
UN Tells Senegal to Hash It Out with Protesters After Elections Delay

УВКПЧ призвало власти обеспечить соблюдение традиций демократии и уважения прав человека в Сенегале и прекратить непропорциональное применение силы против протестующих. По меньшей мере трое молодых людей были убиты во время протестов, и, по сообщениям, как минимум 266 человек, включая журналистов, были арестованы по всей стране, сказала Тросселл.

«Расследование убийств должно быть оперативным, тщательным и независимым, а виновные должны быть привлечены к ответственности, – заявила пресс-секретарь. – Власти также должны обеспечить надлежащий правовой процесс для лиц, арестованных во время протестов».

Представитель УВКПЧ призвала все стороны воздерживаться от применения насилия.

По ее словам, в условиях растущей напряженности и высокой вероятности дальнейших протестов крайне важно, чтобы власти обязали силовые структуры уважать права человека, в том числе на свободу выражения мнений и мирных собраний.

Учитывая опасения, связанные с обстоятельствами переноса выборов, Верховный комиссар ООН по правам человека Фолькер Тюрк призвал правительство Сенегала обеспечить, чтобы предлагаемый диалог в стране был как можно более инклюзивным и включал голоса оппозиционных групп, женщин, молодежи и уязвимых слоев населения.

Генеральный секретарь ООН Антониу Гутерриш ранее подтвердил, что Организация готова поддерживать демократический процесс, а также содействовать миру, стабильности и развитию в Сенегале.

Он настоятельно призвал заинтересованные стороны участвовать в диалоге, поддерживать мирную политическую обстановку, воздерживаться от применения насилия и обеспечить проведение демократических президентских выборов в рамках конституции Сенегала.



  1. The UN’s call for dialogue in Senegal is crucial for resolving the ongoing protests peacefully and upholding human rights. The authorities must conduct prompt, thorough, and independent investigations into the killings, hold the guilty accountable, and ensure a fair legal process for those arrested during the protests. All parties need to refrain from violence, especially in the face of rising tensions, and respect human rights, including freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. It is imperative that the government of Senegal ensures inclusivity in the proposed dialogue by incorporating the voices of opposition groups, women, youth, and vulnerable populations. The UN stands ready to support the democratic process and contribute to peace, stability, and development in Senegal. Encouraging all stakeholders to engage in dialogue and uphold peace is essential.

  2. The authorities in Senegal should listen to the UN’s call for dialogue with the protesters. It is crucial to ensure accountability for the violence that occurred and to respect human rights. All parties must refrain from further violence to uphold the rights of all individuals. The inclusive dialogue proposed by the UN should involve voices from various groups to promote democracy and stability in Senegal.

  3. The authorities should ensure the investigation is prompt, thorough, and independent, and those responsible should be held accountable. The government must also ensure due process for individuals arrested during the protests. It is crucial that all parties refrain from violence in the current tense environment. The inclusive dialogue in the country should involve voices of opposition groups, women, youth, and vulnerable populations.

  4. Do the authorities in Senegal have a clear plan to ensure accountability for the recent deaths and arrests of protesters? What specific actions are being taken to address these human rights violations?

    1. Yes, the authorities in Senegal are expected to conduct an independent and thorough investigation into the recent deaths and arrests of protesters, ensuring those responsible are held accountable. Specific actions being taken include urging for a transparent legal process for those arrested during the protests and promoting an inclusive dialogue with opposition groups, women, youth, and vulnerable populations. The UN has emphasized the importance of upholding human rights, including the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, amidst growing tensions in the country.

  5. What steps can the UN realistically take to ensure the protection of protesters’ rights in Senegal?

    1. The UN can actively engage with the Senegalese government to monitor and ensure the protection of protesters’ rights. They should press for accountability in cases of violence against protesters and urge for inclusive dialogue involving all relevant stakeholders, including opposition groups, women, youth, and vulnerable populations.

  6. The UN urges the Senegalese authorities to uphold democratic traditions and respect human rights by ending the disproportionate use of force against protesters. It’s crucial for the investigations into the killings to be prompt, thorough, and independent, holding the culprits accountable. Authorities must also ensure a fair legal process for those arrested during the protests. Both sides should refrain from violence amid escalating tensions to protect human rights, including freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

  7. The government should listen to the UN’s advice and engage in inclusive dialogue with the protesters to address the situation peacefully and respect human rights. It is crucial for authorities to investigate the killings promptly and hold those responsible accountable. All parties must refrain from violence to prevent further escalation of tensions.

  8. The government should ensure the investigation into the killings is prompt and independent, and those responsible are held accountable. Authorities must also guarantee due legal process for those arrested during the protests. It’s crucial for all sides to refrain from violence and uphold human rights, including the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

  9. The authorities in Senegal should listen to the UN’s call and engage in meaningful dialogue with the protesters to address their grievances peacefully. The recent incidents of violence against protestors must be thoroughly investigated, and those responsible held accountable. It is crucial for all parties to respect human rights, including the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, in order to avoid further unrest and promote inclusivity in the country’s decision-making process.

  10. Does the UN offer any specific recommendations on how the dialogue in Senegal can be made more inclusive for opposition groups, women, youth, and vulnerable populations?

  11. The authorities in Senegal need to address the concerns of the protesters and ensure a peaceful resolution. It is crucial that all parties refrain from violence and respect human rights. The UN’s call for an inclusive dialogue involving all voices, including opposition groups, women, youth, and vulnerable populations, is commendable.

  12. The authorities in Senegal need to address the growing unrest with transparency and respect for human rights, instead of resorting to violent suppression. The tragic deaths of young individuals during the protests must be swiftly and impartially investigated, with those responsible held accountable. It is crucial for both the government and protesters to refrain from violence and uphold the rights of all individuals, especially in the face of ongoing tensions. The UN’s call for an inclusive dialogue involving diverse voices is a positive step towards resolving the crisis and ensuring a peaceful future for Senegal.

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