Ближний Восток

The UN Chief Keeps on Pushing for Peace in Gaza and Ukraine

«Когда мы живем в хаотичном мире, очень важно придерживаться принципов, и эти принципы ясны: Устав ООН, международное право, территориальная целостность стран и международное гуманитарное право», – сказал глава ООН.

В ходе короткого общения с прессой на полях встречи Гутерриш осудил теракты, совершенные ХАМАС 7 октября, в результате которых погибли около 1200 израильских и иностранных граждан, и вновь выразил тревогу по поводу судьбы жителей Газы. «Мы являемся свидетелями беспрецедентного числа жертв среди гражданского населения в Газе, которое является беспрецедентным за время моего пребывания на посту Генерального секретаря», – добавил Генсек.

Атаки на медицинские учреждения

В четверг о плачевном положении мирного населения Газы говорил и глава Всемирной организации здравоохранения Тедрос Адханом Гебрейесус. Он напомнил о лишениях, которые терпят на севере анклава, о раненых и больных, которые не могут получить медицинскую помощь, о нехватке продовольствия и других ужасающих проблемах.

По сообщениям СМИ, израильская военная операция в больнице Аль-Шифа продолжается уже четвертый день. «История будет судить всех нас за то, что переживают дети Газы», – написал Генеральный директор ВОЗ на своей страничке в сети X. Он потребовал незамедлительно остановить огонь, а также обеспечить немедленный, беспрепятственный, широкомасштабный гуманитарный доступ ко всем нуждающимся в помощи жителям Газы.

Читайте также:

ВОЗ: из-за недоедания матерей все больше детей в секторе Газа рождаются с низким весом

По последним данным ВОЗ, с 7 октября в Газе было совершено 410 нападений на медицинские учреждения. По имеющимся данным, в результате нападений погибли сотни людей, было повреждено около 100 медицинских объектов и более 100 машин скорой помощи.

На Западном берегу реки Иордан с 7 октября ВОЗ задокументировало 403 нападения на медицинские учреждения.

Фото ВПП/А.Джадаллах

Потери среди мирного населения

Почти 31 200 человек в Газе были убиты в результате интенсивных израильских бомбардировок, более 74 000 получили ранения, сообщило Управление ООН по координации гуманитарных вопросов (УКГВ) со ссылкой на органы здравоохранения анклава. По данным израильских военных, в ходе наземной операции, начавшейся 27 октября, погиб 251 солдат.

США работают над проектом резолюции

Госсекретарь США Энтони Блинкен заявил в четверг, что последний проект резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН, предложенный Вашингтоном, теперь включает призыв к немедленному прекращению огня, который авторы документа увязывают с освобождением израильских заложников.

Пока неясно, когда проект может быть вынесен на голосование, но, по данным прессы, это может произойти уже в пятницу. Ранее США блокировали попытки принять резолюцию о прекращении огня.

Оружие войны

Между тем глава Агентства ООН для помощи палестинским беженцам (БАПОР) Филипп Лаззарини вновь призвал расширить объемы поставок помощи в Газу. Он осудил ситуацию с голодом на севере анклава, которую, по его словам, легко можно изменить, если открыть все наземные переходы.

Генеральный комиссар БАПОР также вновь повторил свой призыв к Израилю и ХАМАС договориться о прекращении огня и освобождении всех оставшихся заложников, захваченных во время террористических атак ХАМАС в Израиле 7 октября. «Это должно быть приоритетом, но в то же время продовольствие не должно использоваться в качестве оружия войны», – сказал Лаззарини.



  1. When we live in a chaotic world, it is very important to adhere to principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, the territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law. The attacks on medical facilities in Gaza are extremely concerning, and history will judge us all for the suffering the children of Gaza are enduring. Immediate cessation of the violence and ensuring immediate, unimpeded, widespread humanitarian access to all Gaza residents in need is essential.

  2. When we live in a chaotic world, it is crucial to adhere to principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, the territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law,” said the UN Secretary-General. During a brief exchange with the press on the sidelines of the meeting, Guterres condemned the attacks by HAMAS on October 7, which resulted in the deaths of around 1200 Israeli and foreign citizens, and once again expressed concern for the fate of the residents of Gaza. “We are witnessing an unprecedented number of civilian casualties in Gaza, which is unprecedented during my tenure as Secretary-General,” the Secretary-General added. Attacks on medical facilities. On Thursday, the dire situation of the civilian population in Gaza was also discussed by the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He reminded of the deprivations suffered in the northern part of the enclave, the wounded and sick who cannot receive medical assistance, the lack of food, and other horrifying problems. According to reports, the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa hospital has been ongoing for the fourth day. “History will judge us all for what the children of Gaza are going through,” the WHO Director General wrote on his X network page. He demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities, as well as immediate, unhindered, widespread humanitarian access to all Gaza residents in need of assistance.

