
“Hey US, Time to amp up fight against deep-rooted racism” – Urges Expert

«Критический этап» борьбы с расизмом в США

Соединенные Штаты Америки находятся на критическом этапе борьбы с расизмом и расовой дискриминацией, заявила Ашвини К.П., Специальный докладчик ООН по вопросу о современных формах расизма, расовой дискриминации, ксенофобии и связанной с ними нетерпимости. 

«С одной стороны, убийства Джорджа Флойда, Бреонны Тейлор и многих других, несопоставимые последствия COVID-19 [для расовых меньшинств] и масштабные протесты за расовую справедливость в 2020 году приоткрыли некоторые реалии стойкого системного расизма для массового сознания американцев», – продолжила Ашвини. По ее словам, это способствовало активизации усилий, направленных на достижение расовой справедливости, в том числе со стороны администрации Байдена-Харрис.

Проявления системного расизма  

Однако, по словам эксперта, она была шокирована, а иногда и потрясена «многогранными и взаимно усиливающимися проявлениями системного расизма, которые она наблюдала в каждом штате». 

«Эти проявления расизма затрагивали представителей расово маргинализированных групп на каждом этапе их жизни, исторически, систематически и институционально», – отметила Ашвини. 

В заявлении эксперта ООН подробно описаны свидетельства, полученные ею от представителей расово маргинализированных групп. Пострадавшие, по ее словам, описали ей многочисленные проявления системного расизма, включая лишение избирательных прав, бездомность, экологический расизм, расово дискриминационные продовольственные системы и здравоохранение, а также дискриминационные системы управления миграцией.  

Благодатная почва для разжигания ненависти 

Специальный докладчик выявила в США признаки политической поляризации и нестабильности, экономической неопределенности, крайнего неравенства в доходах и распределении ресурсов. По ее мнению, подобные условия создают благодатную почву для преступлений на почве ненависти и языка вражды.  

Она подчеркнула, что в такой критический момент жизненно важно, чтобы правительство Соединенных Штатов придерживалось курса в борьбе с системным расизмом и «всепроникающей ненавистью». 

«Это потребует значительного увеличения инвестиций и их более справедливого распределения», – предупредила эксперт. Она призвала власти в США расширить участие представителей уязвимых групп в политической и общественной жизни, а также укрепить действия по изменению политического и социального климата. 

Идея превосходства белой расы

Спецдокладчица также напомнила о том, что в основе неравенства лежит идея превосходства белой расы, уходящая корнями в исторические причины расизма и расовой дискриминации, и предложила укрепить меры по противостоянию этой идеи. 

Специальные докладчики работают на общественных началах; они не являются сотрудниками ООН и не получают зарплату за свою работу. Они независимы от какого-либо правительства или организации и действуют в индивидуальном качестве.



  1. As an independent expert, I believe the United States must intensify efforts to combat “persistent systemic racism.” The US is at a critical stage in the fight against racism and racial discrimination, stated Ashwini K.P., the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance. “On one hand, the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many others, the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on racial minorities, and the widespread protests for racial justice in 2020 have brought some harsh realities of enduring systemic racism to the mass consciousness of Americans,” continued Ashwini. According to her, this has spurred efforts towards achieving racial justice, including from the Biden-Harris administration. Manifestations of systemic racism. However, the expert expressed shock and sometimes dismay at the “multifaceted and mutually reinforcing manifestations of systemic racism” she observed in every state. “These displays of racism have affected representatives of racially marginalized groups at every stage of their lives, historically, systematically, and institutionally,” noted Ashwini. In her statement, the UN expert detailed evidence she received from representatives of racially marginalized groups. The victims, she said, described numerous instances of systemic racism, including voter disenfranchisement, homelessness, environmental racism, racially discriminatory food systems, and healthcare.

  2. “The United Nations’ independent expert has called on the US to step up efforts to combat ‘enduring systemic racism.’ This is a critical juncture in the fight against racism in the United States,” stated Ashwini K.P., the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance. “On one hand, the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many others, the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on racial minorities, and the massive racial justice protests in 2020 have brought to light some harsh realities of enduring systemic racism to the American consciousness,” Ashwini continued. According to her, this has spurred efforts towards achieving racial justice, including from the Biden-Harris administration. Manifestations of systemic racism, however, have left her shocked and sometimes deeply disturbed. ‘I have witnessed multifaceted and mutually reinforcing manifestations of systemic racism in every state,’ she expressed. ‘These manifestations have affected members of racially marginalized groups at every stage of their lives, historically, systematically, and institutionally,’ noted Ashwini. In her statement, the UN expert extensively detailed testimonies she gathered from members of racially marginalized groups. The affected individuals described to her numerous manifestations of systemic racism, including voter disenfranchisement, homelessness, environmental racism, racially discriminatory food systems, and healthcare.”

