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UNICEF Cheers as Tajikistan Brings Back 32 Kids and 15 Women from Syria

В Детском фонде ООН (ЮНИСЕФ) сегодня приветствовали репатриацию Таджикистаном 32 детей и 15 женщин из Сирии. В фонде заявили, что высоко оценивают выполнение правительством Таджикистана своих обязательств по Конвенции о правах ребенка и содействие реинтеграции детей и их матерей в их семьи и сообщества.

ООН неоднократно обращалась к странам с призывом репатриировать своих граждан, которые до сих пор проживают в тяжелых условиях в лагерях для перемещенных лиц в Сирии и Ираке.

«ЮНИСЕФ работает со странами, включая Таджикистан, для поддержки реинтеграции детей обратно в страны их происхождения в соответствии с их гражданством», – говорится в официальном заявлении ЮНИСЕФ. 

Детский фонд поддерживает правительство Таджикистана в обеспечении семейного ухода, индивидуальной оценки потребностей детей и матерей, в защите их психического здоровья, а также в обеспечении им доступа к образованию и созданию возможностей трудоустройства. Все это способствует психосоциальному восстановлению и развитию детей, отмечают в ЮНИСЕФ.

«Поддержка детей и семей, возвращающихся из зон конфликта, имеет решающее значение для обеспечения их успешной реинтеграции в сообщества», – заявляют в Детском фонде.  

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Страны Центральной Азии рассказали о том, как возвращают из Ирака и Сирии своих граждан, подозреваемых в терроризме



  1. Does the UNICEF provide ongoing support for the families after their repatriation, especially in terms of education and employment opportunities?

    1. UNICEF plays a crucial role in providing continuous support to the families after their repatriation, particularly in terms of education and employment opportunities. This includes assisting the children and mothers with access to education, ensuring their mental well-being, and creating job prospects. Such efforts are essential for the successful reintegration of these families into their communities.

  2. UNICEF cheers as Tajikistan brings back 32 kids and 15 women from Syria. It’s great to see countries fulfilling their obligations to protect the rights of children and support their reintegration into families and communities.

  3. UNICEF cheers as Tajikistan brings back 32 kids and 15 women from Syria. The organization highly appreciates the government of Tajikistan fulfilling its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and assisting in the reintegration of children and their mothers into their families and communities. UNICEF has repeatedly urged countries to repatriate their citizens living in harsh conditions in camps for displaced persons in Syria and Iraq. “UNICEF works with countries, including Tajikistan, to support the reintegration of children back to their countries of origin in accordance with their citizenship,” states the official UNICEF statement. The organization supports the government of Tajikistan in providing family care, individual assessment of the needs of children and mothers, protecting their mental health, as well as ensuring access to education and creating employment opportunities. All of this contributes to the psychosocial recovery and development of children, as noted by UNICEF. “Supporting children and families returning from conflict zones is crucial for their successful reintegration into communities,” says the Children’s Fund.

  4. UNICEF cheers as Tajikistan brings back 32 kids and 15 women from Syria. It’s great to see the government fulfilling its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and supporting the reintegration of these individuals into their families and communities.

  5. Why is UNICEF specifically cheering for Tajikistan bringing back these kids and women from Syria? What makes this mission stand out?

    1. UNICEF cheers for Tajikistan bringing back these kids and women from Syria because it highlights the government’s commitment to child rights and supporting reintegration efforts. The mission’s success is crucial for the children and families returning from conflict zones for their successful reintegration into communities.

  6. UNICEF cheers as Tajikistan brings back 32 kids and 15 women from Syria. It’s heartwarming to see the efforts being made to ensure the safe return and reintegration of those affected by conflict. Kudos to Tajikistan for upholding their commitments to children’s rights and supporting families in need.

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