  3. When we live in a chaotic world, it is very important to adhere to principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law,” said the UN Chief. During a brief press interaction on the sidelines of the meeting, Guterres condemned the attacks carried out by HAMAS on October 7, resulting in the deaths of around 1,200 Israeli and foreign citizens, and once again expressed concern about the fate of Gaza residents. “We are witnessing an unprecedented number of civilian casualties in Gaza, which is unprecedented during my tenure as Secretary-General,” the Secretary-General added. Attacks on medical facilities The dire situation of the civilian population in Gaza was also discussed by the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on Thursday. He reminded of the deprivations suffered in the northern part of the enclave, of the wounded and sick who cannot receive medical assistance, of the lack of food and other appalling issues. According to media reports, the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa hospital has been ongoing for the fourth day. “History will judge all of us for what the children of Gaza are experiencing,” wrote the WHO Director-General on his X network page. He demanded an immediate halt to the firing, as well as immediate, unhindered, wide-ranging humanitarian access to all Gaza residents in need of assistance.

  4. When we live in a chaotic world, it is crucial to adhere to principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law,” said the UN Chief. During a brief exchange with the press on the sidelines of the meeting, Guterres condemned the attacks carried out by HAMAS on October 7, resulting in the deaths of approximately 1200 Israeli and foreign citizens, and expressed concern once again for the fate of the residents of Gaza. “We are witnessing an unprecedented number of civilian casualties in Gaza, which is unprecedented during my tenure as Secretary-General,” added the Secretary-General. Attacks on medical facilities. On Thursday, the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, spoke about the dire situation of the civilian population in Gaza. He reminded of the deprivations suffered in the northern part of the enclave, the wounded and sick who cannot receive medical assistance, the lack of food, and other horrifying problems. According to media reports, the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa hospital has been ongoing for the fourth day. “History will judge all of us for what the children of Gaza are going through,” wrote the WHO Director-General on his X network page. He demanded an immediate cessation of fire, as well as immediate, unimpeded, widespread humanitarian access to all Gazan residents in need of assistance.

  5. When will the international community take concrete actions to ensure the immediate safety and well-being of the civilians in Gaza and Ukraine?

    1. Concrete actions are indeed crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of civilians in Gaza and Ukraine. It is time for the international community to step up and prioritize the protection of innocent lives in these conflict zones.

  6. When we live in a chaotic world, it’s crucial to abide by principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law,” said the UN Chief. During a brief press interaction on the sidelines of the meeting, Guterres condemned the Hamas attacks on October 7, which led to the deaths of around 1200 Israeli and foreign citizens, and once again expressed concern about the fate of the residents of Gaza. “We are witnessing an unprecedented number of civilian casualties in Gaza, which is unprecedented during my tenure as Secretary-General,” added the Secretary-General. Attacks on medical facilitiesOn Thursday, the dire situation of Gaza’s civilian population was also discussed by the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He reminded of the deprivations suffered in the northern enclave, of the wounded and sick who cannot receive medical assistance, of the shortage of food and other horrifying problems. According to media reports, the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa hospital has been ongoing for the fourth day. “History will judge all of us for what the children of Gaza are going through,” wrote the WHO Director-General on his X network page. He demanded an immediate cessation of fire, as well as ensuring immediate, unimpeded, large-scale humanitarian access to all Gaza residents in need of assistance.

  7. When we live in a chaotic world, it is crucial to adhere to principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law,” said the UN Chief. During a brief press interaction on the sidelines of the meeting, Guterres condemned the terrorist attacks carried out by HAMAS on October 7, resulting in the deaths of around 1200 Israeli and foreign citizens, and once again expressed concern for the fate of the Gaza residents. “We are witnessing an unprecedented number of civilian casualties in Gaza, which is unprecedented during my tenure as Secretary-General,” added the Secretary-General. Attacks on medical facilities On Thursday, the dire situation of the peaceful population of Gaza was also highlighted by the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He reminded of the deprivations faced in the northern part of the enclave, of the wounded and sick who cannot receive medical assistance, of the shortage of food, and other horrifying problems. According to media reports, the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa Hospital has been ongoing for the fourth day. “History will judge all of us for what the children of Gaza are experiencing,” wrote the WHO Director-General on his X network page. He demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities, as well as ensuring immediate, unimpeded, extensive humanitarian access to all Gaza residents in need of assistance. Read also: WHO: due to maternal malnutrition, more and more children in the Gaza sector are being born with low weight

