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The “Ocean Decade” Launches in Barcelona with Global Ocean Sciences Conference Hosted by UNESCO!

Конференция «Десятилетие океана» проходит в Барселоне при поддержке правительства Испании. В мероприятии принимают участие представители глобального сообщества и партнеров ЮНЕСКО. Делегаты обсудят достигнутый прогресс и определят приоритеты на будущее.

Океан занимает более 70 процентов территории планеты. И благополучие половины мирового населения в той или иной степени зависит от ресурсов океана. При этом 40 процентов Мирового океана считаются «сильно пострадавшими» от деятельности человека, в том числе от загрязнения, истощения рыбных запасов и потери прибрежных мест обитания.

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ЮНКТАД: экономика мирового океана оценивается в 3-6 млрд долларов

Без океанов мы не смогли бы дышать – они производят около 50 процентов кислорода на планете и к тому же поглощают углекислый газ, который способствует глобальному потеплению.

Мировой океан – это дом для множества видов нашей флоры и фауны и один из основных источников пищи и лекарственных средств. Так, например, рыбная ловля предоставляет доход десяткам миллионов людей. При этом на сегодняшний день около 90 процентов популяций крупной рыбы истощены, уничтожены 50 процентов коралловых рифов. 

Десятилетие науки об океане (2021–2030 года) призвано начать «революцию» в отношении человека к океану. Конференция охватит весь спектр поставленных в рамках Десятилетия задач. Среди тем мероприятия такие важнейшие вопросы, как изменение климата, продовольственная безопасность, биоразнообразие, экономика океана, загрязнение и стихийные бедствия.

Встреча в Барселоне также станет площадкой для поддержки научно обоснованных инноваций, в том числе локальных инициатив, в области устойчивого развития океана. 

Под руководством Межправительственной океанографической комиссии ЮНЕСКО (МОК/ЮНЕСКО) «Десятилетие океана» уже побудило тысячи партнеров по всему миру приступить к сотрудничеству в сфере научных данных и исследований.

Читайте также:

Антониу Гутерриш предложил план спасения океана



  1. The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. And the well-being of half of the world’s population depends to some extent on the resources of the ocean. At the same time, 40 percent of the World Ocean is considered “severely affected” by human activities, including pollution, depletion of fish stocks, and loss of coastal habitats. Without oceans, we wouldn’t be able to breathe – they produce about 50 percent of the planet’s oxygen and also absorb carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. The world ocean is home to a multitude of our flora and fauna species and a major source of food and medicinal resources. For example, fishing provides income to tens of millions of people. However, today about 90 percent of large fish populations are depleted, and 50 percent of coral reefs are destroyed. The Ocean Science Decade (2021–2030) is aimed at starting a “revolution” in how humans interact with the ocean. Conference

  2. The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the planet’s territory, and the well-being of half of the world’s population depends to some extent on ocean resources. At the same time, 40 percent of the World Ocean is considered “significantly affected” by human activities, including pollution, depletion of fish stocks, and loss of coastal habitats. Without the oceans, we wouldn’t be able to breathe – they produce about 50 percent of the planet’s oxygen and also absorb carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. The global ocean is home to a multitude of species of flora and fauna and is one of the main sources of food and medicinal resources. However, today around 90 percent of large fish populations are depleted, and 50 percent of coral reefs are destroyed. The Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030) aims to start a “revolution” in human relations with the ocean. The conference

  3. The ocean covers over 70 percent of the planet’s surface, and the well-being of half of the world’s population depends to some extent on ocean resources. However, 40 percent of the World Ocean is considered “heavily impacted” by human activities, including pollution, depletion of fish stocks, and loss of coastal habitats. Without oceans, we wouldn’t be able to breathe – they produce about 50 percent of the planet’s oxygen and also absorb carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. The global ocean is home to a multitude of our flora and fauna species and is one of the main sources of food and medicinal resources. For example, fishing provides income for tens of millions of people. Currently, around 90 percent of large fish populations are depleted, and 50 percent of coral reefs have been destroyed. The Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030) aims to start a “revolution” in how we relate to the ocean. Conference

  4. Isn’t it crucial for us to prioritize the protection of the ocean considering its vital role in sustaining life on our planet?