  3. Are there any specific recommendations mentioned in the article on how the US can step up efforts against systemic racism?

    1. Yes, the expert in the article highlights the importance of stepping up efforts against systemic racism in the US, especially in light of recent events like the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor murders, as well as the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on racial minorities. The expert also commends the Biden-Harris administration for their efforts towards racial justice. It is crucial for the US to address the deep-rooted systemic racism to achieve true equality.

  4. The United States is indeed facing a critical stage in the fight against racism and racial discrimination. The alarming events such as the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many others, coupled with the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on racial minorities and the extensive protests for racial justice in 2020 have shed light on the enduring systemic racism for the American public. It has spurred efforts towards achieving racial justice, including those from the Biden-Harris administration. However, I was shocked and sometimes dismayed by the multifaceted and mutually reinforcing manifestations of systemic racism that I witnessed in every state. These manifestations of racism have affected marginalized racial groups across every stage of their lives historically, systematically, and institutionally.

  5. The United States is indeed facing a critical moment in the fight against racism and racial discrimination. The recent events have shed light on the deep-rooted systemic racism present in society. It is crucial that efforts are intensified to achieve racial justice, and it is significant to see steps being taken by the Biden-Harris administration. However, it is disheartening to learn about the multiple facets of systemic racism experienced by marginalized communities across the states. These issues must be addressed at every level to truly tackle racism and inequity.

  6. It is crucial that the US takes decisive action to combat the deep-rooted racism and racial discrimination highlighted by recent events. The efforts towards racial justice must be intensified at all levels of society to truly achieve equality.

  7. It is imperative that the US intensifies its efforts in combating deep-rooted racism. The recent events, such as the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on racial minorities, and the widespread protests for racial justice in 2020, have brought to light the stark realities of systemic racism in American society. The Biden-Harris administration’s steps towards achieving racial justice are commendable, but we cannot ignore the multifaceted and mutually reinforcing manifestations of systemic racism that persist across all states. It is crucial to address these issues that continue to affect marginalized communities historically, systematically, and institutionally.

  8. It is time that the US takes substantial actions to combat deep-rooted racism and systemic discrimination. The recent events, such as the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, and the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on minority communities, have shed light on the persistent systemic racism ingrained in American society. The efforts towards racial justice need to be intensified, and the Biden-Harris administration plays a crucial role in this endeavor. However, the revelations of systemic racism in every state, affecting marginalized groups at every stage of their lives, are shocking and alarming. It is imperative to address these manifestations of racism comprehensively and urgently.

  9. Do you think the current administration is effectively addressing the deep-rooted racism issues in the US?

    1. As an experienced journalist covering social issues, I believe that the current administration is making strides in addressing deep-rooted racism in the US. The events surrounding George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the large-scale protests for racial justice in 2020 have brought awareness to the systemic racism ingrained in American society. The efforts initiated by the Biden-Harris administration have shown promise in working towards racial justice. However, there is still much work to be done to dismantle the complex layers of systemic racism affecting marginalized communities nationwide.

  10. “The United States is indeed facing a critical stage in the fight against racism. The recent events, such as the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on racial minorities, and the widespread protests for racial justice in 2020, have shed light on the deep-rooted systemic racism in American society. It is commendable to see the efforts being made towards achieving racial justice, including by the Biden-Harris administration. However, the manifestations of systemic racism described by the expert are truly shocking and disturbing. It is crucial to address these issues affecting marginalized communities at every level, historically, systematically, and institutionally.”

  11. It’s crucial that the US takes decisive actions to combat deep-rooted racism. The recent tragic events and protests have shed light on the systemic racism present in society, and it’s time for concrete steps towards racial justice. It’s disheartening to hear about the ongoing manifestations of racism across different states, affecting marginalized communities in various aspects of their lives. The efforts must intensify to ensure a more equitable and inclusive society.

  12. Is the expert suggesting any specific actions that the US government should take to address the systemic racism highlighted?

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