  8. “When living in a chaotic world, it is crucial to adhere to principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law,” stated the UN Chief. During a brief press interaction on the sidelines of the meeting, Guterres condemned the acts of terrorism carried out by HAMAS on October 7, resulting in the deaths of around 1200 Israeli and foreign citizens, and once again expressed concern about the fate of Gaza residents. “We are witnessing an unprecedented number of civilian casualties in Gaza, which is unprecedented during my tenure as Secretary-General,” added the Secretary-General. Attacks on medical facilities On Thursday, the dire situation of the civilian population in Gaza was also discussed by the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He highlighted the deprivations suffered in the northern enclave, the injured and sick who cannot receive medical assistance, the lack of food, and other horrifying problems. According to media reports, the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa hospital has been ongoing for the fourth day. “History will judge all of us for what the children of Gaza are enduring,” wrote the WHO Director-General on his X network page. He demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities, as well as ensuring immediate, unimpeded, large-scale humanitarian access to all Gaza residents in need of assistance. Also Read: WHO: Due to maternal malnutrition, more children in the Gaza sector are being born with low”

  9. When we live in a chaotic world, it is very important to adhere to principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, the territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law,” said the UN Chief. During a brief press briefing on the sidelines of the meeting, Guterres condemned the attacks carried out by HAMAS on October 7, resulting in the deaths of around 1200 Israeli and foreign citizens, and once again expressed concern about the fate of Gaza residents. “We are witnessing an unprecedented number of civilian casualties in Gaza, which is unprecedented during my tenure as Secretary-General,” added the Secretary-General. Attacks on medical facilities The dire situation of the civilian population in Gaza was also addressed by the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He reminded of the deprivations suffered by those in the northern enclave, the wounded and sick who cannot receive medical assistance, the lack of food, and other disturbing problems. According to reports, the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa Hospital has been ongoing for the fourth day. “History will judge all of us for what the children of Gaza are going through,” wrote the WHO Director-General on his X page. He demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities, as well as ensuring immediate, unhindered, wide-ranging humanitarian access to all Gaza residents in need of assistance.

  10. When we live in a chaotic world, it is crucial to adhere to principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law,” the UN Chief said. During a brief interaction with the press on the sidelines of the meeting, Guterres condemned the Hamas attacks on October 7, which resulted in the deaths of around 1,200 Israeli and foreign citizens, and once again expressed concern about the fate of the Gaza residents. “We are witnessing an unprecedented number of civilian casualties in Gaza, which is unprecedented during my tenure as Secretary-General,” added the Secretary-General. Attacks on medical facilitiesAs the situation of Gaza’s civilian population was discussed on Thursday, the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, spoke about the deprivations suffered in the enclave’s north, the wounded and sick who cannot receive medical assistance, the lack of food, and other horrifying problems. According to media reports, the Israeli military operation at Al-Shifa Hospital has been ongoing for the fourth day already. “History will judge all of us for what the children of Gaza are going through,” wrote the WHO Director-General on his X page. He demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities, as well as ensuring immediate, unimpeded, large-scale humanitarian access to all Gaza residents in need of assistance.

  11. Isn’t it concerning that the attacks on medical facilities are continuing despite the UN Chief’s push for peace? How can the situation be improved to ensure urgent humanitarian access to those in need in Gaza?

  12. “When living in a chaotic world, it is crucial to adhere to principles, and these principles are clear: the UN Charter, international law, territorial integrity of countries, and international humanitarian law,” stated the UN Chief. During a brief press interaction on the sidelines of the meeting, Guterres condemned the attacks carried out by HAMAS on October 7, resulting in the deaths of around 1200 Israeli and foreign citizens, expressing once again his concern for the fate of Gaza residents. “We witness an unprecedented number of civilian casualties in Gaza, which is unprecedented during my tenure as Secretary-General,” added the Secretary-General. Attacks on medical facilitiesOn Thursday, the dire situation of Gaza’s civilian population was also addressed by the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He highlighted the deprivations suffered in the northern part of the enclave, the wounded and sick who cannot access medical care, the lack of food, and other horrendous issues. According to media reports, the Israeli military operation in Al-Shifa hospital has been ongoing for the fourth day. “History will judge us all for what the children of Gaza are going through,” wrote the WHO Director-General on his X network page. He demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities and ensured immediate, unhindered, large-scale humanitarian access to all Gaza residents in need of assistance. Read also: WHO: Due to maternal undernutrition, an increasing number of children in the Gaza Strip are born with low

  13. Does the UN Chief’s continued efforts for peace in Gaza and Ukraine show any progress or positive impact on the current situation?

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