    1. It is indeed crucial for us to prioritize the protection of the ocean, given its vital role in sustaining life on our planet. With over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface covered by oceans, the well-being of half the world’s population is to some extent dependent on ocean resources. Actions like pollution, overfishing, and habitat loss have severely impacted 40 percent of the World Ocean, highlighting the urgency for conservation efforts. Let’s all work together towards a sustainable future for our oceans!

  5. The ocean covers over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. The well-being of half of the world’s population is in some way dependent on ocean resources. At the same time, 40 percent of the World Ocean is considered “significantly affected” by human activities, including pollution, depletion of fish stocks, and loss of coastal habitats. Without the oceans, we wouldn’t be able to breathe – they produce about 50 percent of the planet’s oxygen and also absorb carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. The global ocean is home to a myriad of flora and fauna species and is one of the main sources of food and medicinal resources. For example, fishing provides income for tens of millions of people. However, currently about 90 percent of large fish populations are depleted, and 50 percent of coral reefs are destroyed. The Ocean Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030) is aimed at starting a “revolution” in mankind’s relationship with the ocean. The conference…

  6. Isn’t it concerning how much the ocean is suffering due to human activities? What steps can individuals take to help protect and preserve our oceans for future generations?

    1. It is indeed alarming to see the negative impact human activities have on the ocean. Individuals can make a difference by reducing plastic use, supporting sustainable seafood practices, and participating in beach clean-ups. Small actions collectively can lead to significant positive changes in ocean conservation for future generations.

  7. The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the planet’s territory. And the well-being of half of the world’s population to some extent depends on the resources of the ocean. At the same time, 40 percent of the World Ocean is considered “severely affected” by human activities, including pollution, depletion of fish stocks, and loss of coastal habitats.Read more: UNCTAD: the global ocean economy is estimated at 3-6 billion dollars Without the oceans, we wouldn’t be able to breathe – they produce about 50 percent of the planet’s oxygen and also absorb carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. The World Ocean is home to numerous species of our flora and fauna and is one of the main sources of food and medicines. For example, fishing provides income for tens of millions of people. At the same time, today about 90 percent of large fish populations are depleted, and 50 percent of coral reefs are destroyed. The Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030) is intended to start a “revolution” in the way humans relate to the ocean. Conference

  8. Isn’t it crucial for us to prioritize the protection of our oceans and marine life considering the alarming statistics mentioned in the article?

    1. It is indeed crucial for us to prioritize the protection of our oceans and marine life, especially considering the alarming statistics highlighted in the article. The “Ocean Decade” and conferences like these play a vital role in raising awareness and fostering collective action towards preserving our planet’s most vital resource. Let’s all strive to be better stewards of the ocean for the well-being of current and future generations.

  9. The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. And the well-being of half of the world’s population depends to some extent on ocean resources. Meanwhile, 40 percent of the World Ocean is considered “severely affected” by human activities, including pollution, depletion of fish stocks, and loss of coastal habitats. Without oceans, we wouldn’t be able to breathe – they produce about 50 percent of the planet’s oxygen and also absorb carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. The world’s ocean is home to a multitude of our flora and fauna species and a major source of food and medicinal resources. For example, fishing provides income to tens of millions of people. However, today about 90 percent of large fish populations are depleted, and 50 percent of coral reefs are destroyed. The Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030) aims to start a “revolution” in the way humans relate to the ocean. Conference

  10. The ocean covers over 70 percent of the planet’s surface. And the well-being of half of the world’s population depends to some extent on ocean resources. At the same time, 40 percent of the World Ocean is considered “severely affected” by human activities, including pollution, depletion of fish stocks, and loss of coastal habitats. Without oceans, we wouldn’t be able to breathe – they produce about 50 percent of the planet’s oxygen and also absorb carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. The global ocean is home to a multitude of flora and fauna species and is one of the main sources of food and medicinal products. For example, fisheries provide income for tens of millions of people. However, today about 90 percent of large fish populations are depleted, and 50 percent of coral reefs are destroyed. The Ocean Decade of Science (2021-2030) aims to start a “revolution” in human attitude towards the ocean. Conference

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