Права человека

UN Raises Eyebrows over Uganda Sticking to Anti-LGBT Law

«По сообщениям, с момента принятия закона о борьбе с гомосексуализмом в мае прошлого года права около 600 человек были нарушены на основании их фактической или предполагаемой сексуальной ориентации или гендерной идентичности», – сказал Тюрк. 

«Он должен быть отменен полностью, иначе, к сожалению, этот показатель будет только расти», – добавил он. 

Он подчеркнул, что власти Уганды должны защищать права и достоинство всех, независимо от сексуальной ориентации или гендерной идентичности. Тюрк также заявил, что власти Уганды должны отменить статью 145 Уголовного кодекса, которая предусматривает уголовное наказание за однополые сексуальные отношения по обоюдному согласию. 

Криминализация однополых отношений по обоюдному согласию и применение смертной казни к тем, кто их практикует, противоречат обязательствам Уганды по международным договорам в сфере прав человека, заявил Тюрк.

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Верховный комиссар призвал власти Уганды запретить дискриминацию по признаку сексуальной ориентации и гендерной идентичности. 

«Конституция Уганды и ее обязательства по международным договорам по правам человека требуют ни чего иного, кроме как равного обращения и недискриминации для всех», – подчеркнул главный правозащитник ООН.

«Им [властям Уганды – прим.ред.] также следует внести поправки в закон о равных возможностях, чтобы закрепить запрет на дискриминацию на основании сексуальней ориентации, гендерной идентичности и самовыражения», – сказал он.  

Верховный комиссар также призвал власти обеспечить благоприятные условия для всех правозащитников, включая защитников прав представителей ЛГБТК-сообщества, для осуществления их законной деятельности, в том числе путем предоставления им возможности получить регистрацию и осуществлять без дискриминации свои права на свободу выражения мнений, ассоциаций и мирных собраний.



  1. Concerns have been raised at the UN about Uganda’s decision to retain the law combating homosexuality. “Reports indicate that since the law was enacted in May last year, the rights of approximately 600 individuals have been violated based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Tyurk. “It must be fully repealed, otherwise, unfortunately, this indicator will only continue to rise,” he added. He emphasized that the authorities of Uganda must protect the rights and dignity of all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Tyurk also stated that Uganda should repeal Article 145 of the Penal Code, which provides for criminal penalties for consensual same-sex relationships. Criminalizing consensual same-sex relationships and applying the death penalty to those who practice them are in contradiction with Uganda’s obligations under international human rights treaties,” Tyurk stated. The UN expert also called on the Ugandan authorities to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. “Uganda’s constitution and its obligations under international human rights treaties require nothing less than equal treatment and non-discrimination for all,” emphasized the chief UN human rights defender. “They [the authorities of Uganda] should also amend the Equal Opportunities Act to enshrine a prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity.

  2. “The decision of Uganda to uphold the Anti-LGBT law is deeply concerning. Reports indicate that since the law’s enactment in May last year, the rights of around 600 individuals have been violated based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Turk. “It must be completely repealed, otherwise, unfortunately, this statistic will only continue to rise,” he added. He emphasized that the authorities of Uganda must protect the rights and dignity of all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Turk also stated that the Ugandan authorities should revoke article 145 of the Penal Code, which provides for criminal punishment for consensual same-sex relationships. Criminalizing consensual same-sex relations and applying the death penalty to those who practice them contradict Uganda’s obligations under international human rights treaties, said Turk.”

  3. “The anti-LGBT law in Uganda has caused immense harm and violated the rights of hundreds of individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. It must be completely repealed to prevent further injustices. The authorities in Uganda should prioritize protecting the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is crucial to abolish Article 145 of the Penal Code, which criminalizes consensual same-sex relationships. Upholding such laws goes against Uganda’s human rights commitments and international treaties,” stated Mr. Turk, a UN representative. He also highlighted the importance for Uganda to amend its equal opportunities law to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as mandated by the country’s constitution and international human rights agreements.”

  4. Does the article mention any specific actions that the UN is planning to take to address the situation in Uganda regarding the Anti-LGBT law?

