UN Teams Up with 30 Folks to Share their Tales at Cool Photo Show in Kazakhstan
В столице Казахстана Астане проходит фотовыставка «ООН и я» (UN & Me) – 30 историй обычных казахстанцев, чья стойкость, целеустремленность и вера в лучшее не только изменили их собственные жизни, но и внесли вклад в развитие страны.
От студентов до врачей и предпринимателей, от представителей гражданского сектора до политиков и агрономов – каждая история свидетельствует о силе человеческого духа и важности поддержки со стороны глобального сообщества.
На протяжении более 30 лет ООН активно поддерживает различные инициативы и проекты в Казахстане, способствуя развитию общества и улучшению качества жизни его граждан. В 2023 году Казахстан достиг значительного прогресса на пути устойчивого развития, приняв Cтратегию углеродной нейтральности, новый Социальный кодекс, ускорив инклюзивное предоставление услуг на основе цифровых технологий, а также приняв меры по улучшению защиты социально-экономических прав уязвимых групп.
ООН поддерживала Казахстан и оказывала стране консультационные услуги по вопросам политики, продвигала международные нормы и стандарты, а также осуществляла ряд программы для продвижения Целей устойчивого развития.
Согласно представленному сегодня докладу ООН о деятельности в Казахстане, совместная с партнерами финансовая поддержка ООН этой стране составила в минувшем году 33,3 миллиона долларов.
«“ООН и я” – это не только про Организацию Объединенных Наций, это про нас с вами, про каждого человека, который вносит свой вклад в общее благо мира. Выставки, подобные этой, очень важны и служат напоминанием о невероятной стойкости и силе человеческого духа и вдохновляют нас на дальнейшую работу по построению более справедливого, равноправного и устойчивого мира», – сказала Координатор ООН в Казахстане Микаэла Фриберг-Стори.
Депутат с инвалидностью
Среди героев выставки – сенатор Ляззат Калтаева, одна из шести депутатов с инвалидностью в стране. Она активно занимается защитой прав людей с ограниченными возможностями, и в том числе – отстаивает репродуктивные права женщин-инвалидов.
Ляззат Калтаева – партнер Фонда ООН в области народонаселения (ЮНФПА). Ляззат считает, что ООН расширила ее представления о глобальном движении людей с инвалидностью и борьбе за права женщин.
Сенатор автино поддерживает Конвенцию ООН о правах людей с инвалидностью: «Страны, ратифицирующие такие документы, отмечают положительные изменения в жизни людей с инвалидностью».
Девиз Ляззат – «Держи спину прямо, какой бы неровной она ни была».
Беженка, которая учится на врача
Ясамин прибыла в Казахстан как беженка в 2006 году, когда ей исполнился всего год. Благодаря поддержке Управления ООН по делам беженцев она поступила в Казахский национальный университет имени Аль-Фараби в рамках Болонского процесса и учится на врача.
Зачисление в ВУЗ стало поворотным моментом в ее жизни. «ООН помогла мне преодолеть трудности, получить грант и в итоге оказаться там, где я нахожусь сегодня», – вспоминает Ясамин.
Стипендии Болонского процесса впервые были представлены в 2023 году. Ясамин – одна из двух студентов-беженцев, обучающихся в Казахстане по этой программе.
Бывший заключенный
История жизни Мурата Смагулова – это история трансформации и второго шанса. Когда-то он был заключенным, а теперь живет на свободе и работает электриком – работу он получил благодаря поддержке службы пробации.
ООН и местные фонды сыграли в его истории решающую роль. «После освобождения ООН помогала в решении юридических вопросов», – вспоминает Мурат. Участие в общественных мероприятиях, таких как футбольные соревнования, способствовало его реинтеграции.
В 2018 году Казахстан присоединился к глобальной инициативе ЕС и ООН по работе с заключенными из числа экстремистов. В рамках этой программы поддержку получили 100 заключенных в двух пилотных регионах – Караганде и Павлодаре. Цель инициативы – способствовать их реабилитации и реинтеграции в общество.
Режиссер, получивший финансирование Венецианского фестиваля
Эльдар Шибанов достиг успеха в кинематографе, получив финансирование Венецианского кинофестиваля за свой сценарий «Горный лук». Он занял второе место в Центральноазиатской «лаборатории сценариев», организованной ЮНЕСКО в Алматы.
Это первый случай, когда проект из Центральной Азии получил такое признание. Премьера фильма, снятого по этому сценарию, состоялась весной 2023 года.
«Благодаря усилиям ООН я стал режиссером с дебютным полнометражным фильмом, премьера которого состоялась в Венеции. Это действительно замечательно», – говорит Эльдар.
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Гендерное равенство: масштабное исследование ООН и правительства Казахстана
Garrett is a skilled author driven by a desire to illuminate global issues through his writing. With a foundation in journalism and international relations, he offers a distinctive viewpoint in his work, exploring the complexities of geopolitical events in depth.
