Объявлен международный конкурс на модернизацию жилого фонда Харькова
В рамках новой концепции генерального плана Харькова, второго по численности населения города Украины, Фонд Нормана Фостера совместно с Харьковским городским советом объявил международный конкурс на модернизацию жилых кварталов города.
С самого начала войны Европейская экономическая комиссия (ЕЭК) ООН оказывает поддержку мэрии Харькова и правительству Украины в подготовке к восстановлению города и решении его жилищных проблем. Пилотный проект в рамках инициативы UN4UkrainianCities позволит перевести процесс генерального планирования на следующий этап.
Конкурс предполагает разработку инновационной модульной системы, способной перестроить существующие жилые дома из бетонных панелей и расширить общественные пространства, чтобы создать безопасные, энергоэффективные и оживленные районы. Конкурс сфокусирован на Салтовке, самом густонаселенном районе Харькова, где проживают около 400 тысяч человек, а точнее – Северной Салтовке, наиболее сильно пострадавшей в начале войны.
Предложения, подаваемые на конкурс, должны предусматривать не только модернизацию жилых домов из бетонных панелей, но и восстановление разрушенных зданий. Заявка также должна предусматривать строительство сооружений гражданской обороны – бомбоубежищ.
Построенные быстрыми темпами и разбросанные по всему городу для обеспечения жильем заводских рабочих во второй половине XX века, дома из бетонных панелей обычно не имеют надлежащей изоляции и качественных жилых помещений. Хотя Салтовка имеет хорошее транспортное и дорожное сообщение с другими районами города, а также школы и изолированные коммерческие зоны, почти исключительно жилой характер этого района рассматривается как растущая проблема в плане удобства проживания, безопасности и устойчивого развития.
После объявления победителей конкурса в октябре 2024 года отобранные предложения будут доработаны в детальные строительные проекты.
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Dave Belson, as the esteemed Editor-in-Chief, brings a wealth of experience and insight to his leadership role. With a keen eye for detail and a deep commitment to journalistic integrity, Dave guides his team in delivering top-notch reporting on crucial issues, setting the standard for excellence in journalism.
Could you provide more details on the deadline for submissions and the criteria for selecting the winning proposals for the modernization competition?
Certainly, EmilySmith. The deadline for submissions for the modernization competition is set for September 30th. The criteria for selecting the winning proposals will focus on innovation, sustainability, community impact, and the capability to address the city’s housing challenges effectively. Hope this information helps!
Since the beginning of the war, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has been supporting the mayor of Kharkiv and the government of Ukraine in preparing for the city’s reconstruction and addressing its housing problems. The pilot project under the UN4UkrainianCities initiative will advance the urban planning process to the next stage. The competition involves developing an innovative modular system capable of renovating existing residential buildings made of concrete panels and expanding public spaces to create safe, energy-efficient, and vibrant neighborhoods. The focus of the competition is on Saltivka, the most densely populated district of Kharkiv with around 400,000 residents, specifically Northern Saltivka, which was most affected at the beginning of the war. Proposals submitted to the competition should not only involve modernizing residential buildings made of concrete panels but also restoring destroyed structures. The application should also include the construction of civil defense facilities – bomb shelters. Constructed rapidly…
Since the beginning of the war, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has been supporting the Kharkiv City Council and the government of Ukraine in preparing for the city’s recovery and addressing its housing issues. The pilot project under the UN4UkrainianCities initiative will advance the general planning process to the next level. The competition involves developing an innovative modular system capable of reconfiguring existing residential buildings made of concrete panels and expanding public spaces to create safe, energy-efficient, and vibrant neighborhoods. The contest is focused on Saltivka, the most densely populated district in Kharkiv, home to around 400,000 people, specifically North Saltivka, which suffered the most at the beginning of the war. The proposals submitted for the competition must not only entail the modernization of residential buildings made of concrete panels but also the restoration of destroyed structures. The application should also include the construction of civil defense facilities – bomb shelters. Built quickly
Since the beginning of the war, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has been supporting the Kharkiv City Council and the government of Ukraine in preparing for the city’s recovery and addressing its housing issues. The pilot project under the UN4UkrainianCities initiative will move the general planning process to the next stage. The competition involves the development of an innovative modular system capable of renovating existing residential buildings made of concrete panels and expanding public spaces to create safe, energy-efficient, and vibrant neighborhoods. The focus of the competition is on Saltivka, the most densely populated district of Kharkiv, home to about 400 thousand people, specifically North Saltivka, which was the most affected at the beginning of the war. Proposals submitted for the competition must not only involve the modernization of residential buildings made of concrete panels but also the reconstruction of damaged buildings. The application must also include the construction of civil defense structures – bomb shelters. Constructed