Беженцы и мигранты

Heartbreaking Update: Nearly 100 Migrants Possibly Lost at Sea in Mediterranean by 2024

Генеральный директор МОМ Эми Поуп в понедельник принимает участие в саммите Италия-Африка, который открылся сегодня в Риме. Она намерена поднять вопрос о защите мигрантов на опасных маршрутах. В конференции принимают участие более 20 глав государств и правительств, а также представители Организации Объединенных Наций, ЕС и Всемирного банка.

«Один погибший – это уже слишком много. Последние данные о смертях и исчезновениях являются суровым напоминанием о том, что комплексный подход с безопасными и систематизированными маршрутами – ключевая часть стратегии МОМ – является единственным решением, которое принесет пользу как мигрантам, так и государствам», – заявила Поуп участникам конференции.

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Новая глава МОМ: мигранты приносят много пользы принимающим их странам

Тем временем число людей, считающихся погибшими или пропавшими без вести, растет. За последние шесть недель в Ливии, Ливане и Тунисе произошло три «невидимых» кораблекрушения. На борту в целом находились 158 человек – они пропали без вести, а МОМ зарегистрировала 73 из них как предположительно погибших.  

В минувшую среду у мыса Греко на Кипре власти спасли группу из 62 мигрантов, которые покинули Ливан 18 января. Большинство из них госпитализированы, несколько детей находятся в критическом состоянии. Один ребенок погиб. 

Семь тел, обнаруженные недавно на берегу в Анталье, Турция, предположительно принадлежат мигрантам, которые отплыли из Ливана 11 декабря. Их группа составляла 85 человек, все они числились пропавшими без вести.

По данным проекта МОМ «Пропавшие мигранты», ежегодное число смертей и исчезновений мигрантов в Средиземноморье подскочило с 2 048 жертв в 2021 году до 2 411 в 2022 году и до 3 041 к концу 2023 года. 

МОМ совместно с другими агентствами ООН и гуманитарными партнерами работает над рекомендациями по оказанию гуманитарной помощи мигрантам на опасных маршрутах.



  1. “One deceased is already too many. The recent data on deaths and disappearances are a stark reminder that a comprehensive approach with safe and systematic routes – a key part of IOM’s strategy – is the only solution that will benefit both migrants and states,” said Smith to conference participants.

  2. Are there any specific initiatives being discussed at the summit to address the increasing number of migrant deaths and disappearances in the Mediterranean Sea?

    1. Yes, during the Italy-Africa summit, CEO of IOM, Emily Pope, highlighted the importance of safe and systematic routes as a key strategy in addressing the issue of migrant deaths. She emphasized that a comprehensive approach is crucial to benefit both migrants and states. The recent incidents serve as a stark reminder of the need for immediate action to prevent further tragedies.

  3. “One casualty is already too many. The recent data on deaths and disappearances is a harsh reminder that a comprehensive approach with safe and systematic routes – a key part of IOM’s strategy – is the only solution that will benefit both migrants and states,” said Green to conference participants.

  4. How can we ensure better protection for migrants on these dangerous routes?

    1. To improve protection for migrants on these dangerous routes, it is crucial for international organizations and governments to collaborate on implementing safe and organized pathways. This comprehensive approach, as emphasized by the summit in Rome, is essential to minimize the tragic loss of lives and contribute positively to both migrants and countries involved.

  5. “One lost soul is already too many. The latest data on deaths and disappearances serve as a harsh reminder that a comprehensive approach with safe and systematic routes – a key part of IOM’s strategy – is the only solution that will benefit both migrants and states,” stated Smith to the conference attendees.

  6. “One life lost is already too many. The recent data on deaths and disappearances serve as a harsh reminder that a comprehensive approach with safe and systematic routes – a key part of IOM’s strategy – is the only solution that will benefit both migrants and states,” said Smith to conference participants.”

  7. “One lost soul is one too many. The recent data on deaths and disappearances serve as a harsh reminder that a comprehensive approach with safe and well-organized routes – a key part of the IOM strategy – is the only solution that will benefit both migrants and states,” stated Smith to conference participants.

  8. “One lost is already too many. The recent data on deaths and disappearances are a harsh reminder that a comprehensive approach with safe and systematic routes – a key part of the IOM strategy – is the only solution that will benefit both migrants and states,” said Smith to conference participants.

  9. “One life lost is already too many. The latest data on deaths and disappearances serves as a harsh reminder that a comprehensive approach with safe and systematized routes – a key part of IOM’s strategy – is the only solution that will benefit both migrants and states,” said Smith to conference participants.

  10. It is truly devastating to hear about these heartbreaking incidents at sea. The rise in the number of migrants lost or missing is alarming. The statement from the CEO of IOM, Emily Poop, highlights the urgent need for safer and systematic migration routes. Every life lost is a tragedy, and it serves as a stark reminder that a comprehensive approach is essential to protect both migrants and the countries involved. My thoughts are with all those affected by these tragedies.

  11. “One lost is already too many. The recent data on deaths and disappearances serve as a harsh reminder that a comprehensive approach with safe and systematic routes – a key part of IOM’s strategy – is the only solution that will benefit both migrants and states,” stated Smith to conference participants.

  12. “One casualty is already too many. The recent data on deaths and disappearances is a harsh reminder that a comprehensive approach with safe and systematic routes – a key part of IOM’s strategy – is the only solution that will benefit both migrants and states,” said Smith to conference participants.

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