev, said that the adoption of this resolution emphasizes the exceptional importance of transport on a global scale. Chakyev noted that over the past 10 years there have been

  7. He emphasized that in an increasingly interconnected world, with the right approach, transportation and mobility can change people’s lives for the better. “Pollutants from transportation, especially in cities, directly impact people’s health. Increasing transportation efficiency, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and investing in public transport should be the main priorities of our actions in this area,” he said. Last year, the UN General Assembly declared November 26th as World Sustainable Transport Day, adopting a resolution proposed by Turkmenistan. International transport corridors Speaking at the meeting, the head of the transport and communications agency at the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Mammetkhan Chakyev, said that the adoption of this resolution underscores the exceptional importance of transport on a global scale. Chakyev noted that over the past 10 years

  8. He highlighted that in an increasingly interconnected world, with the right approach, transportation and mobility can change people’s lives for the better. “Pollutants from transportation, especially in cities, directly impact people’s health. Improving transportation efficiency, reducing the use of fossil fuels, and investing in public transport should be the main priorities of our actions in this area,” he said. Last year, the UN General Assembly declared November 26 as World Sustainable Transport Day, adopting a resolution proposed by Turkmenistan. International transport corridors Speaking at the meeting, the head of the transport and communications agency at the Turkmenistan Cabinet of Ministers, Mammetkhan Chakiyev, said that the adoption of this resolution underscores the exceptional importance of transport on a global scale. Chakiyev noted that over the past 10 years, strides have been made…

  9. Transportation plays a crucial role in shaping our environment and well-being. It’s high time to prioritize efficiency, reduce fossil fuel dependency, and invest in public transit for a sustainable future.

  10. He emphasized the importance of transportation in the global scale and highlighted how pollutants from vehicles directly affect people’s health. Enhancing transportation efficiency, reducing fossil fuel usage, and investing in public transport should be our primary priorities in this field. In an increasingly interconnected world, transportation and mobility can change people’s lives for the better when approached correctly.

  11. Are there any specific plans to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels in the transportation sector to address the significant greenhouse gas emissions?

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