    1. Yes, the article mentions that the UN is calling for the complete repeal of the Anti-LGBT law in Uganda. Additionally, they are urging the Ugandan authorities to amend the Equal Opportunities Act to include a prohibition on discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

  5. “The UN report highlights the concerning violations of human rights in Uganda based on individuals’ sexual orientation or gender identity. It is imperative for the anti-LGBT law to be completely revoked to prevent further discrimination and injustice. Upholding the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, should be the priority for Ugandan authorities. The criminalization of consensual same-sex relationships and the death penalty for individuals practicing them contradict Uganda’s international human rights obligations,” stated Turk. “Ugandan authorities must also amend the Equal Opportunities Act to explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, in line with the country’s constitution and international human rights treaties.”

  6. According to the reports, since the anti-lGBT law was passed in May last year, the rights of about 600 individuals have been violated based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Turk. “It must be fully repealed, otherwise, unfortunately, this indicator will only continue to rise,” he added. He emphasized that the authorities in Uganda must uphold the rights and dignity of all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Turk also stated that the Ugandan authorities should repeal Article 145 of the Penal Code, which provides for criminal punishment for consensual same-sex relationships. Criminalizing consensual same-sex relationships and applying the death penalty to those who practice them contradict Uganda’s obligations under international human rights treaties,” said Turk. The UN expert called on the Ugandan authorities to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. “Uganda’s Constitution and its obligations under international human rights treaties require nothing less than equal treatment and non-discrimination for all,” emphasized the UN chief human rights officer. “They should also amend the equal opportunities law to entrench the prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity

  7. According to the report, since the anti-LGBT law was passed in May last year, the rights of around 600 people have been violated based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Tyrk. “It should be completely repealed, otherwise, unfortunately, this indicator will only continue to rise,” he added. He emphasized that the authorities in Uganda must protect the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Tyrk also stated that the Ugandan authorities should abolish Article 145 of the Penal Code, which provides for criminal punishment for consensual same-sex relationships. Criminalizing consensual same-sex relationships and applying the death penalty to those who practice them are contrary to Uganda’s obligations under international human rights treaties, Tyrk stated. The UN expert called on the Ugandan authorities to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. “Uganda’s Constitution and its obligations under international human rights treaties demand nothing less than equal treatment and non-discrimination for all,” emphasized the chief human rights officer at the UN. “They [the Ugandan authorities] should also amend the Equal Opportunities Act to enshrine a prohibition on discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity,

  8. Do you think the UN’s efforts will lead to any significant changes in Uganda’s stance on anti-LGBT laws?

    1. UN’s efforts are crucial in raising awareness and pressuring Uganda to reconsider its stance on anti-LGBT laws. The international community plays a key role in advocating for human rights and equality for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

  9. Does the UN have any specific strategies in mind to pressure Uganda into repealing the Anti-LGBT Law?

    1. Yes, the UN is actively engaging with Uganda to urge the repeal of the Anti-LGBT Law through diplomatic channels and dialogue with government officials. They are emphasizing the importance of upholding human rights and non-discrimination for all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

  10. “According to reports, since the adoption of the anti-gay law in May last year, the rights of about 600 people have been violated based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity,” Tyurk said. “It must be completely repealed, otherwise, unfortunately, this indicator will only grow,” he added. He emphasized that the authorities in Uganda must protect the rights and dignity of all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Tyurk also stated that the Ugandan authorities should repeal Article 145 of the Penal Code, which provides for criminal punishment for consensual same-sex relationships. The criminalization of consensual same-sex relationships and the use of the death penalty against those who practice them are contrary to Uganda’s commitments under international human rights treaties,” Tyurk said.”

  11. “The UN’s stance on Uganda maintaining the Anti-LGBT Law is commendable. It is crucial for the protection of human rights that laws discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity are repealed. The authorities in Uganda must prioritize equality and dignity for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is imperative that Uganda aligns its laws with international human rights treaties and eliminates punishments for consensual same-sex relationships. Upholding freedom and non-discrimination is essential for a just society.”

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