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from representatives of the civil sector to politicians and agronomists – each story testifies to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. For over 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to societal development and improving the quality of life of its citizens. In 2023, Kazakhstan made significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating the inclusive provision of services based on digital technologies, as well as taking measures to enhance the protection of the socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN supported Kazakhstan by providing consultative services on policy issues, promoting international norms and standards, and implementing a range of programs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. According to today’s UN report on activities in Kazakhstan, joint financial support from the UN and its partners is
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from representatives of the civil sector to politicians and agronomists – each story testifies to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. Over the past 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of society and improving the quality of life of its citizens. In 2023, Kazakhstan made significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating the inclusive provision of services based on digital technologies, and taking measures to improve the protection of the socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN supported Kazakhstan by providing policy consultation services, promoting international norms and standards, and implementing a range of programs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. According to today’s UN report on activities in Kazakhstan, joint financial support from the UN and its partners is key to…
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from representatives of the civil sector to politicians and agronomists – each story testifies to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. Over the past 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of society and improving the quality of life of its citizens. In 2023, Kazakhstan made significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating inclusive service delivery based on digital technologies, and taking measures to improve the protection of socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN supported Kazakhstan, provided the country with policy advisory services, promoted international norms and standards, and implemented a range of programs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. According to today’s UN report on activities in Kazakhstan, joint financial support with partners is
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from representatives of civil society to politicians and agronomists – each story attests to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. Over the past 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of society and improving the quality of life for its citizens. In 2023, Kazakhstan achieved significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating inclusive service delivery based on digital technologies, and taking measures to enhance the protection of socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN supported Kazakhstan and provided the country with policy advisory services, promoted international norms and standards, and implemented a series of programs to advance Sustainable Development Goals. According to the UN report presented today on activities in Kazakhstan, the joint financial support of the UN with its partners is…
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from civil society representatives to politicians and agronomists – each story testifies to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. Over the past 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of society and the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens. In 2023, Kazakhstan made significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating the inclusive provision of services based on digital technologies, as well as taking measures to enhance the protection of the socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN has supported Kazakhstan by providing advisory services on policy issues, promoting international norms and standards, and implementing a range of programs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. According to today’s UN report on activities in Kazakhstan, joint financial support from the UN and its partners is
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from civil society representatives to politicians and agronomists – each story attests to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. For over 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of society and the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens. In 2023, Kazakhstan made significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating inclusive service provision based on digital technologies, and taking measures to enhance the protection of socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN has supported Kazakhstan and provided the country with policy advisory services, promoted international norms and standards, as well as implemented a number of programs to promote the Sustainable Development Goals. According to the UN report presented today on its activities in Kazakhstan, the joint financial support from the UN with its partners is…
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from civil society representatives to politicians and agronomists – each story attests to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. Over more than 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of society and improvement of its citizens’ quality of life. In 2023, Kazakhstan made significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating inclusive digital service delivery, and taking measures to enhance protection of socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN has supported Kazakhstan by providing policy advisory services, promoting international norms and standards, and implementing programs to advance Sustainable Development Goals. According to the UN report on activities in Kazakhstan presented today, the joint financial support from the UN and its partners is…
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from civil society representatives to politicians and agronomists – each story attests to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. Over more than 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to society’s development and improving the quality of life of its citizens. In 2023, Kazakhstan made significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating the inclusive provision of digital technology-based services, and taking measures to enhance the protection of socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN has supported Kazakhstan by providing policy advisory services, promoting international norms and standards, and implementing a range of programs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. According to today’s UN report on activities in Kazakhstan, joint financial support from the UN and its partners is
How has the collaboration between UN and local individuals impacted the community’s perception of sustainable development in Kazakhstan?
The collaboration between UN and local individuals in Kazakhstan has significantly impacted the community’s perception of sustainable development. Through stories like those showcased at the UN & Me photo show, people have witnessed the resilience, determination, and belief in a better future that have not only transformed individual lives but also contributed to the country’s development. From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from civil society representatives to politicians and agronomists, each story highlights the strength of the human spirit and the importance of global support. Over the past 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, fostering societal development and improving citizens’ quality of life. In 2023, Kazakhstan made substantial progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating inclusive service provision based on digital technologies, and taking measures to enhance the protection of socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN has provided Kazakhstan with consultations on policy matters, promoted international norms and standards, as well as implemented programs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. The joint financial support of the UN and its partners, as highlighted in today’s UN report on activities in Kazakhstan, has been crucial in facilitating the country’s sustainable development.
Do you have more information on how the UN initiatives in Kazakhstan have specifically impacted the lives of the people featured in the photo exhibition?
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from representatives of civil society to politicians and agronomists – each story attests to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. For over 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of society and the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens. In 2023, Kazakhstan made significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating inclusive service delivery based on digital technologies, and taking measures to enhance the protection of the socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN has supported Kazakhstan and provided the country with policy advisory services, promoted international norms and standards, and implemented a range of programs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. According to today’s UN report on activities in Kazakhstan, the joint financial support from the UN, together with partners, is
From students to doctors and entrepreneurs, from members of the civil sector to politicians and agronomists – each story attests to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of support from the global community. For over 30 years, the UN has actively supported various initiatives and projects in Kazakhstan, contributing to the development of society and the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens. In 2023, Kazakhstan has made significant progress towards sustainable development by adopting the Carbon Neutrality Strategy, a new Social Code, accelerating the inclusive provision of services based on digital technologies, and taking measures to enhance the protection of socio-economic rights of vulnerable groups. The UN supported Kazakhstan and provided the country with policy advisory services, promoted international norms and standards, and implemented a series of programs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. According to today’s UN report on activities in Kazakhstan, the joint financial support from the UN and its partners is